
the meeting of the guilds pt2

I wake up early to prep our gear for our trip to the guild meeting and after strapping on my gear I have 1-UP strap into the rack in the back of S.A.L.L.Y and start attaching his equipment for the trip and deciding to with the heavy support load out consisting of a triple tube javelin smart missile launcher along with the aiming module which gets plugged into his right eye and a Textron Systems beltfed 6.8mm automatic rifle which is essentially a upgraded m249 saw with a chain feed going into a Scorpio backpack and after loading all of his weapons I say "1-UP Activate mission parameters heavy support bodyguard detail"


With setting up 1-UP finished I have him follow me to the truck which is a Oshkosh LATV in flatbed configuration with extra armor attached and I check that the tires are full, the lights work , check that the radio is in working order, and make sure it has a full tank of gas so we don't get stuck anywhere along the way

After triple checking everything is shipshape I radio Eve that everything is ready for the trip and we can get going whenever she's ready to go and she radios that she's on her way out so I pull the LATV around to the front door and wait for her with 1-UP sitting in the flatbed scanning the surrounding area and after waiting maybe 2 minutes Eve comes out wearing her usual purple dress but she's added an old Interceptor vest along with a tactical vest filled with mags of 7.62mm rounds and carrying a MK17 with aimpoint sight and a folding vertical foregrip

"Hmm Eve where did you get all of that it's good gear and all but it's a little old and I have never seen you carry anything as far as heavy gear"

"it's all my grandfather's gear which I learned to us from age 5 and don't worry the vest is old but I made sure to put fresh plates in and checked the kevlar for wear and tear"

"Alright then let's get going then you've got shotgun while 1-UP gets the back " I say as I hop in the driver's seat and we start going to the meeting and I have the guard at the town gate scan my pass while he tells me to be careful because there have been reports of road warriors in the area hounding people so we should be careful and report anything on the radio to the patrol teams so they can try to handle it

I thank the guard for his advice and drive due North on what's left of the road and after driving for maybe an hour and a half 1-UP calls my radio and says "There's some punk ass posers trying to roll us over Boss advise on response"

"Numbers and composition?" I ask

"I can confirm 21 posers, four bikes with 2 on each, five in a technical with an M60, 2 armed dune buggies armed with 240 bravo machine guns with 3 men each and one bike with sidecar armed with a m249 saw and 2 riders"

" take out the technical and the buggies with missiles and then fire at will" I tell 1-UP

After confirming my orders 1-UP targets the technical truck and fires a smart rocket with a puff until the truck explodes with a whoosh nailing one of the bikes with shrapnel causing the rest of the road warriors to fan out to be more difficult to target until 1-UP nails the buggies with a missile each and starts blasting away with his Saw making a "ratatatatata" until one of the bikers jumps from the back of his bike and jumps onto the windshield and starts trying to crack the glass with a tire iron so I tell Eve to hold the wheel and while she grabs it I roll down the window stick my body halfway out the window and blast the biker in the face with my 50cal Glock 20 blowing the back of his head off and drag him off the hood making one the bikes spin out and crash after running him over and I take out the last bike by sideswiping him while he's distracted making him slam right into a rock turning him into meat paste and after noticing that the gunfire has stopped I turn around and find the bike that flipped and after searching the guy in the sidecar I find a note showing a crude map of the route we were using today which tells me I'm going to have to go rat hunting when I get back

After pocketing the map I get back in the LATV and gun it he rest of the way to the guild compound and explain the encounter to the guild guards and then I take Eve inside after turning in my rifle