
Desiree's past

After finishing up my shift I sit Desiree down next to me while we and look out at the Wasteland outside our window and I ask her

"So Desiree I was wondering about something"

"What's that Master"

"Well I'm wondering about how you were able to take out that drunk earlier because you took him out without any hesitation and with a blade no less"

"Oh yeah that well before I was enslaved I actually grew up as the daughter of a Warlord in the wastes and my father was quite insistent that I be able to defend myself"

"Which Warlord was he if you don't mind me asking"

"My father was Jerak ruler of the Boneyard and Chief of the Iron Lords"

"My God Desiree I heard he was killed more than 10 years ago, does that mean you were a slave that whole time"

"Yes I was enslaved when he and his loyal troopers were betrayed by my uncle with help from the reavers, I was 15 when I was captured then you rescued me from that living hell"

"I am curious though why didn't you just slit six gun Sal's throat when he was sleeping or something like that and escape"

"Well it's not like I didn't consider it but he is always surrounded by his brothers and their gang and he always made sure I couldn't enough to eat so I would be constantly starving and they kept the water strictly controlled so nobody could run away" upon finishing up her story Desiree starts sobbing so I grab her and give her a gentle hug

"I promise you Desiree that nobody will ever lay a hand on you ever again and I am going to make Sal's suffering legendary next time I ever lay eyes on him again I promise you that on my very honor as both a man and as a soldier, I swear it on my very blood that nothing shall ever hurt you again" after saying that I pull a small knife from my waist and slice the palm of my hand and spread the blood upon a blank piece paper which I seal in wax

"I'm so lucky to meet you Holt" she says right before she practically leaps at me and we spend quite a long time exploring each other until we both pass out on top of each other

I'll post the sex scene with Holt and Desiree next time too sleepy but I hope y'all enjoy

ptg0821creators' thoughts