

"So do you agree to this Ms Aliyu?"he asked "......yeah but I've got certain conditions." She replied looking up to him "Which are?" He enquired "First of, I'm not an employee of yours." She said. He narrowed his eyes at that. He doesn't like when the question or defy his authority. ".... most important of all." She paused with a serious look on her face. " ... No catching feelings. " Aisha Aliyu, a strong willed vibrant young lady who is in her fourth year of undergraduate studies in Interior decor & designing in the university strives hard to meet the ends of such a big a economy which she is not accustomed to. Been the daring type she registers on a website for escorts as a way of having a new experience. But hardly did she know that sealing that contract with one of the most successful businessman in the US would change her life totally. Michael J Donovan, a very successful businessman in his late twenties is no where near the path of relationships. He loves his freedom, his job and is a total control freak. But sometimes it just takes one second with the right person to turn everything around. He ran away from anything emotion related but finds himself in an irrevocable situation after agreeing to her conditions in the contract. Would there be a possibility for a turn back point in their lives after such decisions? Given their differences at every aspect of their lives. Get in the lives of two controversial people, whose paths get intertwined by a contract and leads them to something in which they never believe. See their funny moments, crazy characters and daily habits.

daughter-of-virgo · Urban
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36 Chs

Chapter 26


We had returned from our trip to Milan. Aisha and Lyra had hit it off well as I thought. So it's safe to say they're tied at the hip now. They text chat literary everyday and Lyra is always on my back asking about her or when she could come over and meet her at work. Like she doesn't have a damn phone through which they gossip all night. They go shopping and doing other stuffs together. They should be about the same age just a 1 or 2 years age difference and they both go to college so they have pretty much alot in common to keep them busy all day chatting.

Lyra has been getting really annoying these pass days with me making a move on Aisha. The girl is amazing ok but I ain't ready yet for any relationship and she knows that. Besides I don't like her that way. We're good friends that work together - end of story.