

"So do you agree to this Ms Aliyu?"he asked "......yeah but I've got certain conditions." She replied looking up to him "Which are?" He enquired "First of, I'm not an employee of yours." She said. He narrowed his eyes at that. He doesn't like when the question or defy his authority. ".... most important of all." She paused with a serious look on her face. " ... No catching feelings. " Aisha Aliyu, a strong willed vibrant young lady who is in her fourth year of undergraduate studies in Interior decor & designing in the university strives hard to meet the ends of such a big a economy which she is not accustomed to. Been the daring type she registers on a website for escorts as a way of having a new experience. But hardly did she know that sealing that contract with one of the most successful businessman in the US would change her life totally. Michael J Donovan, a very successful businessman in his late twenties is no where near the path of relationships. He loves his freedom, his job and is a total control freak. But sometimes it just takes one second with the right person to turn everything around. He ran away from anything emotion related but finds himself in an irrevocable situation after agreeing to her conditions in the contract. Would there be a possibility for a turn back point in their lives after such decisions? Given their differences at every aspect of their lives. Get in the lives of two controversial people, whose paths get intertwined by a contract and leads them to something in which they never believe. See their funny moments, crazy characters and daily habits.

daughter-of-virgo · Urban
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36 Chs

Chapter 14



I was in the lift up to Michael's office. I was really curious as to why he made that proposal. And to me of all people. The way we parted ways was pretty awkward. I was sure we had never see each other again. But it seems something came up.

Once the lift stopped and its doors opened I stepped out moving straight to his office. I was at the bend before his office when I almost bumped into a furious lady coming in my direction. I slowed my steps and stepped aside to let her pass. She was like a moving storm walking that way. When I checked where she came from I saw it was Michael's office. Uhoh. I smell trouble. I hope I'm not coming at a bad moment. I knocked at his door and heard his gruff voice from the other side. He seemed aggravated. I opened the door gently showing my face first.

"I hope I'm not disturbing you?" I said timidly. He looked so sexy in his all broody mood and his business suit which only accentuated his looks.

Urg! What am i saying? Focus Aisha. His hair looked ruffled up like he had been continually running his fingers through his hair out of frustration. At my voice he immediately looked up from the pile of documents before him.

"Oh Ms Aliyu." he said closing the file. "Come in please." He said standing up. I stepped in closing the door slowly.

"There was something you wish to discuss with me, sir?" I asked.

"Yeah we do. Over lunch. I'm so sorry I had something to deal with. But we may go now." he replies moving over to his desk and picking the receiver. "Ann. Carry over all my meetings for this afternoon. I'll be out for lunch." he said dropping the receiver. "We may now leave.". he said moving towards a glass door opening up to his personal lift which was some sort of glass cylinder tube. Seriously what has this guy got with glass wares everywhere? I'm sure he's a freak about cleanliness.

His peculiar fresh male fragrance filled my nostrils as we both got into the lift. He smelled of wild flowers, mint and a mixture of the ocean. His scent was so intoxicating it almost made me lean over to get more. Seriously with such perfume you need no charms. It's good enough to compel a woman.

Regain your composure girl. This guy is way out of my league. I should keep that in mind.

"So where are we going?" I asked as we stepped out in the lobby.

"Somewhere private." he replied "I don't have time to deal with pesky and pompous paparazzi. I need to be alone with you for this." He said moving ahead into the garage. At that, I stopped.

"Why alone." I asked. He stopped and exhaled loudly before facing me.

"We're just having lunch and talking like two civil people, nothing else I promise." He replied. I gauged his reaction before moving up to him.

"I didn't mean it that way. But you can never be sure nowadays." I said.

We moved up to his black Bentley and got in. It's not a habit of getting rides in such luxurious cars but I won't complain either. But it doesn't mean I've never been in a car either. I sat quietly enjoying the comfort of the plush leather chair.

Our ride was quiet till our destination. Once we got to a stop, he stepped out and rushed up to open my door. I could do that myself but, which woman won't like a man being a gentleman and who wouldn't like this man opening a door for her?

We came in face with a beautiful beige building with a large glass door and big glass windows on the first floor. The reception had a man behind a desk with a black tux. I guess he was checking in the reservations. We moved up to him. Well actually, Michael moved ahead and moved behind him as I admired the beautiful arrangement of the furniture.

"Good day sir, your table is set. Darwin will take care of you." The man behind the desk said clapping his hand as a waiter approached us. I'm guessing they know each other.

"Thank you Ernest." He said to the man behind the desk.

"My pleasure sir. It's an honour having you with us." He replied. Of course they know each other. And how won't he be delighted to have a multimillionaire have lunch at your institute. It's like some commercial for him anyway.

"Good day Sir & ma'am. Follow me please." the waiter ushered us to where the table was. I was kind of surprised because the guy actually let us past all the tables in the first floor into the gardens behind the building. I was actually in awe about the beauty of the garden and how it was structured.

The garden almost had the look of a labyrinth with tables in different places arranged like booths. It really was secluded. We walked to an empty table in one of the private squares. He pulled out the other chair for me to take a seat. Once we were settled, the waiter took our orders and left.

"I never peck you to be the type that had like outdoor meals.". I commented.

"I do what is necessary, when need be." he replied with a smile. "I thought of changing space, for us to have air and privacy. Hope it doesn't bother you in any way." He asked warily.

"Not the least. I love outdoor meals. And the garden is absolutely marvelous. I love it." I replied.

"Good." He said before the waiter came back with our drinks.

"I'll be back in some minutes with your meals. Excuse me sir, ma'am." he said bowing before leaving.

"Sooo.... what's this new deal you want us to talk about?" I asked cutting straight to the chase.

He exhaled tiredly before pulling on his tie to loosen it up abit and straightening out the crease on his shirt.

"Yeah. Actually, it's basically the same like before. You'll be my partner or date during my business trip. I'll need you to act more like a date or girlfriend." he said.

"What? Girlfriend? trip? and where to?. You're going a little too fast for me to follow" I asked a little skeptical and totally confused.

"Many destinations, both in and out of state as well as out of the country." He replied.

"Out of the country! I'm a student here do you realise that?" I said matter of fact-ly.

"I know how to deal with that already. All will be taken care of." he replied in a reassuring tone.

"How about my lectures, my exams, my friends, my job, the press...." I pushed on.

"All taken care of. And you won't really need the job anyway." He replied.

"What's my benefit?'' I asked.

"Aside from making money, living in luxury and travelling. That's what you get from basically ... just been with me." He said with that same bossy arrogant air.

That same talk and look a staunch businessman has when trying to convince a client he won't find better anywhere else. He's out for a surprise if he thinks his wealth can brainwash me. I'm not some gold digger.

"Are they terms on this like a real contract. Because I had like to get to the conditions first before making a decision." I asked.

"Of course." He replied pulling out a file with papers. I can't actually believe he typed out the modalities of the deal. He really came prepared for this. Everything was meticulously typed with the explanation of the deal. It gave me some sort of creepy aspect of Anastasia Steel signing the documents on been Christian's submissive. But I guess my case is different. Right?

"Do we get to have separate rooms during the trip." I asked.

"Sure with every accommodation you need or request for , they had get it straight away."he replied. I looked back on the documents in my hand and flipped through the pages once again.

"I've got conditions for this." I said looking up at him.

"Please go on." he urged me.

"#1. I won't work as your employee, but as your business partner.

#2. No contact with eccentric people.

#3. No clothing that discredits me. and

#4. No strings attached: no catching of feelings." I said.

"No strings attached? No catching of feelings?." he said looking at me like I had grown a horn on my head.

"Exactly." I replied.

"Miss may I remind you it's purely professional not some bachelor's vacation trip. Again, I'm not the type of guy for that. What had even gotten into your mind to have such ideas?" he asked still perplexed by my conditions.

"Never mind. I know why I say so." I replied."people have that usual tendency to catch feelings during such contracts And again, I'm very likable. That's the trick of the whole stuff." I said but he scoffed at my response rolling his eyes.

"So, Miss Aliyu, are you in?" He asked.

Well either case I had still be at the gaining end of it. Right?

"Sure. I'm in." I replied.