
catch and release

jade_cameron · LGBT+
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7 Chs

"" six""

Annyeong!! 💛💛💛




It's getting late and I can't get my self to sleep.. walking from left to right Infront of my bed , like I'm composing an essay or a speech to tell to Lisa.. I already decided to confess to her.. and let her know what I really feel,, but something is bothering me.. what if in that small amount of time she realized that her feelings towards me are not that deep and that's he already moved on,, It doesn't matter I still want to tell her, who knows right/..

I continue to spat some spiels of how I can say it..

--Hi Lisa,,, welcome back!! I just want to tell you that I like you too..''

-Lisa hey!! how are you? I need to tell you something...

-yow Lis! guess what ! I like you too.. want to date??

'''AAaaaiiisshhhh!! I'm stup*d... so stup*d!!..  Why is this so hard??.. do it in 

''Jennie Kim way?'' those dorks are no help at all..!! --'I'm ready to bang my head in to the wall,, when a knock just stopped me..

JENNIE: yes!?

LISA: uhm its Lisa... can I come in?

--oh no!!.. I'm not prepared yet.. do I just be direct to her and say it's okay for her to court me.. what should I tell her??? oh my god!!..

LISA: you know, if your busy I can just go back another time-(cut off)

--Lisa was stopped on her words when I abruptly open the door.. I saw how her eyes widen when she saw me..

LISA: Uh.. I thought yours.. uhm-

JENNIE: NO!.. I uhh. I was at the bathroom..


--the silence is making me deaf.. I can't look directly to her but stealing a glance at her,, I notice how she was trying to avoid my gaze.. I took I deep breath...

JENNIE: so~~~

LISA: uh yeah~ here, I picked up something on the way ,,

-she gave me a striped cotton blanket,,

LISA: i know you like outdoors and picnics,, so uhmm.. you can use that,, I'm sure you and yo-your boyfriend will enjoy that.. So well,, I'll go ahead, good night.

--I'm not sure why but I can't help but smile.. she's so sweet.. She really Know's what I like.. She's always like this, very attentive and observant to everything about me..  I was looking at her entering her room, then I look at the gift she gives me,, I sure can use it for picnics with my bo- wait!! Did she say boyfriend??? since when did I have one????


Lisa is leaning at her door trying to breath steady clutching her chest,


-that's tough, but I guess it's a good step for me,, I just have to keep this up,, she's already taken, so I should stop,, this is the right thing, I can't keep my heart hurting, she even looks so happy, It should be enough for me, but f*ck it hurts,, !! I though when I come back, I will have I more shot,, maybe It would be worth it,, but it's too late..

Don't worry not now, but I will surely erase all the feeling I have for you,, I should be happy seeing you happy,, and if he can do that,, I will gladly accept to stay as your friend,.




--I'm happy having them as my friends,, were more like family since we've been together when were younger, we had issue's and differencez but we feel like we were perfect combination and we know what ever it is we have each other's back and that's what I love so much about them-- but,, most of the time I want to kick their Butts for being dorks ,, especially these two that's Infront of me..

-Lisa looks like she squeezes her eyes out as I can see it swollen,, Jennie on the other hand keeps on glancing at Lisa like want to do a long speech... I look over to Irine that is doing the same as me, she raises her eyebrows at me,, then I give her a playful smile..

-sorry about this Jen Jen..

ROSE: yow lis~~ who is that you mentioned last time, the ''cute girl''

LISA: huh?

-Jennie looked at me then to Lisa like waiting for her response.. Irine smirked and added.

IRINE: yeah.. you said she's kind.. and very ~~~ sweet,, why didn't you bring her here?

-I saw how Jennie glared at Irine,, she then stares at her food but obviously have her attention on Lisa.

LISA: oh~ you mean nayeon?? she will actually visit today,,

IRINE: really~~~ great!! (side eyed Jennie)

JENNIE: I'm done! I'll be in my room.

-Jennie stomp her feet as she brings her dishes to the sink and makes her way to the stairs.. Irine and I looked at each other and burst in laughing..

ROSE: you're so mean!! (laugh)

IRINE: what?? she needs that,, let's see what she will do.. (laugh)

LISA: hey~ what are you talking about??

IRINE: you'll see~~ but hey.. your still into Jennie right??

--she became sad,, and looked down.

LISA: I am. but ~~ I know my limits,, I think I should really move on now.. for her.


ROSE: what do you mean move on?? I though you said you're into her??

LISA: well, yes, but she already has a boyfriend.. I don't think I can win against that do I??

IRINE: boyfriend?? Wha--(rose cover her mouth)

ROSE: well, if that's your decision .. I mean.. giving up is something I never though you would decide but.. yeah sure..

LISA: chip ' I'm not giving up because I'm a coward.. I'm giving up because she's already happy..

IRINE: how did you know that she's happy??

LISA: I don't know.. It's just.. this is too much..

-she stands up and leaves us.. I looked at Irine and she smirked at me..

IRINE: (sigh) they really are meant for each other,,, they're both dumb.

ROSE: I know right~~.. and I have a better plan for those dorks.. let's make sure they will end up together..

IRINE: you bet~~



-rose and I talked about a plan that will lead Lisa and Jennie confess to each other once and for all.. they taking it too long.. We all know that they have feelings for each other.. it's just the two of them that is confused,, Lisa confirmed that her friend is visiting her later and rose came up to an Idea to ask Jennie to invite kai too and she agreed..


-are all sitting at the living room waiting for our visitors.. Jennie abruptly stands up stating that kai is already outside.. Lisa's mood changed ,,

JENNIE: uhm .. kai is here guys..

KAI: Hi ~~

--I'm not sure if kai knows,, but he glanced at Lisa and place his arms on Jennie's shoulder.

IRINE: hey kai.. welcome .. come on have a seat, were just waiting for Lisa's friend..


LISA: I'll get that..

-Lisa jog towards the door and jennies' eyes follow her track..


--a small girl jumps and throw herself to Lisa.. that caught all our attention..

NAYEON: I missed you!!


-we have our mouths hangs open when that chick did that.. she kissed Lisa's cheeks and hugged her tighter.. me and rose were in sync hovering our heads to Jennie.. she's gripping her hands tight to her shirt.. and her eyes are darted to Lisa and her friend..

-Lisa guide her friend towards us.. while it's still hugging her arm.

LISA: guys.. this is nayeon.. my friend..

JISOO: friend?? but she calls you babe??

SEULGI: yeah.. and she ,, mush mush you dude..

NAYEON.. oh.. that is because,, I've been courting this hot shot here (pinch Lisa's cheeks) but she keeps on rejecting me.. but! I'm not giving up..


ROSE: whoa! You're very bold!!

NAYEON: who wouldn't.. I mean look at her.. you will not let like her slip away. Right..

ROSE: right~~

LISA: (sigh) okay~~ enough of that lets go eat..

--Lisa and her friend nayeon walk ahead of us,, Seul and Jisoo followed teasing them.. while kai and Jennie are Infront of us.. Jennie became silent and kai call her out..

KAI: are you okay??

JENNIE: ye-yeah.. I'm fine..

--she's totally not fine.. I'm not sure if this nayeon girl was serious when she said she's courting Lisa.. but something is odd about it..

ROSE: what are you thinking??

IRINE: what else??

ROSE: I thought we can tease Lisa's friend to make Jennie jealous .. but this is on next level..

IRINE: relax.. I feel like this will still end up well.. let's just enjoy the show for the meantime..

ROSE: yeah sure ,,


Yellow here💛
