
Catastrophe Prince and the Blade of a Thousand blood

Golden eyed prince is ment to die, they are not a blessing they are cursed prince of hell? that's what they say But what if I tell you that a prince born to be a Catastrophe is a Yin and Yang of heaven and hell! after so many generations of Kings killing prince with a golden eyes, one prince survived and had a son named Fei Jin, the Catastrophe Prince that everyone fears Fei Xu saved Fei Jin and brought him to the temple of Dragons where he is raised by Shao Qi a noble man and a wind dragon, however things took turn as the prince was born and the news spread place after place, the current emperor Lin dealt with the devil and plans on waking the Lord of Hell Yuzu but after Jin returned back to the palace, he finally began to face the devil of his kind with his wife Rong Yunxi

Art_Angel · Fantasy
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43 Chs

Chapter 4, The way of growing up

The years of winter pass as trees bloom a flower of pink Cherry blossom, fogs up high is not too thick and the beast that wonders around is not free to walk around the temple forest but hides away in a cave

Shao Qi just finished baking his newly invented cake and now ready to take a bath to greet the morning, he peeped around to witness any noise but luckily there was no movement but the wind, Shao Qi is a little careful so the devil will not wake up and rampage everyone at the temple, he took a quick hot bath and prepared the picnic basket

Master Long is still sitting at the tea table specially made by him, he aged too short and still look young and strong, he prepared some swords and weapons to bring with him when they go to the riverside and take the little prince on a tour, especially his fish rod to catch some fish

Fei Jin is now 8 and learned lots of basic skills of daggers and taichi, and now he is to learn swordmaship with Master long and Shao Qi

The sun rose up and quietly rising above the skies, little feet is now heard through the hall of monk's bedroom hall running here and there making creeks from the wooden floor shouting that the sun is calling them to the garden

"Shūshu (Uncle)" yelled Jin jumping around and stomping his palms on the door

"Jin'er, you talk so loud you will wake up the others!!!" Shao Qi said behind Jin, he thought his uncle was inside but is standing behind him with a ready look

"But it's day and the sun has risen, and you promised yesterday we will train at the riverside!!!" Jin said

"yes yes, but you did not prepare yet, go and take a bath, let Aqi give you a hand and we will go after we eat!!" Shao Qi pinched his little nose before he ran away, Aqi is a maid and a lady of the temple who took care of Jin, she gently pulled him away and bathed him clean

"hahh~ he's 8" Shao Qi cried

"Shao Qi, he is 8 but his eyes is still amber gold!!!" Master long spoke

"Fei Jin is different from his father, his eyes can only turn normal when he can control his power or maybe that's his eye color!!" answered Shao Qi, he went to the kitchen and pulled the basket he prepared

Fei Jin grew up alone and has the attention of many, when he was 8 months he learned to walk and mumble a few words, when he was two, danger came along to him, he disappeared for a day only to be found in a wolf's den surrounded by a pack, although he was not harm the wolves still think he is a food reason why Shao Qi did not allow beast to come close to the temples anymore since Jin still has the scent of human

when he was 3 Fei Xu visited Fei Jin, he immediately recognized his father and uttered him a few words about the temple and his knowledge of beast, though Fei Xu did not last long and had to leave after a little glimpse

the little boy was upset that master long gave all his strength to tell him Fei Xu is busy, Shao Qi did not care but studied the boy

at age 4 Fei Jin showed signs of strength and power, Shao Qi studied him hard and discovered that Fei Jin can control people just by looking them in the eye, Fei Jin cannot easily control a person but he can control someone who committed sin and bathed their hand with blood, but his power can drain him easily making him fall in coma for a month

at age 6 the little boy is exposed by nature, when he walks around, nature calls him and can control the growth of trees and flowers.

Age 7 he showed sign of evil, he was angered by Fei Xu that he started to control things around and called out beast, Fei Xu is always leaving and upset his son that things turned disaster, his birthday was the time they discovered his side of Catastrophe, Fei Jin's eyes turn red and dark veins comes through his eyes, his mind is fogged with anger and as a child it was like the devils are controling him, all things around him turns dark and Catastrophe starts to react calling out beast and corrupting a sinner's mind to kill innocent people, just like the monk who came to the temple to be purified killed his kind who is good and innocent

Shao Qi had a hard time sealing his power and Fei Xu had to delay his leave and examine his son til he calmed down and forgive him, they payed a lot of effort til the prince is fully calm

Fei Jin ran around til he reached the road toward the riverside, Shao Qi kept his scent on Fei Jin while Master Long walked along with him holding the weapons

Fei Jin was curious looking around the area, it's always quite and peaceful around and little animals can be heard running around like Jin

little did he know that his wonders made him exited, he followed the road til he reached the river himself with the help of the river's scent and fishes that flop on the water

"it's so loud!" he said, the little boy walked around tracking the danger he is sensing

"I smell wild beast!" he said, his eyes flopped on the side of the road til his image saw his two masters coming his way

"Uncle, Master Long!!!" says Jin, they set up the picnic blanket and pulled out the food that Shao Qi prepared while Master long set up the tent

"shūshu, earlier I smelled something different!!!" says Fei Jin munching some cakes

"what is the smell like?"

"blood!" Shao Qi stared at Fei Jin before he gulped his food

"what do you mean?" asked Shao Qi

"it was human blood that turned to a beast! and the sense is danger but will not harm me!" explained the boy, Master Long who heard this made a face and sat down to eat some cake

"I can also hear hatred into that beast and its like many souls live in one body!!!" Jin explained

"probably you are just imagining Jin'er?" says Master long and continued setting tents

as the day goes by Shao Qi watched as Master long teach the boy some tactics and in the afternoon he taught Jin some meditation on how to gather energy on his body and create power to move elements with his mind, he also taugh him how to conceal his energy from enemies to avoid enemies from tracking his energy

day by day it goes on and on, they change places to train and get back to the temple to rest then they will return back to the riverside and train Fei Jin some tactics

what surprised Shao Qi the most is when Jin was balancing himself in his sword, Jin'er is sitting still on the handle of the sword while the tip of the blade balanced silently in the stone ground

"Jin'er, what are you doing?" asked Shao Qi

"I like sitting on your pretty sword I borrowed it in your cabinet!!!" he smiled

"you sit like a dog?"

"I know uncle?" says Jin, as he balance on the sword, the gravity is also controlled by the prince as if it defies the surrounding area, Shao Qi smiled and managed to write down new power that Jin has created, Jin can defy gravity and has the ability to control them in a kilometer wide

growing up was never easy for Fei Jin and his wonders started to trick him into the walls of the mountains through the thick forest of wild beasts getting curious what's around the other side

"what's in the other side?"

"Uncle, I wonder what's at the other side where my father comes and goes!!!" says the boy, Shao Qi looked at the direction where Fei Jin pointed

"that place is called hell!!!" explained Shao Qi

"Shénme?(what)" says Fei Jin -its is pronounced as Shen-ma-

"I thought that place is where humans live and hell is where demons live?" he looked at Shao Qi with a look of confusion

"yes, it is where humans live, but hell is a metaphor for that place, it is where chaos is made with mind of people who conquer power for victory!!!" says Shao Qi combing the prince's hair

"how do you know that?"

Shao Qi sigh and looked up the skies, his memories and sad thoughts made him furious as he start thinking about the woman he once love

"tell us something about what you know?" Master long came to the balcony and sat with them

"I have no time for stories, I just wanna study about the prince's well being?" says Shao Qi

"eh, NOOO, tell us some story please, I'm sure your hell word has something to do with hatred, do tell us shūshu!!!" Fei Jin pleaded, Shao Qi sigh and in the end started speaking

"alright, but first do me a favor?" says Shao Qi and looked at Master long

"give him the sword!!" he gestured, Master got what was in his mind so he ran to Shao Qi's room to get the sword given to Fei Jin by the heavens

"what am I gonna do?" asked Fei Jin

"the moon looks so beautiful tonight, Master long give him the sword!!!" Master long gently walked towards Prince Fei Jin and knelt to give him the blade

"this sword- it's majestic!!!" he said and saw his image on the keen blade

"that sword is a gift for you, you are gonna use that in battle and wherever you go?" Shao Qi explained, the sword is still a lot bigger than him but thin enough for him to practice on

"it looks a little heavy because of its golden handle!!!" says Jin

"balance it next to that cherry blossom and listen to me while I speak?" he said

"but it's hard to balance this sword, I wanna use yours instead!!!" Jin frowned

"Jin'er, that is your sword and you are its master and owner!!!" glared Shao Qi

"really!" he said, Jin started balancing the golden sword, it shined like his eyes through the light of the moonlight

"first balance the sword and let your energy summon the gravity afterwards train your mind to balance the blade?"

"I cannot!!!"

"yes you can!!!" Shao Qi glared

"Jin'er, remember what your father said" says Master long

"fine!!" sigh the boy and put the blade down to the floor

"alright here I go!!!"

Defying gravity is not an easy task, for it gathers your energy and summons intense power to drain your body, Jin has that power inside him, he combines his power with nature that pulls an intense combination of disastrous energy til gravity is formed to be commanded with one's mind

he closed his eyes to feel the warmth, he felt the energy but not powerful enough to control the blade

"Jin open your eyes!!!" commanded Shao Qi

"I don't want to its hard to control the blade it's really heavy!!!" he heavily mumbled

"do it now!!!!" Master long yelled, as soon as he opened his eyes the floating sword dropped on the ground that cracked the cemented area, Jin heaved some air as if he was running for hours, his energy is drained and his power took over him

"how can you see if you are controling the sword If your eyes are closed!!!!" says Shao Qi

"but it's hard, that sword is heavy I cannot explain it, I can't control it's movement like what I did to your sword!!!" he complained

"Jin, that sword is mine and yours are different, let me tell you? that sword is heavy because it's pure and holy, it consist blood of a thousand since the God used that to kill demons and people who wants to conquer the world, now that it was passed to you take responsibility in controling it's power, you are a prince of catastrophe that will slash the enemy to kill sinners, take a rest, I will not tell a story tonight, your energy is drained, go and eat, meditate before you sleep!!!" Shao Qi walked away while Master long gave a dissapointed sigh

"Jin take a rest!!!" says Master long and he followed Shao Qi

Jin looked at the sword as if it's calling him to take it to his hand, it look so majestic and eye catching, the handle is pure and the wolf head shined bright with its crimson eyes, at the other side of that wolf is a six wings of an arc angel colored in silver while it's connected to the gold linen aligned to the core of the blade like a dragon's tail and body

"a sword that is bathed with a thousand blood!!!" he frowned before he carried it to his room

hmm, is he from hell? or from the heavens

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