

CAT MAN CAT KNIGHT LEGENDARY TALES PROLOUGE In the Supernatural Realm of Giddolink The Force Of Evil Have Started Prevailing Conquering Kingdoms and Killing Innocent People For Thier Wicked Plans and Supremacy Then They decided to Attack The Kingdom Of Avalon The CAT NATION Which was the home of the CAT FAMILY where the lion, Tigers, Cheetah e.t.c resides After a long war The Kingdom Of Avalon were victorious but at a great cost. The Kingdom Of Avalon were now living in Peace with the hope of no war anymore but that will soon be cut short as the Forces Of Evil are gathering together again to Attack Avalon with more powers join together. Now A boy in Avalon Is born he is born with great powers and great destiny according to the saying with great powers come great responsibilities he was born with the destiny to save his People Avalon From The Enemies. With The Forces Of Evil Knowing These Attempt has been made to kill him to destroy him by the Forces Of Evil because they fear his Powers they know he is Thier doom and has the luck and blessings of the gods. He Is From The CAT FAMILY A ROYAL BLOOD BORN TO SAVE AVALON FROM IT'S ENEMIES HE WILL FACE THE EVIL ONE'S LIKE THE CYBOROG,DEMONESS Though his task won't be easy will he scale through find out in this Action Filled Story. HIS NAME IS AVAN ELLISON CATAN

Young_Write_0633 · Sci-fi
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11 Chs

Chapter 8

The demon king entered into a room to meet a group of people sitting down round a table there were four People sitted There They include:

Cyborog An Advanced Cyborg in his white and black cyborg and a Tech god and guru in aspect of Tech.

Vixen Mistress Of Dark Magic and Shadow magic she was the leader of the Shadow Fox Clan she was donned in red and black she was fair in complexion with long hair

Demoness was dressed in a dark clothes dark trouser and dark shoe with a mask no one really knew anything about her except she had demon powers.

Horex A Ninja which much wasn't also known about him except he ran a Ninja Clan which were very powerful.

Scorpina leader of the

"Well well well isn't the Ruthless defeated Demon King"Horex The Ruthless Ninja voiced out

"Don't mock me now isn't the time for that this I going to destroy Avalon another time but we need a plan"

"Now you are agreeing to join us you would have done that since and your son wouldn't have died"Scorpina said

"Yes I guess so and I will be coming for revenge and I will make sure to kill them All Especially Rio last son Ellison he is the cause of everything he killed my son"The Demon Knight said

"What how could a boy killed an Hundred years old is that possible"

."Don't know why that cat seems to be Powerful if he could utilize his power well he could become like the CAT ALPHA"

"Well I think we need to watch on that kid for now we need to monitor him meanwhile what are our plans for invading Avalon"Ninja Horex Said

"The Plan is going on we will start the next time by attacking the main city and also at the time they don't expect and our special weapons is being prepared it's gonna be bloody"Cyborog Said

The Knights Of Avalon were rejoicing on Thier victory when The Biject Squad came together and Ellison decided to ask Tatenium about the Spirit Beast.