
Castlevania: The Blood Oath

Set in the medieval kingdom of Wallachia, this gripping narrative follows the life of Vlad Dracula, a revered nobleman known for his intelligence, charisma, and unwavering devotion to his people. . . . I don't own Castlevania or any of its characters, neither do I own the cover picture.

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4 Chs

The Nobleman of Wallachia

In the heart of the medieval kingdom of Wallachia, under the watchful gaze of the Carpathian Mountains, the sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows across the land. The village of Târgoviște, nestled along the banks of the Dâmbovița River, prepared for the evening as torchlight flickered to life, bathing the cobblestone streets in a warm, amber glow.

At the center of it, all stood Vlad Dracula, the revered nobleman of Wallachia. Tall and imposing, Vlad bore the bearing of a leader, his broad shoulders and commanding presence radiating authority. His sharp, aquiline nose and dark, penetrating eyes, the color of obsidian, spoke of intelligence and keen insight. A neatly trimmed beard graced his jawline, emphasizing his distinguished countenance.

The evening breeze ruffled the crimson cloak that flowed from his broad shoulders. It bore the insignia of the House of Draculesti, a bat with wings unfurled, a symbol of his lineage, which had reigned over Wallachia for generations.

Vlad's attire was regal and meticulously maintained, reflecting both his status and the pride he took in his appearance. A black velvet tunic was adorned with silver filigree, while a belt of fine leather held a ceremonial dagger. But it was his eyes that held the most captivating aspect of his presence – deep, magnetic pools that seemed to draw one's gaze like a moth to a flame.

Vlad Dracula was not merely a man of aristocratic charm and captivating looks; his intellect was as formidable as his physical stature. Fluent in multiple languages, a scholar of history and strategy, his wisdom extended far beyond the walls of his ancestral castle. His court was adorned with philosophers, alchemists, and artists, drawn to his magnetic aura and a thirst for knowledge that mirrored their own.

Yet, it was not Vlad's intellect or his imposing figure that truly defined him; it was his love for Wallachia. He was a ruler unlike any other, his heart intertwined with the fate of his people. In the taverns of Târgoviște, they spoke of his unwavering devotion to justice, his unparalleled commitment to their safety, and his determination to shield Wallachia from the ever-looming threats that encroached upon its borders.

In the village square, Vlad paused to converse with a widow who had lost her husband to a recent skirmish. His deep voice, resonant and soothing, offered condolences and reassurance.

"Your loss is our loss, dear woman," he said, his eyes filled with genuine compassion. "You have the protection and support of Wallachia, now and always."

A murmur of gratitude spread through the gathering, and Vlad's gaze shifted to the imposing stone fortress that loomed above the village. The Castle Dracula, perched on the rocky cliffs, stood as a symbol of his family's enduring rule. The castle's architecture was an intricate blend of Gothic and Byzantine influences, its darkened spires seeming to scrape the very heavens, and its flag, bearing the bat insignia, fluttered with a silent dignity in the fading light.

Vlad's footsteps echoed in the torchlit square as he made his way towards the imposing castle. He was a man who commanded the respect and loyalty of his people, a nobleman who stood at the crossroads of history.

As he crossed the threshold into the grand halls of his castle, the weight of his responsibilities settled upon his shoulders. He had a kingdom to protect, a legacy to uphold, and an oath to fulfill. His family's motto, "Sic Fata Voluta" – "Thus the fates have willed" – echoed in his mind, a reminder of the duty he had inherited.

Behind closed doors, Vlad Dracula contemplated the complexities of his realm, the challenges that lay ahead, and the eternal quest to safeguard Wallachia from the shadows that lurked in the periphery. With a heavy heart and a determined spirit, he prepared for the darkening night and the burdens it would bring, unaware of the fateful pact that would soon alter the course of his destiny.

As the candles cast long, dancing shadows on the castle walls, Vlad Dracula's eyes turned to a portrait of his beloved wife, Elisabeta, whose loss had etched a permanent sorrow in his soul. Her image served as a reminder of his humanity, a fragile connection to the love he once knew, and the price he was willing to pay to protect his kingdom.


[14 years ago]

The moon hung high in the night sky, casting an eerie pallor over Castle Dracula, as Vlad and Elisabeta retired to their chambers. The heavy wooden door creaked shut, sealing them within their sanctuary. Their bedroom was adorned with rich tapestries and the warm flicker of candles, an oasis of comfort in the ancient stone castle.

As they stood by the window, Vlad's arm wrapped protectively around his wife, they exchanged soft words of love and whispered promises for the future. But the tranquility of their moment together was shattered when distant shouts and the crackle of flames reached their ears.

Vlad and Elisabeta rushed to the window, their hearts pounding with dread. The night sky was ablaze with an inferno of unprecedented horror. The moonlight revealed a scene straight from the darkest nightmares.

Their estate was engulfed in a maelstrom of chaos and flames. Raiders, faces concealed by twisted masks, ransacked their home. Torches in hand, they set fire to every corner of the mansion. The flames danced and writhed like demons loosed from the underworld.

Elisabeta's eyes widened in terror. "Vlad, we must flee," she implored, her voice quivering.

Vlad, his heart pounding, nodded in agreement. He guided her towards the hidden passage that led to the castle's underground chambers. But as they hurried down the narrow stone staircase, the ancient, timeworn walls seemed to close in on them, whispering the ominous chants of the castle's past.

With each step, the chilling wails of their tormentors echoed from above. The passage was dark, illuminated only by the weak glow of Vlad's torch. He clung to his wife, his grip both protective and trembling. His mind raced, but fear held him captive, making his fingers feel like leaden weights.

The air grew damp as they descended further into the labyrinthine bowels of the castle. The echoes of their hurried footsteps reverberated, and it seemed as if the very stone and mortar conspired against them, slowing their escape.

And then, as they approached the underground chamber, a chilling scream pierced the silence, a mournful cry that cut through the marrow of their bones. Elisabeta clutched Vlad's arm, her nails biting into his flesh.

"Elisabeta!" Vlad's voice was desperate, and he quickened his pace. The chamber, a refuge that had provided safety for generations, was their last hope.

As they emerged into the underground sanctuary, the shadows and echoes of the world above were left behind. But it was a place of somber solitude, a reminder of the past. The walls bore the history of the Draculesti family, the tales of valor and despair. This room was a relic, a remnant of their lineage, now threatened by the flames above.

With trembling hands, Vlad secured the heavy stone door of the chamber, sealing them off from the outside world. In the dim candlelight, they huddled together, terror etched across their faces.

Outside, the roaring flames painted grotesque shapes on the stone walls. The haunting cries of their invaders reverberated through the ancient corridors. And in the midst of the inferno, the marauders reveled in their destruction, the embodiment of malevolence.

As the world above them crumbled, Vlad and Elisabeta clung to each other in the stifling darkness. Their love was a fragile island in a sea of terror, a beacon of hope in the midst of despair. The horrors that had befallen them were beyond imagination, a living nightmare that would forever haunt their souls.

Dracula, a normal human, had been powerless to save his beloved wife from the raging inferno. The flames that consumed their estate and the heart-wrenching cries that echoed in the night were a testament to the malevolence of the world beyond their sanctuary. In that chamber, in the depths of Castle Dracula, their future seemed uncertain, but their love burned brightly, an unyielding flame that would forever define the man who would later be known as Dracula.