

This is a story of a 19 year old Omega whom worked at a blacksmiths for 6 years untill he met a sertain someone........

Kawaii_iboba · Fantasy
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4 Chs

- VOL 1 - chapter 2

"Hey sho! "

Ms. Han shouted from across the room.

"Yes Ms. Han? "

I curiously asked.

"I need you to deliver this to a costumer for me. "

As she handed me a medium sized parcel, I grind

and said.

"Sure! I can do that for you."

I looked inside the parcel and it was a small and stubby sword, looked about the size for a child or more like a large knife than a sword to be more exact, but I thought nothing of it at the time.

I grabed my things and truted off to the address of the costumer.