
Cassiel of Solitude

The Scottfield Brothers - A fugitive from reality, a vicious predator, and the rope that binds their fates. Who is the fugitive, who is the beast of prey, or are they both just victims on a banquet table of intrigues and tricks, dominated by the bottomless greed of people, of their own family, and of the kingdom they have been attached to for so long. On the journey to find the truth, they will discover their true nature that have been forgotten, and the cruelty of this world.

LouisePham · Fantasy
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36 Chs

20. The Experiment's Result

So… this is what people call a noble expedition, "enlightenment" for humanity.

Disgusting, really disgusting.

The people of this kingdom have always listened to the trickery of the regime, and even our descendants have been brainwashed.

Soldiers who lost their humanity and emotions by the insane rigors of their training became talking puppets in the army.

They rushed in and slashed at the so-called devils, spears piercing their flesh, and their eyes staring at each other lifeless.

Eyes immersed in the pleasure of tearing apart others like wild animals with lunatics.

The pitiful cry could be heard clearly even from a hundred fers away from the village…

"Do you like the feeling of this, Cecile? Maybe proud? Unfortunately, this is reality! The reality that your family, and the whole kingdom have been hiding for so long."

"Proud of your head! Really, what's the point of the vial of blood you made me drink?"

"So you have drunk it? Good. I guess it is about time to show you something more terrifying than what we're seeing right now, soon enough."

"Keep saying it like you are excited or something! Luckily I was sane enough not to stop…"

"…Because they will kill you too if you do."

With that being said, Albert stepped out of the tent.

We are in a village located to the north of the kingdom's border. The place where the gray-haired man reported to the king about the rebel army that day.

The news about my assassination quickly spread to the eyes and ears of the royal family, making the Sanctuary more secure than before.

And to no one's surprise, the clever trickster Albert used his fake identity to be nominally "protected" for me voluntarily.

Raymond also knew about this, but strangely enough, he had almost no opinion to interfere with Albert's decision.

I don't know if it was because the two were once friends, so Ray didn't suspect it, or he had other thoughts in mind.

From now on, being "protected" by Albert, I can easily learn more about the dark shadow of this kingdom without being under watchful eyes from my family.

"Let's go then? I wanted to see if what I was thinking was true…"

"What else do you know? It must have something to do with the army's enlightened marches for us to be here?"

"Exactly so. I've asked the soldiers to take a few prisoners for experiments, now we'll see how it goes."

"Experiment? About what?"

I followed him silently, past the soldiers that were executing the devils in the most brutal way, into a house.

The location of the enlightenments often coincided with the abandoned villages plundered by demons, so we were able to use the houses there as shelters.

General Revailler, is the highest authority in the special military rank of the Enlightenment Force.

He personally led this battle. When we arrived here the day before, the fighting between the two sides had gradually subsided, because the army had "enlightened" the demons stationed here.

Inside the dilapidated house was a group of prisoners screaming like rabid animals.

They looked at me with hungry eyes as if they wanted to eat my body alive, drool flowing.

It's… hard to believe, this crazy thing, being called a devil, is actually just flesh and blood human.

"Aren't you really brave, little lady? Seeing such a scene for the first time and still remaining calm is an amazing feat by itself."

"Don't make fun of me! Did you know I stayed up all yesterday night because of... Whatever, why am I trying to reason with an idiot like you."

"Did I just hear something? So the immortal queen in the midst of life is also know how to be afraid?"

"You little!"

I blushed, gritted my teeth and stomped on his leg, causing him to let out a painful scream.

"My God! Are you going to turn my toes into crumbs?! That hurts!"

"…You deserve it!"

The two suddenly fell silent, while the demons kept screaming. I turned to look at Albert, clutching my arm.

"What now?"

"I need some of your blood first."

"I was planning to ask, but fine. You must have your reasons."

Albert stabbed a small wound on the tip of my finger, then caught a drop of blood and dropped it into a female demon. It jumped up, tried to lick the blood, but was restrained by the chain.

It licked the blood, but nothing out of the ordinary seemed to have happened.

Albert put his hand on his forehead as if wondering something, then suddenly grabbed my bleeding finger, letting another drop fall into the mouth of the female demon.

"Wait! Too close! What if it eats my hand?!"

Suddenly the demon began to scream again, but now it seemed even more pitiful. It clutched its head, scratching at its body, eyes rolling back.

It is suffering from an indescribable terrible pain.

The first time I saw it, a demon was crying. It wasn't laughing hysterically like usual, it was crying out in excruciating pain.

The skin on its body began to crack, its distorted face crumbled, and the frizzy hair fell out.

And a flash of light, making us close our eyes, the demons beside it howled at the light.

"Finally! At last! Now get her out quickly, Cecile, before she gets ripped off by the demons surrounding!"

After struggling for a while, the two finally pulled her out of the demons safely. I rolled my eyes at Albert in amazement.

"What is this… You have to explain it to me in detail!"

He smiled happily, his eyes seemed to want to show me that he had just accomplished a great achievement.

"The potion I gave you to drink contains the blood of the Receiver of Judgment, someone I know."

"Judgment? It's the Holy Father's absolute purification in the Church's faith, isn't it?"

"You know about that? I guess it is not too strange that you know. After all, your identity…"

"Let's get to the main topic."

Albert nodded once, walking around the room, explaining while looking pleased.

"If Judgment is not just a belief, but a fact, so basically everything related to Judgment as well. I've tried using the blood of the purified to heal these so-called demons, but it doesn't seem to work. And then I thought of the Scottfield family, where the tradition of sorceresses of immortality was kept in the service of the Kingdom…"

"Wait, slow down! How do you know these things about my family?"

"…I already know your secrets anyway, so I won't hide mine."

"Well, let's talk about it later! Now what to do with this girl?"

When she heard someone mention her, she shrank back, trembling with fear.

"I did nothing wrong! Forgive me, please forgive me! Don't make me turn into them…don't…"

Louize here!

Thank you everyone, readers who took their time to experience this little work of mine.

If you have any suggestions about the tone or the content of the novel, please feel free to comment and let me know.

See you all in the next chapter!

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