
Cassandra Syndrome

Cassandra Reid has never found a fortune teller on Earth that could read her future. She always gets the same cards got over and over again from the different tarot readers she approached. High Priestess and the Four Knights. Knight of Pentacles. Knight of Swords. Knight of Wands. Knight of Cups. And the last one? The ominous Death Card. Every fortune teller has no idea what they meant and they have completely given up on her fate. Even she, herself, has given up. Until one of the Knights showed up. And tried to kill her. YUMMY EXCERPT: updates every day "Why are you protecting me anyway?" I swallowed a lump forming in my throat. "What's in it for you?" "Yeah, Cass. I ask myself every day why I am doing this too. Before I sleep and the first thing that comes to my mind the moment I wake up? It's you." His gaze jerked up and clashed with mine, confusion darkening those gorgeous irises. "I'm doing things I never even wanted to do in the first place. Like messing up my mission as the heir of the House of Cups." "I don't want to be indebted to you! I don't want you to get hurt while you kept me safe." The more I spoke, the more Gabriel's pupils narrowed. "Do you know why I'm doing this?" Gabriel chuckled without humor as he cupped my chin, forcing my face to his. "Because I loathe it when you are hanging out with some other guy. Someone who isn't me." He pulled back and studied my face before shaking his head. "I want to kill them myself. There's a dark thought in my mind that says you are mine to own. And you are mine to kill when that time comes where I have to." Gabriel's grip tightened and he leaned down, placing us nose to nose, his choppy breath traipsing over my lips. "You like taunting me by flirting with other guys too, do you? Well, guess what? It works. I can't fucking get you out of my mind." He released me long enough to slam a fist into the wall just beside my temple. "The first kiss was a goddamn mistake. It was supposed to purge you from my thought, make me stop wondering what you taste like."

Parisian_Moon · Fantasy
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97 Chs


"Fuck you, you... you..." I struggled for the right word that would describe this manipulative, perverted, asshole 'best friend'. He raised his hands in a placatory gesture but there was nothing submissive about it.

I looked away from him, trying to grasp at the straws of my composure.

"Now, don't you want to know about the Houses?" He whispered and every nerve I had gone taut as he began to walk towards me.

I didn't know if he has always sounded like an invitation to sin or was he simply doing to unsettle me or maybe it was all in my mind.

"What Houses?" I asked.

The stranger leaned forward a fraction, his slow smile inviting a similar response and I'm not in the mood.

I didn't move.

"You wanted to know?" He stood a little too close. I was having trouble hearing his words with him so near... so touchable. He smelled of danger and wildness. It was the ultimate sensation. Or was I already cracking?

I fought the attraction.

"It's a long story." He sighed and shook his head as if suddenly changing his mind.

"Then why did you even bring it up if you're not going to tell me about them?" I echoed his movements and searched his face for answers.

He leaned infinitesimally closer.

"I don't want to spill any of the family secrets or else I'd be punished by my own House." He smiled and my heart jumped. I wasn't sure whether to take him seriously or not. Ugh. It feels like he's teasing me again.

I lifted my hand and then paused. Not a good idea to slap him when he had a knife in there somewhere.

I dropped my hand.

"If you see me at school, don't talk to me. Don't draw any attention to yourself. I'll think of a plan to keep you safe from the others. I'll pretend I'm with them and act like you are my enemy. That I still wanted to kill you." He warned as he watched me with those smoldering blue eyes. "Remember in waking life, you have to stay away from me and from suspicious people with tattoos on their right hand. Don't ever try to take off your necklace again and I'll be taking off my glamour from now on. Try to ignore me at school as much as possible, okay?"

"As long as you're not Riley, ignoring you is an easy task." I shot back and held up a hand. "Wait, was Riley even your real name or just an alias to go by while you befriended a pitiful loser like me?"

He appeared astounded at what I said and he replied, "My real name is Gabriel but you knew me as Riley. And you're not a pitiful loser. I valued our friendship so much. Everything was real for me!" He seized my shoulders as if to shake me, his blue eyes blazing with the challenge. "Do you feel the same way too?"

Another silence.

My breath came out in a gasp as my buried emotions cascaded in my mind. A whimper escaped my throat as I closed my eyes, covered my ears, and rocked back and forth, trying to get a hold of my emotions.

I can see some resemblance to his, Gabriel's, personality with my best friend, Riley. Riley is fun to be with because of her dry humor and adventurous spirit but she's very stubborn and distant sometimes.

She has mastered the art of deflection just like this stranger. When we fight, I was always the one who apologized even if it wasn't my fault.

I value our friendship more than anything else. The fantasy bubble had burst and now I'm alone by myself. Because the irrevocable truth is that she/he has hidden agendas!

"You lie, Riley or Gabriel, or whatever! You're not my best friend anymore! You can fuck off and disappear in my life and be a stranger like you always are. I was just fine in this world when you weren't there for me in the beginning." I jerked away from him, sobbing. I was so angry and disappointed I wonder which of the two of us I was trying to convince. I whispered brokenly. "I'm fine by myself. I always am."

Gabriel moved towards the darkness with his head bowed and I couldn't quite see his expression. He said silently, "If that's the case, I'll return the memories I stole from you."

Please send me power stones and gifts to cheer me up and motivate me to write more. :)

I'm not asking for your souls, you guys, so just give them to me. Thanks for reading.

Sincerely yours,

Parisian_Mooncreators' thoughts