
Chapter 39. You are the only one in my heart

An Xin certainly did not expect that someone would be secretly scheming against him!

After winning against Zhou Bin at the racetrack, An Xin no longer took Zhou Bin seriously.

The so-called bet in his eyes was more like a quarrel between children.

After experiencing the harshness of society, it was just a matter of calling him "daddy," which he didn't even consider worth remembering.

Having lived another life, An Xin wouldn't bother haggling over such trifles with Zhou Bin.

However, Zhou Bin had never encountered any setbacks in his life before; how could he bear losing to An Xin and even calling him "daddy" in front of countless classmates!

This single word "daddy" undoubtedly shattered Zhou Bin's backbone, turning his previously established prestige and reputation in school into a foil for An Xin!

Such humiliation was even more painful than killing Zhou Bin himself!

After leaving, Zhou Bin immediately wanted to suppress this incident.

But unexpectedly, someone recorded his call of "daddy" and uploaded it to the school's forum.

His arch-rival Wang An also learned about this incident and even set this "daddy" as his phone ringtone, mocking him extensively.

"Ah, I never thought you, Zhou Bin, who was so arrogant, would bow your head and call a freshman 'daddy.' Although it's not to me, I'll reluctantly help spread the word!"

Wang An and Zhou Bin grew up together; their families' companies are in the same business, competing since childhood.

Their rivalry is well known in their circle!

Upon learning about Zhou Bin's humiliation, Wang An couldn't wait to make it known throughout the entire circle!

Others in the circle, not as wealthy as Zhou Bin's family, might not dare to mock openly like Wang An, but they all talked about it in private!

Zhou Bin dared not attend parties lately, fearing someone would mention this incident!

Unable to find the person who recorded the audio, Zhou Bin directed all his anger towards An Xin.

If it weren't for An Xin winning against him, he wouldn't have fallen into such a situation, becoming a laughingstock among many!

From that day on, Zhou Bin harbored thoughts of revenge against An Xin.

He originally planned to wait for an opportunity to take action against An Xin without attracting public criticism, giving An Xin a profound lesson!

However, just a few days later, his goddess Chu Xinxin surprisingly showed interest in An Xin, not only sending him ice water but also actively seeking An Xin's contact information!

This incident was another blow to Zhou Bin!

Throughout his freshman year, he had been desperately pursuing Chu Xinxin, never earning even a smile from her.

Even after lavishing money, he couldn't buy a smile from her!

Yet, An Xin, who apparently did nothing but stand there, managed to capture Chu Xinxin's affection.

Why? Zhou Bin now wanted to roar at the sky, wondering why fate was so unfair to him, allowing An Xin to prevail repeatedly!

"I need to let Chu Xinxin see An Xin's true colors!"

Zhou Bin began instructing his followers.

One was a new school sister Gao Qilan, beautiful and already intimate with An Xin.

The other was their school's long-famous icy beauty Chu Xinxin, who actively expressed her fondness for An Xin!

Either woman, with countless admirers, inexplicably showed interest in An Xin.

If it weren't for An Xin actively seducing them, how could he have won their affection!

Juggling two relationships was the truth!

Everyone in school cherishes relationships greatly.

If someone were rumored to be juggling two relationships, regardless of how handsome, they would likely face disdain!

Not to mention these two relationships involved others' beloved goddesses.

Zhou Bin fantasized about An Xin being scorned by classmates and couldn't help but foolishly laugh.

A follower cautiously glanced at Zhou Bin, seeing his behavior, quietly pulled aside another and spoke with concern.

"Is the boss crazy now? Why is he laughing foolishly by himself?"

"Shut up quickly, if the boss knows you're badmouthing him here, you'll be the one laughed at."

The few by his side twitched their mouths; though they agreed with the follower, they dared not speak recklessly.

Meanwhile, An Xin was naturally unaware of Zhou Bin's plot against him.

After returning to his dormitory, he received a call from Gao Qilan.

Just an afternoon had passed, and photos of An Xin and Chu Xinxin spread like wildfire on the forum, known to everyone!

As the girlfriend involved, Gao Qilan learned about it immediately.

She continuously refreshed the forum, feeling extremely sour inside, as if she had eaten a lemon.

If she were the one standing beside An Xin, would they also look like a perfect match of talent and beauty!

"What's wrong!"

After connecting the call, An Xin's gentle voice came through.

Gao Qilan hummed, unable to restrain herself from speaking petulantly: "Don't you have something to say to me now?"

This out-of-the-blue question left An Xin somewhat bewildered; after pondering for a moment, he immediately thought of today's incident where Chu Xinxin came to give him water.

"Darling, you're the only one in my heart; I don't even know that senior!"

An Xin explained hastily.

Speaking of which, he felt quite wronged; in his previous life, he was naturally aware of this senior beauty.

Chu Xinxin was the only daughter of a listed group's family, doted on immensely.

Having enjoyed her family's boundless love and pampering, Chu Xinxin wouldn't be easily moved by others.

For such a high-and-mighty flower to take the initiative to please him certainly made him feel more delighted!

"If you don't know her, then why would she bring you water alone? Isn't she another friend you helped out of a jam?"

Hearing An Xin's explanation, Gao Qilan's jealousy faded somewhat, but she still couldn't help being a bit sarcastic.

"Does such a big lady need my help? She probably saw I'm quite handsome!"

An Xin said casually.

Gao Qilan couldn't help but burst into laughter: "Then you're not allowed to be nice to her; you can only be nice to me!"