

This is a story about a guy named Ronin , who was basically a thief in the city of Jianx. His everyday works were like deceiving people. He was a part of underworld society. After a pitfall childhood, he wanted to become the leader of Underworld. He wanted to get the highest place of humanity where he would be the one in power . Here the journey of the greatest criminal in history begin.

Professor_Riko · Realistic
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29 Chs

Ryokia Family

In East Jianx, a man named , Kinzo lived with his wife and one son. Kinzo is from Ryokia Family . Ryokia Family was wealthy and some of the surviving families from 2037 War . The family was Royal at that time. But as the war came, the survival instinct came in. Many died many lived.

Many members from this family had lost contact with each other. Kinzo was one of the grandsons of Great Ryokia who was living peacefully in East Jianx. The events during the war and after the war of 2037, Ryokia Family had hardly survived. All their enemies got the biggest chance to terminate the whole Family. They even succeeded but most of Ryokia's Childern had survived. No one in East Jianx knew the secret of Kinzo's family and anything about his past generation or his ancestors. But they were aware of Kinzo's wealth.

During the war escaping all these disasters, Kinzo's father Jinya had come to Jianx with all his sons and daughters. Before his death he had divided his wealth equally and later the children of Jinya had separated their own paths .

Kinzo lived in a big house. He had personal bodyguards for his family.

What does a man need in this world ??

This world isn't like cultivation world where achieving immortality is a possibility.


A man need Power and Woman .

Kinzo was no exception.

He already got the power which was his vast wealth. Even after Jinya's wealth division, the amount of wealth Kinzo received from his father was enough to become millionaire. Kinzo wasn't fool. He didn't tell anyone about his family which might attract family enemies. But Kinzo was well aware about the incoming enemies because of his vast wealth. That's why Kinzo used , invested the wealth , used it to increase his power .

Power decides everything

That's what Kinzo always believed. He had a whole company of him , a lot of personal bodyguards powerful than Rapid Force members, a beautiful submissive wife who would listen to his orders and even believe his lies easily, a son whom he wanted to prepare and nurture for his gains, a private organisation containing 38 members for handling affairs with physical power, a few lawyers who would help Kinzo to cover up for any crime.

What Kinzo didn't have ?

Kinzo was 37 years old. He still had a masculine body with lots of physical energy. He had the sharpest jawline in East Jianx, the best hairline. His eyes gave the aura of a hunter . They were black and filled with empty void of darkness. His height was 6 feet 6 inch. And had a lean physique much more like Toji .

His house was two stored. In upper floor, there were two bedrooms. One for Kinzo and his wife. Other is for their son. There was a stairway inside the big house.

In ground floor, there was a kitchen, a washroom, a room for study , a room for dining.

//////////////. ////////////. ///////////

December 11, 2077

Kinzo just woke up from sleep. On the bed , in Kinzo's left side, his wife was sleeping peacefully. She had already given everything to Kinzo and sleeping while believing solely on him .

Kinzo looked at her. He was about to leave the bed and then his wife , Sara had caught Kinzo's left hand and told in a sleepyhead,

" Wait for a few minutes babe "

" I can't. I have to prepare for office you know that right?"

" Yeah . "

Sara's hand wasn't powerful enough to hold Kinzo's hand.

So, Kinzo left . The whole room was dark as they were sleeping. It was morning, 7 o'clock.

Kinzo left room and knocked on his son's room. His son's name was Chico. Chico was 5 years old, too little to understand the real world.

Kinzo knocked three times but no response came.

Suddenly from ground floor of the house, a boy shouted ,

" Father , father look at me !"

Kinzo left the spot and started walking through the stairway . He saw his son.

" So you woke up ?"

" Yes father "

" So, what's my little devil is doing ?"

" Just playing with Shiroka Aunty father "

Shiroka was a servant in Kinzo's house. She was older than Kinzo. She mostly takes care of the household works alongside with Sara.

Kinzo looked at his son and said ,

" Be careful, don't hurt yourself "

" Sure father. "

Kinzo then went to his study room . He started looking through the E-Mails, Files and other necessary things related to his business.

After that he went to washroom.

A brush was kept inside a box which was a safety measure for the cockroaches. Kinzo took it, pasted some medicine on the brush which works for the teeths.

After brushing, he had washed his face and used some facial products which helped him to keep his beauty over time. His skin was light after all. He then took a shower.

He then came out and took over his office suit and prepared to go there.

In these times, his wife sara had already prepared a tiffin box for Kinzo.

Sara was beautiful looking young woman, 8 years younger than Kinzo. She had a brown skin tone and little chubby. Yet she had a wonderful figure that would attract any male from any universe. Kinzo carefully chose his woman after all.

Kinzo took the tiffin box, kissed his wife in her lips. And then hugged her with everything. Everytime Kinzo did that Sara would feel like she still had to give more to Kinzo. But she wasn't aware of Kinzo's dirty work.

Kinzo then took over his shoes. At that time his son came to him ,

" Father ! Father ! "

" Tell me dear what's happened ?"

" Won't you take me to the festival?"

" Festival?"

" Yeah. Didn't I say ? Our school is helding a beautiful festival inside the school. You're suppose to take me there. "

" Oh ! Sure. Our guards will take you then ."

" No father. You're suppose to come ."

Kinzo laughed bitterly and said something confronting .

" Okay okay dear. "

" Yeeeehhhhh. My father is best !"

Kinzo patted him in his head.

Then went out. His guard was waiting outside the car.

Kinzo's car was black, had an aesthetic design. He had total three cars. One for office, one for family trip, one for Kinzo's personal driving.

Outside the house, there were so many guards. All these guards were like dogs of Kinzo. Outside this force Kinzo also had the 38 man force.

Kinzo came, a guard had opened the door for Kinzo . Kinzo went inside.

The car started and went through a big gate which was also a part of the whole land and his house. There were big walls around his house just like Pentak's house. But this house was much more bigger than Pentak's house.

After about 26 minutes,

Kinzo had reached his company. Kinzo was the CEO after all. He gets VIP treatment even inside the company. Everyone was part of Kinzo's business. This company was established from the investment of Kinzo and now it's continuously increasing Kinzo's wealth. Kinzo was a mastermind behind all these and everyone working in the office were Kinzo's pawn for money.

As Kinzo entered his office and started looking through the files, he got a call.

A call from different phone. Kinzo had another phone. Which was always put inside his office room . No one even Sara knew about this second phone.

Kinzo picked the phone.

A girl from another side talked ,

" How's my Kinzo ?"

" He is fit and fine . Just be aware of his attacks. You won't survive"

" Oh ! Then come at me with all your might. Today you'll be defeated by me . "

" Is that so ? Did you forget our last time ? When I breaked every part of your muscles ?"

" It wasn't that great Kinzo !! "

" Anyway , Your Kinzo is busy a bit. After completing the office work, I'll come at the Hotel ."

Kinzo cut the call. Kinzo was obviously cheating on his wife with another of his Girlfriend. That's what it meant when it was mentioned that Sara didn't know about Kinzo's dirty works.

Sara who entrusted everything on Kinzo would never think of a possibility where Kinzo would cheat on her.

After finishing all the office works Kinzo went out. A few bodyguards were with him.

Kinzo told them , " Take me to Sky Hotel ."

" Sure sir come ."

No one dared to defy Kinzo. In the company everyone needed permission to talk with Kinzo. Also there were specific times when nobody is allowed to try to contact with Kinzo.

After about 30 minutes, Kinzo had reached the hotel. There were another car besides Kinzo which was supposed to guard Kinzo on the road.

Kinzo got out from the car.

With his guards guarding him all the way on the Sky Hotel , he stepped his foot. Not a sign of guiltiness or hesitation hit him. Kinzo had been cheating on his wife from time to time severally. His family was just an image for others. And the Sky Hotel ??

What if some notices Kinzo and informed his wife ??

But the truth was different. The hotel itself was taken by Kinzo. The original owner was someone else but he had a conflict against Kinzo.

Kinzo who was a mastermind, had a force of 38 people and lawyers easily defeated the owner, took over his hotel legally although Kinzo's methods were illegal. Therefore the owner of the whole hotel was Kinzo.

His wife believed that Kinzo had bought the hotel which was lie. Kinzo had overtaken the hotel legally with the help of illegal methods. This hotel was also a part of Kinzo's economy. So, for outsiders, Kinzo going inside Sky hotel was like Kinzo going to another of his office to handle the works. Where in reality, Kinzo uses this hotel as a means of prostitution and he himself takes part in this with all his other business partners.

Inside the hotel everything is controlled by him and only him.

Then Kinzo went inside the room where his girlfriend was ready for him.

His guards were outside the room and started to inspect the hotel for suspicious things.

In the room , Kinzo's girlfriend, Lara came and touched Kinzo's chest. Lara was much shorter than Kinzo . Kinzo looked at her. Then Lara used a unique perfume on her and then sprayed it on Kinzo too.

Kinzo was amazed enough. Lara who was inside the room said ,

" Come at me with all your might"

Kinzo's lips curled a bit.

//////////. ///////////. ////////////////

At night, Kinzo came back to his house.

After entering the house, he had kissed Sara and hugged her again. Innocent Sara who didn't have any clue about Kinzo's dirty works again entrusted everything of her to Kinzo. She had a deep roots which was connected to Kinzo's heart. Her love made her completely blind which even ignores the visible red flags of Kinzo . Kinzo who is a devil inside is fully aware and knows how to act , when to act to control his wife and son directly and effectively.

That's what makes him dangerous. Chico came to Kinzo and said ,

" Father , please come tomorrow. Pleaseeeee !!!!!"

Kinzo patted his head and looked at his wife ,

" Okay, tomorrow I'll come with you Chico. Me and your mama will also go on a trip "

" Yeeee !!!"

Chico smiled .

Kinzo wasn't a part of any community. But he was definitely a part of Underworld. Indeed he was a wolfz. A wolfz more powerful than an entire community. His force of 38 people was a community as underworld's rule. But Kinzo was the indirect controller of that force. His personal bodyguards were all official.

Here Toji is mainly a character from an Anime named Jujutsu Kaisen. I used him to refer Kinzo's physique so readers would have a easy understanding on his body structure.

Professor_Rikocreators' thoughts