

This is a story about a guy named Ronin , who was basically a thief in the city of Jianx. His everyday works were like deceiving people. He was a part of underworld society. After a pitfall childhood, he wanted to become the leader of Underworld. He wanted to get the highest place of humanity where he would be the one in power . Here the journey of the greatest criminal in history begin.

Professor_Riko · Realistic
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29 Chs

Case 3: Abducted Son (9)

Zai was still walking. Just as Kinzo's instructions, among the crowds of hundreds of people, there were total three who were in charge of stalking Zai in different dress.

They were walking and giving every information to Kenji. Basically these three stalkers were a member of Killer Community. Thus following direct orders from the highest intellectual wouldn't attack their principles and morals. Moreover unlike other community, Killer Community had a good bond amongst the members.

As they were following, Kenji was receiving every news related to the movements of Zai and the places he was walking. Another thing to inform was that, the three stalkers were wearing button cameras. So, Kenji could also observe the scenario. It was pretty shocking for others to see that Kenji was keeping eye on three different live footages. It had resembled the brilliance of Kenji.

Zai was walking. As he was walking, the crowd was becoming more and more dense. The stalker who was riding a bicycle facing difficulties. While remembering this possibility, Kenji had hired those two stalkers. But the two stalkers were also finding a bit difficulties walking around the place.

Through the Button camera Kenji could see the scenario of the stalkers. Button cameras would also provide the sound as it was far advanced.

Suddenly Kenji's eyes were widened. Kinzo observed that and figured something was wrong. He asked calmly,

" What's wrong Kenji ?"

" Damn !! That sucker. I never thought that ."

" What happened?"

As Zai was walking the crowd started to become denser and denser. Because of the advanced button cameras, the sound was also coming through the microphone and the waves were being translated through the speaker into Kenji's ear.

Not only the crowd was becoming dense. But the voice was also becoming louder and louder.

Kenji understood his enemy's move clearly. As he understood that, he had already thinking in lightspeed to counter that move while removing the earphones from his ear.

Kinzo again told , " Will you tell me ...."

Kinzo couldn't finish as Kenji directly told ,

" Put the earphone and see the scenario of the stalkers, try to hear the surroundings. You will immediately understand."

Kinzo nodded and did as Kenji told. Kinzo's eyes were also widened this time.

" Damn. That person is really cunning and formidable."

" Yeah. I'll have to make my moves."

Kenji immediately phone called someone using his T-Phone which basically connected him to his community. T-Phones were a type of device which were given to Community members to communicate. When a community was formed by a leader, the leader had to take the cost of buying

T-Phones. No one knew where T-Phones were made. But T-Phones were transferred via messenger of Runner Channel. The company of the T-Phone makers use these messenger to provide T-Phone to their customers.

Because Kenji was a member of Killer Community, he had the T-Phone.

Kenji ordered someone, " Send more stalkers in this location. "

And then Kenji used his regular phone while contracting Ramp Force members

" Tighten the security around the area of East Jianx Stadium . It's an emergency "

Because Kenji was close to the leader of the East Jianx Ramp Force, the leader would do and follow the words of Kenji anytime anyday.

Basically a concert was going to held in December 26,2077.

In December 10,2077

When coming to this place using the mini truck, Ronin was reading a newspaper.

At that time Ronin had suddenly smiled .

Xander noticed that and asked

" What happened?"

" Nothing special. "

" Then ?"

" A few models came to East Jianx,

A concert is going to held on 26 December in East Jianx ,

Three people murdered in East Jianx and the Ramp Force didn't catch them yet ."

" So ?"

" Nothing special, just read this in newspapers. "

Around that time Ronin had this idea to use that concert in his plan.

What is a concert ?

A concert is basically a live performance by musicians in front of an audience. The quantity of the audience completely depends on the musicians popularity . The more the popularity the more the audience.

A concert held in large scale would cross millions of audience. There would be a commotion of crowd in every concert. Some even have hard time breathing properly. Because of the noice and the sound of the music itself it was harder to communicate using devices. Sometimes people can't even hear each other while enjoying the concert. Following a single person among thousands was nearly impossible.

The reason why Both Kenji and Kinzo was shocked because they saw Zai was heading to a stadium where the concert was helding in East Jianx. As Zai was heading towards it the sound of the music boxes were becoming louder and louder. The crowd was becoming denser and denser. That was the early phrase only. Zai didn't even go inside the stadium yet where the real thing was happening.

This shocked both Kinzo and Kenji as they never thought that their enemy would come up with this.

Originally Kinzo and Kenji thought of using Zai to track down the location of the enemy by using stalkers and sending men around the location.

But Ronin who was an old fox knew this clearly.

When Ronin first read the details of the concert in the news paper he had plans to use this in his advantage. But his plans were different because of the date of Chico's school festival was way earlier than the concert's date. So Ronin thought of using that concert's crowd as a means of escaping while disguising. But the dates of the festival were changed. This resulted Ronin to use this concert as a means of transection instead of an escape route . Why ?

In first plan, Ronin would have been able to kidnap Chico before 14 December. After the negotiation process and transection process, everything would have been ended Ronin's faction running away from Kinzo. As a means of escape Ronin decided to use the crowd of the concert.

But because the dates were changed Ronin had to kidnap Chico in 19 December, 2077. Which resulted Ronin changing his plan to use the concert as a mean of transection of the rings.

In the first plan Ronin had different plans for transection.

Now, as Kinzo's men were stalking Zai , they looked Zai entering the stadium.

Kinzo's other armed men who were not involved in stalking but they were basically around the place here Kinzo was . Kinzo placed those men to ambush the enemy .

According to Kinzo's plan :

1) Stalkers will stalk Zai

2) Stalkers will find the enemy

3) Stalkers will signal the attackers around the place to ambush the enemy.

But all of these plans were ruined. Why ?

Because the enemy was using a mid sized concert as his transection place. It was already a bit harder to follow a man around hundreds of people. But the enemy chose a literal stadium full of thousands of people. Stalking Zai would be becoming ten times harder than that.

There comes another possibility.

"What if Kenji ordered his men to stay with Zai instead of ordering them to stalk Zai ?"

If Kenji did that he would alert the enemy . Simply when the enemy would see extra men with Zai, the messenger, they would simply retreat instead of coming out to take the ring.

Does that violate the rules of Runners ?

It won't violate only if the receiver already provides special conditions.

According to Runner Channel

"The sender can decide the time, place and set conditions on a letter when giving it to a receiver."

One could argue that the sender was Kinzo that time. But he wasn't.

It was actually Ronin who told Zai to go over Kinzo's place and receive the letters ( rings ) and give it back to Ronin .

In this case the sender was indirectly Ronin and the receiver was directly Ronin. Every transection had a cost. For this types of transection, Ronin only had to give more money or Silver Watch . In other words this types of transection were a bit costly than normal transection.

So, while making his moves carefully, Ronin gave conditions to Zai that he would delay the transaction if he noticed any men with Zai.

So, Kenji couldn't make the move where he could order his men to stay with Zai . Because

1) Ronin would notice extra men and retreat.

2) To successfully retreat and not violate the rules of Runner Channel, Ronin would make extra conditions.

3) Ronin was the indirect sender and the receiver in the whole process. So the conditions were set by Ronin instead of Kinzo . Obviously those conditions would be out of knowledge of Kinzo.

All these three reasons stopped Kenji to order his men to stay with Zai. Which resulted Kenji to order his men to stalk and order his attackers to be prepared around the place where stalkers were present.

But this simple scheme would obviously be seen through by Ronin which was also known the Kinzo.

That's the reason why Ronin chose the concert as the transection place.

Zai had entered.

Kenji's men had entered too. But because of the loud screams, voices, noices and the sounds of the music box, Kenji himself couldn't hear the information of his subordinates. He could only see.

The stadium was rounded. There were a lot of people on the ground and there were many on the seats of the stadium. The musician was singing with his heart on the middle of the stadium.

Ronin had already given the instructions to Zai about the transection place inside the stadium. So, Zai was walking through that easily.

But it was harder for the five stalkers who were following Zai. They didn't have clear idea of Ronin's location inside the huge commotions of crowd. Zai was walking as he knew the location but stalkers were walking only by seeing Zai's back.

But among this huge crowd, it was obvious that the stalker would misunderstand some other person as Zai which would resulted them losing the track of Zai.

Three stalkers already lost. Two of them were still trying. But they were a bit far from Zai.

Why it was hard for them to follow Zai ?

It was simple. There were already thousands of humans inside the concert on the ground. Not all humans were physically equal. One was short, one was tall, one was medium in height, one was fat , one was thin, one was with ground, one was alone. Every type of different humans were basically jumping to vibe with the music.

How were normal stalkers supposed to trace a single person in black suit only with their naked eye ??

That's humanly impossible.

Moreover Zai knew where to go. But stalkers didn't.

Ronin's plan this time succeeded easily. But there was something Ronin couldn't confirm yet . This 'Something' would decide whether Ronin's plan was entirely successful or not.

Even though I've used many words such as "Scheme" , "Plan", "Strategy", "Tactics" and so on. I just used these words so that readers could understand what's going on actually. In simple, All of these words were used in the most simplest meaning possible. So, hopefully no one gets confused as the terms (Plan, Strategy, Tactics, Scheme) have so many sub points to stand the definition. I just only used these word in the simplest meaning possible so that readers could grasp it.

Professor_Rikocreators' thoughts