
Case Of Love

Because of being late for work, Rita does not hesitate to fight with a handsome widower named Arka who has blocked her way! Not your sister! Don't call me that!" "Ok fine. But, Can I call you my girlfriend?" "Oh, god! Shut up!" There is a reason for the hard work Rita has been doing all this time. But who would have thought, Arka, who always made Rita angry, finally wanted to help. But what if the reason for help from Arka to be is secret? Then, can the charm of a widower like Arka still be able to chase Rita's hard heart?

Fifilani · Urban
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23 Chs

Two Reason

Rita and Kina already know all of the boss home's. Understandably they often go to the boss's house. Only two reasons.

If it's not an invitation to dinner, it means coming to them boss's house, just to ask for permission to not come to work.

Gela immediately approached the two employees who had been seen sitting on the sofa in her living room.

"Auntie doesn't feel like there's an invitation for dinner this time? Did your sales exceed the target today?" said Gela as she walked towards the two of them.

"Yes, boss!" both said politely.

Gela prefers to call herself aunty when she's not in the shop. It's different when you're in the store.

The word 'boss' had to be heard. While Rita and Kina wherever and whenever, they will always call Gela as 'Miss boss'.

"Look, miss boss, I want permission to not go to work first," said Rita carefully.

Gela looked at her in astonishment.

"Well, yesterday you didn't want to work, Rita. If you get permission again, I will cut your salary," said Gela firmly.

When it comes to work, Gela does look like a very strict and disciplined boss. That's why he made all the rules as best he could.

Rita was still there. She was catching his breath. Kina had been trying to elbow Rita all along. Her friend asked Rita to immediately explain everything to Gela.

"Hurry up, Rita. Say it now! Don't talk in pieces," whispered Kina.

Rita took a deep breath.

"So it's like this, miss boss. I was called by a friend of my family to work in her office. But it's only for a month. After that I will go back to work in the shop," said Rita a little scared.

Rita hoped her boss wouldn't ask too many questions. Sure enough, Gela seemed to accept it.

"Okay, it's up to you, Rita. But you promise to keep coming back to the shop? Because if not, I'll find another employee,"

"Come back, miss boss," said Rita hastily.

Gela nodded. After all, Rita is the best employee she's found so far.

"Well, auntie, let's not go to work in the shop for a month," said Gela.

Rita looks happy and Kina also secretly shows her happy expression. They both raised their eyebrows.


Rita is a little uncomfortable with her own appearance. Because Kina told her to dress like a secretary, Rita walked into the office a little uncomfortable.

Blazer combined with a skirt above the knee plus heels, still makes Rita awkward to look like that.

'Okay, calm down, Rita. Let this be an experience,'

The woman is now standing in front of the main gate of Antama Jaya company. She tried to muster his confidence.

If yesterday Rita looked belittled by people, now she looks like she is respected. Rita's appearance in general does look like a real secretary. Body and face is very supportive.

"Welcome to our office, Mrs. Rita. Let me take you to her room," said the receptionist politely.

"Oh, fine," said Rita trying to be formal too.

While heading to her room, Rita didn't getting various stares from other employees in the office lobby.

There were those who looked at him so friendly that the gazes of the male employees were dominated. However, not a few female employees looked at him suspiciously.

"Where is Mr. Arka's secretary anyway?" whispered one of the employees as Rita walked past.

When Rita arrived in her own room, the woman looked unhappy. Even though she is currently being facilitated by a very comfortable room, current atmosphere is not as comfortable as her room looks.

Rita seemed reluctant to sit in the oversized chair she had provided. She chose to immediately throw himself on the single sofa. Covering his face with both hands.

There he wept profusely. For Rita, the words of some of the employees had made her eat her heart.

In the midst of her sadness, the door to his room opened. The athletic man, none other than Arka, just walked in without making a sound.

The heart's intention to greet Rita with joy on Rita's first day of work, it turned out that she found her new secretary was sobbing. Arka was instantly curious and immediately approached Rita.

"What's wrong with you, Rita?" asked Arka.

Rita was still sobbing. In fact, she immediately threw his bag at Arka.

"You're satisfied, uncle!" Rita quietly still refuses to see him.

"Satisfied with what?"

Rita screamed in annoyance.

"Argh! Because of Uncle Arka's request, I became the subject of discussion out there. Many of Om's employees are jealous. They don't like it if I become a secretary here. I really don't deserve it, Uncle Arka!" chirped Rita.

Hastily, Rita took her bag which she had thrown at Arka.

"I want to go home, uncle. It can be a pressure if I have to be here,"

"Hey wait!" Arka interrupted him.

"Who talks like that? Tell me now!" Arka firmly looked at Rita with a serious look.

Rita swallowed and this was the first time he saw Arka being so strict. Not only that, Arka even clenched his fists, a sign that the man's emotions were ignited.

Rita became uneasy. She woke up immediately. She should have just suppressed her emotions earlier. Not showing and getting angry like that at Arka.

Rita doesn't want because of her there will be internal problems between Arka and his subordinates. She immediately realized that if he should, her presence would not create a new problem.

"Sorry, forget it. I was just a little emotional earlier, uncle Arka,"

"Rita, you're in the office and position as—"

"Sorry, Mr. Arka," Rita interrupted in a hurry.

The woman hastily wiped her tears and immediately gave her the sweetest smile. But as already understands the thing that makes Rita cry.

Arka was already emotional. She didn't want Rita to feel uncomfortable in his office. With quick footsteps, Arka walked away and shouted loudly.

"Everyone out!" shouted Arka throughout the lobby of the room that passed.

It wasn't just Rita who was very panicked by Arka's reaction. All the employees who passed his room immediately ran out in panic.

Arka just kept walking towards the main room. Ask all employees to immediately go to the main room. No employee dared to evade his orders.

There, Arka was seen looking at everyone one by one with a look full of intimidation. Meanwhile, Rita seemed to be shaking with fear. He was standing right next to Arka.

"Who doesn't like the presence of my new secretary?" asked Arka looking cold but his voice sounded sharp hiss into the ears.


No one dared to answer. Everyone looks down. Rita didn't even dare to speak. She kept his head down and hoped that Arka wouldn't prolong the problem.

"SAY!" Arka snapped when no one answered.

"I warn all of you. Even though Rita is only working temporarily with me. But you all have no right to look down on her.

If I hear that there are bad things to Rita, that very second you leave this company.

Understand?" said Arka emphatically.

"Understood, Mr. Arka," said several employees who dared to speak a little. While the others chose to remain silent.

Arka ordered them to disperse and go back to work. After all his employees disbanded, Arka immediately left Rita who was still silent. The woman was busy with her thoughts.

'Why Mr. Arka this angry? I don't think the man can be angry in his life dictionary,' said Rita.

"Sir Arka?" said Rita, following Arka walking.

"Go back to your room! Calm your mind first. After this you have work!" said Arka and entered the elevator.