As is well known, the crime rate in the world of Detective Conan is one of the highest in the world of manga. As a man who reincarnated into this world, the criminal defendant lawyer, Kensuke Komemon, often takes on various cases, defending various suspects, including many culprits caught by a certain boy in a blue bowtie. "Mr. Lawyer, I have a dog..." "You does not, that's clearly a stray dog." "Mr. Lawyer, I got hit in the head by a ball kicked by a boy in a blue bowtie, and now I've been diagnosed with a second-degree concussion. Can I get a reduced sentence because of this?" "Let's not talk about reduced sentences for now. Are you interested in hiring me to sue the guardian of that child? Make him pay a large sum of money!" "Mr. Lawyer, I found bugs installed in my house..." "Don't say anything more. Let's sue them vigorously! Make them cough out all of their money!" Not long after, Kogoro Mouri, holding a pile of court summonses, kicked Conan out of the door.