
A lie


                                   "A LIE"

        marry was in her room staring walls when something came up to her mind. she grabbed her car keys and left the house in hurry. it seemed that she solved something that was in her mind for long. she rushed to burned area. it was police restricted area and no one was insight. she ran towards the front tree of her office. "yeah there it is. i knew this would help someday. i love you camera" marry said holding the little webcam in her hand. she took her phone out of her pocket and called. "hello! officer john? can you please visit me at home?" marry said on the call.

      lisa came back and heard the phone ringing. "vindy! i am home" she followed the sound of ring and entered her room. vindy was in the washroom. lisa looked on her phone and got stuck. vindy came out. "hey you!" said vindy. "why the hell is Veronica calling you?" asked lisa and showed the phone screen to her. "i don't know! maybe to apologise for what she did" vindy covered. "you saved her name with Veronica darling? what is happening in this world? first that weird call at leny's and now this. is there something i dont know? please tell me or i will get mad by this nonsense" lisa said and threw the phone on the bed. she took her foot steps towards the door when vindy said "stop! i want to tell you something." lisa turned her face. "you guyz are hopeless. every one has there secrets and all. no one is genuine" said lisa. "this is what you did too lisa . you lied about Veronica" mentioned vindy. "well now i am all clear but you all are still hiding things" said lisa. "sit here! because it's about leny" told vindy. "what?" asked lisa with a curious face. "leny and Veronica are working together. and they killed leny. i just got this information few days back and now they are threatening me to keep my mouth shut" told vindy. "are you insane? what the hell...where do you get this information?" asked lisa. "i listened them talking" said vindy. "this doesn't make any sense" said lisa in a shock. "it's simple! all the property was on adam's name. leny got nothing because of that past incident he didn't mention to anyone and there was only one way of getting that property so he killed him" clarified by vindy. "what the hell are you talking about? what incident? and how it includes Veronica? my mind is block" said lisa putting her both hands over her head. "listen! he was with Veronica for a long time . it has been going on since college time. they are doing their dirty business together and the incident is something big you can't consume right now so just get over with these first" said vindy. "how do you know all this? they talked all about this when you heard them?" lisa questioned. "no! leny confessed this after i asked him" vindy mentioned. "but you said he was threatening you. so why he told you in first place? this isn't make any sense. asked lisa desperately. "yeah it doesn't. i think he regrets it now.....i know you are confused and it's alot but trust me each and every word i told you is true" said vindy. "if it's true then he has to pay for this and not only him but Veronica too" mentioned lisa and stood up. she wiped her tears and left.

         early in the morning. vindy woke up."lisa!" vindy was calling on her but she was not in the whole house. her phone rang. she picked up "hello". "what have you told lisa? and why? she was here saying rubbish. it will not benefit you. you are breaking a deal" leny shouted on the other side of the call. "what i did was important. she should know your intentions. you are just cheating. you should pay for what you did" answered vindy in attitude. "screw you b...." said leny when vindy cutted the call in middle.

        lisa went to marry's house and knocked. marry opened the door. "hey i wanted to talk. it's important." said lisa to marry. "come in!" said marry. lisa entered and without wasting a second she started her speech and told marry everything that vindy said. " it was all messed up and i didn't know who to talk with" lisa started crying. "i don't think this all is true" marry mentioned. "what?" Questioned lisa. marry grabbed her laptop and show a video to lisa. "this video was taken from a webcam i hidden near my office and officer john helped me last night to get this. i know it's shocking and i want you to keep it a secret untill i figure things out properly." marry told. lisa was shocked and couldn't seem to breath. "that means?...no" lisa uttered. "yes and i hope it's not true but still" marry said and sighed. lisa stood up and started taking steps towards the door but fell down. "lisa!" shouted marry and ran towards her. marry ran to the telephone and called an ambulance.