
Chapter 9

After Damira left, Trinity hurriedly approached Alexander. Concern was evident on her face. He discreetly stashed the ring in his pocket before she could see it.

"What happened? Why did she slap you?" she asked with worry. Her father, Leo, was standing behind her and seemed equally eager to know what had occurred.

"It's okay. I was in the wrong. Don't be mad at her," he reassured them.

"Why? What happened?" his father repeated the question.

"Look, I really want to explain what happened, but I'm so tired. Can we talk about it later?" He looked back and forth between the two of them.

Trinity sighed. "Fine."

As Alexander ascended the stairs, Macario arrived with the man's luggage.

"Where are they, Sir?" he inquired.

"Macario, has something happened?" Trinity raised an eyebrow as she questioned their driver.

"Oh, don't you know yet?" Macario asked in surprise.

She quickly retrieved her phone from her pocket and showed the video of what happened at the airport earlier to the couple. Trinity's eyes widened when Alexander knelt in front of Damira, and her gasp deepened as she saw him kiss the woman who had been living with them for just over a week.

"H-how did this happen?"

"M-Ma'am," they turned to Carla, who was behind Macario. "Sir Alexander called Miss Damira because he was picking her up with Luanne at the airport. Nobody's at fault here. I think they were just as surprised as anyone at how fast things happened earlier," she explained apologetically.

"I see. But I need to talk to Alexander about this. There are things we need to discuss. Call me if he's already awake."

The two nodded while the couple exchanged meaningful glances. They hadn't expected things to unfold so quickly.

Trinity was feeling a mix of emotions. She was happy that her son had taken the first step, but it didn't seem like the right time, place, or day for this to happen. Just earlier, Leopoldo and Genesis had been arguing over the phone because the latter was already preparing for Alexander and Luanne's wedding. The man insisted on marrying their son to a woman who knew nothing about their business or even how to brew a cup of coffee.

Now that the public knew that their eldest son was getting married, reporters would likely start showing up at their home, and it was essential to keep it a secret that the two lived under the same roof.

"Can we ask the Montelumiere to delete this?" Trinity asked her husband.

"No. Let it spread to everyone. We just need to prepare the two of them for the questions that will be asked by the media. They need to stand by what happened because people have already seen it. We can't take it back right away. This situation is better than having Genesis come first."

Damira's eyes were wide open, even though she had wanted to go back to sleep for a while now. She stared at the ceiling, and her heart was still racing.

"Damn it!" she shouted, followed by a series of punches into the air as she recalled Alexander's nonsensical words earlier.

"I just want to let you know how stupid I am to ask you to marry me. It shouldn't have happened."

"It should indeed!" she retorted.

"You already know that I can't marry someone who I don't actually know."

"Then suddenly you kneel and pull out a ring?!"

"I am so sorry for involving you in this."

"You are sorry, but you're not forgiven! You should be thanking me for even going to the airport!"

"I just also want to let you know that someone uploaded our video to a social media app, but don't worry because I'll do my best to delete it on all platforms."

"Oh my God!" she exclaimed, shaking with frustration and punching the air. "You really had to make my face famous!"

Her outburst was interrupted by a phone call from Amelia.


"Damira! My God, you didn't tell me that your future husband is a billionaire," Amelia gushed with excitement.

"What are you talking about?"

"You don't know?"

"Know what?"

"Come on! Don't you know that Alexander's last name is Casablanca? He almost became an actor, you know. He did some commercials back then. Seriously, you're so lucky. Sana all!"

"Wait a minute..."

She quickly typed Alexander Casablanca in the search bar, and there it was! It was true. He was Alexander Casablanca, the eldest child of Leopoldo and Denise Casablanca. He was one of the youngest billionaires in the Philippines and his family's surname was among the top five wealthiest families in the country.

Her jaw nearly dropped.

"Are you there?" the woman on the other side asked.

"Y-yes. Can we meet now? Are you off?" she asked, her heart racing.

"Yes. Let's meet at the café in McIntyre Mall, okay? I'll just change."

Damira quickly got dressed. She retrieved the blouse and skirt she was supposed to wear earlier, grabbed her sandals, and left the room.

She walked with her head held high, silently praying that she wouldn't cross paths with Alexander inside the house. The house was quiet as she passed through the dining area and living room, but she encountered Carla.

"Miss, where are you going?" Carla asked.

"I'm just meeting someone. I might not be here for lunch, so please let Trinity know..." Damira asked.

Carla nodded. She was about to continue walking when she remembered something.

"Carla, I have a question."

"What is it?"

"Is this family's last name really Casablanca?"

Carla nodded again. "Yes. Why? Didn't you know?"

"Really?" Damira raised an eyebrow and grasped the doorknob with the engraved letters C and B.

"You can also see it through the gate. Didn't you notice?" Carla asked.


"Unbelievable. I thought you knew this house and the life you were stepping into."

"W-we'll talk later. I have to go now." She hurriedly left when she saw Macario cleaning the car.

"It seems like you have somewhere to go, Miss. Shall I drive you?"

"No need. There's public transportation outside the village. I can manage," she replied curtly.

"Are you sure?"

"Yup. Absolutely sure."

When she reached the gate, she once again noticed the engraved letters C and B. Not only that, but when she looked up, she saw a massive arch that read "Casablanca Residence."

She sighed. "Why didn't I see this before?" she asked herself while scratching her head.