

Casabella's POV

I rushed to the dining room acting like I didn't know what was going on and met Lora and Annie holding on to their tummy in agony while Andrew already left in a rush to the stairs.

"What's wrong with you guys?" I inquired, trying to hide my laughter.

“I know it must be you who did something to the food.”

“Don’t be ridiculous Lora. I have nothing to do with your meal but I guess you deserve what’s coming your way and you too, Annie.” I burst out laughing.

“You’re the only one who is living in this house with us so you did something to the food.” Annie yelled in pain.

“Yes, I did. Do you have a problem with that?” I chuckled.

“You’re going to pay for this, I promise.” Lora vowed in agony and rushed out.

“Your lives will never be the same when I am done teaching you three a lesson.”

“You must have won today but know this and mark my word, you’re going down bitch.”

“It‘s of no use exchanging words with you and also you’re not up to my standard.”