
Carving on the Wall

Satya is a man who for two years has always harbored hatred towards Sonya, his boss at a private insurance company. With Sonya's attitude and words that are always harsh and insulting to him, every day Satya's hatred is getting bigger. One day, Satya finds all his hatred towards Sonya fading and disappearing just like that after he finds out the truth about Sonya. And now, for a week, they were even involved in an unusually intimate relationship. Unfortunately, the relationship did not last long, Satya left the pregnant Sonya, and he returned to his hometown, Bali. In the old house that his family inherited from generation to generation, Satya found a carving on one of the walls in the living room, with a line of words barely legible. He who lived alone because all his relatives had died, tried to recall the stories of his ancestors about the carving. Until one night, by accident, Satya was able to recall the lines of sentences that were between the carvings on the living room wall. Something happened shortly after Satya read the sentence. He felt his body being pulled by a powerful force that made him move between dimensions and time. Satya was suddenly in one land, in the era 1000 years before his time. Here, Satya has to fight hard to return to his time by helping a royal princess named Lathifa Minan who is usually called Lathi, the princess is being oppressed by her husband. She was even sentenced to death by being thrown to the bottom of the sea. Can Satya save Princess Lathi? Or, can he go back to his time? Then, how does Satya's relationship with Sonya end up, which he left pregnant? Well, find the answer in this story. Happy reading ^^

Ando_Ajo · Fantasy
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160 Chs

Comfortable Feeling

On the shore of the small lake, Satya practiced silat while closing his eyes. It was not himself who did it all, but something in him and his mind that guided the rest of his body to follow every movement that came to his mind.

He had been practicing his silat moves for more than an hour so that his face and bare-chested body were drenched in sweat.

Lathifa appeared in the front doorway with a wooden tray. On the tray, there is an earthenware teapot, an earthenware cup, and an earthenware plate containing roasted cassava and sweet potatoes.

For a moment, the girl smiled looking at Satya who was still practicing. Her face immediately turned red when the image of their intercourse last night came back into her head.

After that, Lathifa approached the man.

"Satya," she called softly. "You've been training for a long time, take a break."

Satya stopped his movements, eyes opened, and he turned and smiled at the girl.