
Carving Mountains - Shattering Stars

A man forsaken by fate fights to survive in a foreign land while struggling to return to the home he once knew. After years of suffering, he is finally able to return to his world only to find everything he held dear has disappeared. Now angry, confused and alone, He sets off to uncover fate of his loved ones and the mysteries surrounding them. douluo dalu fan fic I am writing for fun. What to expect: - Some nice action/fights - No Harem - Probably no romance. all rights reserved to Tang Jia San Shao. The Chapters are slow cause I have to write, proofread and edit myself so it is at least not unreadable.

Greed42 · Others
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16 Chs

Yin and Yang

A golden sea churning resplendent like a tropical beach shore on a warm summer day contrasting the darkness like a blanket of nothingness similar to an empty night sky except for a revolving core of spirit mimicking a violet moon. Around it a whale apparition would orbit the core swimming freely flowing dominating pride and elegance.

Inside the sea Lin Li Lin floats about finally opening her eyes, the cultivation she has accumulated over the years using her immense talent and tenacity has finally born fruit. Her spirit core has formed, her 3rd revolving core along with her soul core and demon whale blood essence core their unity is sublime, she could feel it, she had a shot of reaching limit douluo if she poured her heart in to cultivation but such thoughts she would reserve for the future for now she is mother her family is waiting for her. She is now Rank 95 just 1 level short of a hyper douluo so urging herself to wake was simple as breathing.

Lin Li Lin's eyelids slowly opened and her soul cores harmonized to restore her weakened condition she could feel the soft and tender babe in her reminding her of what she had done before she passed out, quickly scanning the room with her spiritual power for her 2nd child the younger of the two her baby boy. She sighs in relief when she finds him in his husband's carry all the while realizing that her grandfather is here speaking.

"So what is her name?"

Propping her self up from the bed surprising the people in the and prompting Lin Mo to rush to her side carrying along their son.

"Hai Wang, I mean urh.."


"Esteemed grandfather we want to call her Lin Hai Wang and our son will be Lin Hei Long."

"Hai Wang I see a great name, Little Lin grandfather wishes to take your daughter as a disciple when she is old enough and raise her up to succeed me. Your children have been born with their martial soul awakened which is unprecedented in the history of the douluo continent even with our vast history I barely recall such circumstances not only that she has a 2nd awakening thus having the Demon Whale King martial soul. With out testing I can tell she has innate full soul power as well."

The sudden barrage of information shocked the people in the room specially the couple truly such an event has rarely happened in the history of their world or even recorded and for it to happen to the two of them making the situation even more unique.

"I'm sorry grandfather but I don't think I can answer that right this moment my husband and I need to discuss something 1st and we would like the children to have normal childhoods at the very least."

"That is alright we are in no rush I still have 200 years left in this body of mine and if I am lucky I might find a God seat and elevate our family further."

"Thank you esteemed grandfather we will raise the children well and you can visit them whenever you have the time."

"That I will do Little Mo and I know you and my granddaughter will raise them right. I also hear you are close to a breakthrough with your research. You have contributed greatly to our family I expect great things from you young man."

"Er Y-yes I am humbled by your praise esteemed grandfather. M-may I ask what is my sons condition and martial soul if it isn't the Lin family martial soul then surely it must be mine if luck would have it?"

"Nonsense you deserve such praise young man as for the boy I don't know his martial soul is a variant martial I have no knowledge of it. Unfortunately heaven is fair I do not feel any soul power from the boy and he is not suited to train soul power and become a soul master."

"That is..."

"It is okay honey will take care of him and love just the same and you can train him to be like you a Mecha designer so you don't have to worry."


Seeing the couple and their children the others inside the room decide to give the family sometime to themselves. Plus the events of today weighed heavy on their mind for they knew they cannot speak of it specially the handmaidens not directly part of Lin family clan for they knew if word gets out the turbulence they would experience would not be in anyway minor.

"Alright lets take our leave."

Chen Wu Yu gestured to the handmaidens except a few that would remain to help the couple the rest started to leave with Lady Chen.

"Congratulations my friend you are a father now and also to you Lady Li Lin I will check up on the children again at a later date."

"I will take my leave as well you bring great pride to me and your clan granddaughter you honor your father's memory I know for he would been very proud of what you've accomplished."

And with a blink Ling Ming had left.

The following months were bliss to the family enjoying their lives and leave from work raising their two little babes. Nights were spent changing diapers or feeding the children, fortunately they were both soul master which made it less encumbring. Days were simple and happy, talking with the babies, taking them for a stroll in the mountains. It felt that time had paused and things would stay like this forever.

Eventually though they had to return to their jobs for Li Lin this was being the dean of their family academy. It was not a large school it consisted of a few thousand students from the children of the families working for their company as well as some of the direct descendants of the Lin family and their branch families. Her duties were overlooking the student's studies and creating a curriculum to train soul masters.

For Lin Mo however was different he was a lead researcher for Mecha advancement fix soul ammunition and battle armor he was prodigy a talent not seen for 3000 years. He specialized in engineering and soul circuit design his innovations have catapulted technology into hyper drive they were close to rivaling the technology of tang sect.

With his knowledge and the company's wealth the Lin family clan is hoping that he may lead them to be part of great powers of the continent no lesser than the likes of Spirit Pagoda, Shrek, War God Temple, or Tang sect. The meteoric rise could be seen just pass the horizon surely within reach, but the winds of conflict blow unexpectedly like a raging monsoon and one such storm is brewing in that very horizon.