
Carving Mountains - Shattering Stars

A man forsaken by fate fights to survive in a foreign land while struggling to return to the home he once knew. After years of suffering, he is finally able to return to his world only to find everything he held dear has disappeared. Now angry, confused and alone, He sets off to uncover fate of his loved ones and the mysteries surrounding them. douluo dalu fan fic I am writing for fun. What to expect: - Some nice action/fights - No Harem - Probably no romance. all rights reserved to Tang Jia San Shao. The Chapters are slow cause I have to write, proofread and edit myself so it is at least not unreadable.

Greed42 · Others
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16 Chs


Li Lin stood in a glass elevator zipping up towards the top floor of her hotel. Outside she could see the night life of city erupt in full luminous bloom. It is times like this that she is grateful for her cultivation that allow her minimal exhaustion despite dealing with a bunch of rowdy students all day, specially right now in the later hours of the day where an emergency meeting has been called regarding the event being held tomorrow.

Ding! The elevator stops, pulling her gaze away from the spectacular view and revealing a luxurious floor adorned with red carpet flooring and vintage wall lights. Upon arriving at the room specially prepared for their meeting; she is greeted by a receptionist that leads her to one of the the large empty tables that was specifically reserve for her. Her large frame attracted the stares of the greenhorns and the others faction who have no impression of the Lin Family Clan.

One of these onlookers is another woman who stood up from her sit and made her way towards Li Lin. Her heterochromia eyes shone with a glint of animosity as she dragged her long fiery red hair on the floor while making large strides toward her target.

Li Lin noticed her heated gaze quite easily, and turned to look at tiny woman charging towards her. The sparks immediately flew as they made eye contact and an invisible pressure radiated from the intense collision of their aura.The contrast of their looks made for quite the image, one was a extremely large woman and another a small lady two heads smaller than the former. There movements attracted the attention of the other powers for no one had expected that Shrek's representative to immediately show hostility towards the whale clan.

"You do know that this move of yours is causing quite the stir?"

"Hooo- is it? I could hardly give a damn. I just wanted to greet an old acquaintance after all I've been dreaming of of this moment for over ten years."

"Do we really have to do this now?"

"YES! now follow me and prepare yourself."

The onlookers stood shock at sudden development for the cultivation of these were beyond their own so they had no method of intervening. They could see the tiny lady burn through the ceiling like she was a blazing spear piercing the heavens followed by Li Lin closely behind. They flew into in the clouds far enough where they wouldn't suffer from the atmospheric pressure or damage the city below. The clouds where thick and dark but did nothing to hide their blooming auras from the nine soul rings revolving around both of them similarly they both have 6 black and 3 red.

"Ma Xiaofeng we can still go back inside and not do this. It is not too late."

"Backing out now? That doesn't sound like the Li Lin I remember, she would have relished the thought of fighting me again. You have change, did the years quench your battle spirit?"

"And you're still the same. The arrogant, hot blooded, egotistical girl I remember. Take my move."

Li Lin 6th ring glowed and her body started growing larger almost doubling in size then a massive halberd suddenly appeared in her right hand. It looked ruined with salt and rust as if it was salvaged from the ocean, it had a long white cloth with small chimes dangling from the shaft. She lifted the weapon with one arm, pointing it at her foe. Ma Xiaofeng ignited her body and a red jade fan designed with phoenix carving appeared in her hand.

'Endless flowing flames'

The temperature skyrocketed her nine soul rings glowed in unison as she swung the fan towards Li Lin creating massive waves of magma like flames erupting forward stacking together endlessly as they rage throughout the sky scorching the clouds and creating dark red lightning bolts.

Li Lin stood dauntless in the air lowering her stance causing the sky under her feet to ripple like the ocean currents.

'Demon Whale Halberd Art: Sweeping The Seas.'

She tightly gripped the halberd with two hands while twisting her waist and using the entirety of her body to madly swing the weapon in a sweeping motion creating a shockwave that dispersed the surrounding clouds. A gigantic whale's tail two-hundred meters wide manifest clashing with the waves of flame.

The two attacks clashed and the area became incandescent, it was a soul power clinch the power was almost perfectly equal. The two masters burst forth with more of their cultivation in an attempt to overwhelm the other but to no avail. The harmony of their energies had hit a critical point and could no longer remain stable causing an explosion of soul power that sent tremendous shockwaves outward sending both of them flying back.

The storm of energy settled down revealing two figures in rags covered by shining battle armor. They both were bleeding from different parts of their bodies and felt their soul power turbulent but neither backed down for they knew the fight is just getting started.

Ma Xiaofeng once again ignited her entire body and spread her domain it was like the sun had risen and the night sky turned bright. She could that Li Lin had started doing the same but before their domains clash, a woman appeared in between them holding a can wearing black military clothing. Her figure flashed and Ma Xiaofeng and Lin Li Lin found themselves hurtling down back towards the hotel.

Bang! they burst through the room ceiling before being caught by Feng Shi Jin. She then dropped the two disoriented woman like sacks of rice.

"We will discuss this later. Now take your sit the meeting is about to begin.

The women reorganized themselves before standing up and returning to their seats. They had to keep their battle armor to coverup because most of their clothes were blown away which made things awkward for some of the attendees. The host tried to lighten the mood a bit before going into the main topic.

"Now that we are all here let's begin the meeting for this year's Continental Advanced Academy Soul Dueling Tournament."