
Carving Mountains - Shattering Stars

A man forsaken by fate fights to survive in a foreign land while struggling to return to the home he once knew. After years of suffering, he is finally able to return to his world only to find everything he held dear has disappeared. Now angry, confused and alone, He sets off to uncover fate of his loved ones and the mysteries surrounding them. douluo dalu fan fic I am writing for fun. What to expect: - Some nice action/fights - No Harem - Probably no romance. all rights reserved to Tang Jia San Shao. The Chapters are slow cause I have to write, proofread and edit myself so it is at least not unreadable.

Greed42 · Others
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16 Chs


Pained cries resonate along traditional looking room reminiscint of the old era of douluo continent even before the birth of tang sect; a woman panting laboriously lying on a bed fit for a monarch yells in pain as she tries to deliver new life into douluo world. Around are a group of people attending to her, a midwife, physician and her husband Lin Mo along with a few other female servants.

Mighty soul power is periodically erupting from Lin Li Lin as her mysterious circumstance puzzled and terrified the witnesses. 9 soul rings circled around her, 3 purple, 4 black and 2 red her body that glowing a dark purple light her face straining from the influx of pain cause by the struggle of her labor along with trying to hold back her martial soul from manifesting added on, her incredible soul power is running amok with in her uncontrollably infusing into the infant within her bringing in accompanying pain great enough for her sense of self to be a candle light flickering in the wind. The uncertainty of her situation further increasing the stress she feels and her burden to ensure her child's safety is enough for Lin Li Lin to barely cling her fleeting consciousness.

"Aaagghhh!!! Aaaackk!!!! AAAAAAH!!!!!!"

"Please senior Mang Yan tell me is Li er going to be ok."

"I have begun my analysis since I've arrive in this room Young master be assured that if I find it Life threatening I will immediately intervene.

"Still the anxiety I feel is telling me that there must be more this Doctor."

"Everything is fine Young master her situation might be unusually more painful but It does not seem to be life threatening, at least for the moment. Isn't this the reason why you requested that Lady Chen to come as for Lin Li er I hypothesize that this soul power fluctuations is akin to a 2nd awakening of her martial soul"

"2nd awakening?! right now? how can this be such a thing. Thank you for your words Doctor."

Lin Mo could only kneel down next to his wife with relief hearing Mang Yan's words. He could only remain hopeful while clutching his wife's hand in his own helpless for the father in the making has no choice but to leave everything in the hands of Lady Chen. She has been delivering the children of the Lin family for a couple generations like her mother before her ensuring that Lin family main bloodline continues. Her cultivation 1 level shy of a title douluo is a testament to her strength and skill. Lady Chen's martial soul a was silk worm. It allowed her to in case pregnant women in a cocoon specially suited for child birth with carefully chosen souls rings, a tradition since ancient times. She has special role of assisting in difficult births to guarantee the survival of the mother and the child specially in unique cases such as this.

Lin Li Lin and Lin Mo are not from the main family branch of the

With a wave of her hand she begins to use her skills on Lin Li Lin slowly stabilizing her condition. Lin Mo reluctantly releases his grasp while believing in the reassuring look in his partners eyes now filled with clarity from the relief given to her by Chen Wu Yu abilities.

8 rings circle around the mighty seniors body 4 purple 4 black, twinkling rhythmically like sonorous music played by an maestros gentle touch. The soft white light emitting from her and the dark purple light oozing from the cocoon of silk with sinister might could only be describe as mighty deity trying to capture an evil god for booming bellows would periodically come from the cocoon accompanied by waves of energy similar to gigantic fins to strike down at Chen Wu Yu who like a descended angel would project a white barrier with scaly eye like patterns drawing the breath of those who may gaze such display. Hours passed with such a scene repeating itself and ultimately ending in silence as the final strands of thread lock away the dark purple light living only a purplish haze.

The people finally let a sigh of relief while witnessing Chen Wu Yu retract her martial soul unsteady on her feet from holding back someone with higher cultivation double the intensity of the delivery. Before she could fall over a gentle gust of soul power slows her fall follow by two strong arms catching and wrapping her up.

"Ho Little Yan I never realized you view this auntie in such a way. Why don't you and I have a discussion about it at a later date?"

"Old Hag to have the audacity to refer to yourself as 'auntie', I may be no spring chicken but this is still considered cradle robbing on your part if I entertain such thoughts."

"Oh don't be so up tight Little Yan I simply jest now release me."

"Ah yes... of course.. Mhmmm"

"I've never seen you this flustered before senior Yan I think we should invite senior Chen more often; I am grateful to you Lady Chen I feel my words wouldn't sufficient so if ever need specialized Mecha designs I will make 1 for you free of charge."

"Don't get to used to it brat and don't start getting any ideas with this Hag or both you and I might suffer."

"Shoosh little Yan you make me sound like some awful soul beast ignore his words young master he merely exaggerates and for the matter of repayment, although I should that this is my duty and no thanks is necessary I would be like lying if I say I am not tempted by your offer so let this old lady be shameless and take you up on your offer. Young master's__"

*crack crack*

Loud shattering sounds interrupt the jovial conversations inside the large room as the silk cocoon completely turn to dust revealing Lin Li Lin with a baby in her arms.