
In the long run..

In the Long run

When my eyes finally opened it was Saturday morning. I fell asleep watching the film yesterday. I get up and make my bed. When I'm done, I smell breakfast.

I tie up my jet black straight hair in a messy ponytail and walk into the living room where I see Charlie making breakfast. He is wearing glasses. Red plaid pajama pants and a gray t-shirt. He has dirty blonde hair and he is young so he's handsome. He's twenty eight years old but acts like he's 80 compared to how my mom is. He has a completely different personality. She acts like she is a teen. I walk to the fridge to make cereal.

"Well you're up early." He says looking at me with a genuine smile. "I have freshly cooked eggs and bacon, see." noticing me getting milk and bowl out. I look at him and then his food. "I don't want food poisoning." I say with a matter of fact voice. He snickers. Maybe I am being harsh. "Come on, it can't be that bad" he says before taking a spoonful of eggs. "Those eggs expired two weeks ago." I say before pouring milk in my cereal. He spits the eggs out. "The bacon is also bad." I nod towards the bowl of cereal I made for him. He nods his head and we both make our way to the table.

"It's been a while since I've seen you sleep in." Charlie says, trying to make conversation. The thing is we're both awkward people. With zero friends other than dads one best friend that works with him on the weekends at the grocery store, Dan. He always gives me a free slurpee because he feels bad for me. "Yeah, I guess I was really tired." I say after a moment. He nods and takes a couple of bites from his fruity pebbles.

" I have something to tell you. "Charlie says in a serious tone. He caught me off guard, I thought we'd sit and talk in silence. " ok and what is it?" I said without hesitation, not expecting much.

Charlie says in a hesitant voice, "you're going to Roosevelt high school." I glare at him and yell "what?".

He winces, after a moment Charlie continues. "Roosevelt high school is closer and has more opportunities. Plus, Your mom would have wanted this for you." I snicker; "what do you know about what my mom wanted? Me and my mom wouldn't even be having this conversation right now would we. I'd be at home, I'm not switching schools. Especially after a full semester.`` I get out of my seat and speed walk to my front door. " The semester isn't even over yet, I'll be a fresh start. "Charlie coughs out. 'A fresh start, ' I yell. I turn the door knob and I'm halfway through the door. "I wasn't done talking to you.'' Charlie practically screams.

" Well, I am" I say frustrated. I slam the door shut.

I hear him outside my door yelling. But I don't care to listen. I just can't believe him, after everything that happened you'd think he would stop changing everything that's in my life. I brush my hair, grab a black sweatshirt and sliding a pair of gray sweats and vans. Practically running out of the house. I hear Charlie call out but I ignore him.

I run and don't look back, focusing on running and leaving everything behind. School, Ex friends, charlie, and mom. It feels nice, freeing to not think. So I keep running without a destination. I didn't even look back because there was only one thought in my head.

Keep running away!

I've been running and exploring for about 3 hours. Eventually, I have to run and walk. I haven't even noticed my heavy breathing and sweat. When I first started running it was chilly but now the heat has picked up but give it a couple hours and it will freeze again. This whole time i've been blasting music and even listened to a 30 minute podcast about… well I wasn't really listening if i'm gonna be real. I finally decided to sit down because of how tired and hungry I am.