
First ride with mr grumpy

Silence that was my first wedding gift from my new husband.Now if you are a twenty four year old man with a thirteen year old new wife sitting right across you this was the last thing you want to give your new wife.

But Jacob Cullen wasn't your typical romantic , he married than philandered around with woman keeping mistresses. To him I wasn't a wife but a nanny who will be taking care of his four children from his previous two wives .Now to me going with him wasn't any diffrent than staying with my parents, the only good ? I will never have to worry about food and living neccesities. In the dream or what I would like to call it as my past life showed me my greediness , that practically ripped my life into pieces well to my defence I was never rich ,having hundreds of servants working under me , having more than hundreds of dresses to wear and unlimited jewellery was enough to get my head right up in my -well never mind, in my dream it showed how much of a chatter box I have been in the same carriage ride to my husband's place now if you are a duke of a place that is named after the doors of death your personality isn't going to be that of sunflower and sunshine .

Unfortunately my dream self didn't realized it ,she kept on chattering until my husband Jacob Cullen couldn't hear anymore and told me I mean my dream self to shut up . Its confusing I know but well after that my dream self was horrified, as a thirteen year girl I had some dreams I grew up reading stories like Cinderella alright? to me having a husband was equal to getting myself a prince charming , Jacob cullen was charming alright with his shinning blonde hair and Egyptian blue eyes but he always had an expression that said - keep out , come close at your own risk .

An expression that I utterly and completely failed to decipher. However this time I was ready I didn't spoke , I didn't even look at him . Yes he kept me well fed and comfortable but this was what made me fall in love with him ,yes I loved him maybe I still do but he broke my heart in two he showed me exactly why I shouldn't have loved him , I was human I had greed I followed the wrong path in my dream but I loved him and his family I worked day and night not to bring him shame but what ultimately broke my pride was this man who sat in front of me .

With his legs crossed over one another , a hand propped up as leaned his head on it while the other was holding a stack of papers ,he looked mysterious and cool and this was the image that made me fall in love with him a charming mysterious prince but Jacob Cullen wasn't my prince he was 'my poison' .

We travelled for hours without stopping like who in the world needs bathroom breaks right ? I was very clear that the clock had struck to five and we began a journey at 12 , I was stuck in this classy black highly equipped carriage for nearly five hours Oh joy!

The man in front hadn't even moved an inch if not for his deep breathing I would have definitely confirmed him to be dead who the hell stays in the same position for five hours? Anyway my stomach was grumbling complaint after complaint and I had no choice but to shut up and suffer . I closed my eyes and remembered bits and pieces of my dream after the duke shut me off I was filled with anger and resentment ,to me he was my husband no matter how we got married I considered him as my friend and lover and once we reached his mansion I jumped out without letting others to have a chance to open up the door of the carriage, Well in the ancient times rules and regulations,etiquette and manners were something to be followed , me jumping out of the carriage was not exactly lady like .

Well who cares if the duke pissed me off he was the man of the house , I was simply the lady in name sonething I didn't get at that time .

Carnalia Cullen - a wife and mother in name only

This was my identity and still is , Our empire had certain rules ,rules that didn't let single men to take care of their children especially the Royalty they were looked up and thus they were required to set an example , their were no divorces and the concept of keeping mistresses at home was a big taboo .

But than again it didn't stop men from finding mistresses outside and if you had power and money their was no way that trouble was gonna find you just like Jacob Cullen.

I have never heard about his wives questioning his where abouts , it was only until I married him in my dream did I understood why, he married woman of weak economic families who had nothing to back them up , so what if their husband was going out having affairs? He had already shut off their family with mountains of gold .

I was still in my dream land when a deep charming voice pulled me out.

"Are you hungry"

The sentence was simple but I couldn't help but straighten my back, suspicion rose in my heart this was something that didn't took place in my dream and I wasn't sure what this man was trying to do .


My suspicions turned to rumble when the carriage stopped and Jacob Cullen helped me in steping out we were standing in front of what looked like a cafe restaurant . The tables were almost full but there was nothing you can't have when you are a Cullen here.

Ignoring the 'We 're full ' sign Jacob Cullen entered the restaurant as if he owned the place , I slowly followed behind him because I as his wife for years (in my dreams) I was clear that this man was no where going to be thrown out hell even the king wouldn't have the courage to throw this man out .

"Table for two" he spoke with so much authority that I was sure that this man had no emotions that says manners.

But I was even more surprised at the woman who stood behind the table , at first she frowned but when she saw who was standing in front of her ; she smiled so brightly that I was afraid of going blind .

The lady behind the table ,helped us navigate to our table as if she was afraid the waitress working here would get us lost in the sea of crowd , but honestly the cafe was so small I bet I could close my eyes abd find my way to the door .

Ordering took us a while not because I was picky or the duke, but the waitresses who came to our table took their precious time fluttering their eyelashes and making sure to give Jacob Cullen a good view of what hid behind their white blouse , I wished my husband remained as stoic as if was with me in carriage but unfortunate his eyes lingered on those busty waitresses for a sec or two, I was surprised that none of them actually shoved his head right between their mounds but well they might know something that was called delicacy but I could practically see their invitation to my husband and he wasn't minding it at all maybe he was going to expand his harem a little tonight .

After what seemed like hours a waitress finally came with our meals ,like others she didn't forgot to throw a smile ,bowing a little lower than necessary while serving the duke his food before walking out with a definite sway in her hips. This one was definitely bolder because I saw a crumpled up paper with something red on it , her address and lipstick mark excellent that was totally needed on our first day of marriage.

I blocked the man sitting right across me from my view and focussed my energy on the streaming hot soup and steak , for certain precautionary measures I ordered the most average food not the cheapest because This man was rather good at perception if I chose the expensive one his expression of me would be of a shrew, if I chose the cheapest one than his expression would be of a clever shrew .

The restaurant was good and by the looks of it the duke came here almost every month, and the chefs in the kitchen didn't diappointed us at all even their average dishes were top notch and I felt contented .

After the duke had paid we went to the carriage where our ride of silence was waiting for us .

The food worked its magic and I slept for most of the time it was by midnight that I finally caught the glimpse of my cage, my place of liberation and finally of death .

The Duke's palace - The Crux