

“Even if you think it’s the right thing to do?”

“I will burn the world to ashes if I’m faced with the choice between you and it. You are the only right thing in my life. The Council has tried and failed to stop me from being yours. I’ve made up my mind. My choice will always be you.”

She kissed me, her lips tasting of salt and snow. “I choose you, too.”

“Well, I bloody well hope so. It’s too late to change your mind now.”

She laughed, cuddling into me. “So you’re saying you’re stuck with me?”

“No, love. I’m saying you’re stuck withme.So if I need to start shopping for a five-person bed, just say the word.”

“But what about Moira? I can’t just abandon her.”

“I doubt she’ll have any interest in the bed, but we can always make sure she has a room of her own if she wants to stay over.”

A happy little noise escaped her. “Thank you. I love you.”

“And I you. Now, let’s get you cleaned up and ready to face off with Madame... what was it you called her?”