



I was in my alter persona, sitting on the top of an old unused warehouse swinging my legs back and forth, waiting for the school bullies, since this was their usual hang out spot.

I heard laughter and talking and saw 5 kids entering inside. All the kids sat on the machinery in the warehouse and started talking about girls and who they had sex with recently.

I stood up and flexed my body, and was about to jump down when 7 people arrived. Two of the new arrivals are Masanobu( idiot from shinozuka yuuji ) and ayumu( idiot from sacrificial mother ), and a large buff guy with blonde hair, following him were 3 men wearing typical punk outfits like black jackets and pants and togawa( bully from shinozuka yuuji ).

I sat down and waited to see what would happen.

" Who's the big dude, togawa? " asked bully 1 to togawa.

" He's Andrew-san, a special guest of Mr Obata from America," said togawa gesturing towards the buff guy, named Andrew.

Andrew didn't even glance at them and started walking nearby to sit. The 3 black-dressed men stood guarding him.

I got curious about this new guy and opened up his information on the system.

' WTF...This isn't possible...But...Maybe it is possible.....damn...my mission became much more complicated and went to a whole another level. Whatever I'm just gonna kill him like everyone, after asking some questions. ' I thought after seeing Andrew's information.

I looked down at the people who were laughing, among themselves, not knowing soon there are gonna meet the craziest symbiote ever.

Tendrils of red-black, burst from my body and started crawling all around the warehouse. In just, a few seconds the entire warehouse is wrapped with thick tendrils, to prevent them from escaping and also to prevent their screams of agony from exiting.

After smoothing my suit and checking the perimeter once more, I dropped down from the top and into their midst, cracking the ground a bit in my landing.

Everyone jumped back in fright, due to my sudden descent.

" Having a great night boys? " I asked in a cheerful voice ignoring their dumb looks.

The 3 black-dressed men, came out of their stupor and were about to question me something, but I didn't give them any time, numerous red spikes came from my back and impaled the 3 in their chest and limbs.

I relished in the frightened looks of the idiots around me and threw the 3 dead bodies on them with force. All of them toppled like dominos due to the weight except the foreign guy Andrew, who just caught the body I threw at him.

" What are you?" asked Andrew throwing the body in his hands away, while walking towards me.

" Didn't your parents teach you to introduce yourselves first, before asking someone's name? " I asked him, ignoring the remaining idiots who were trying to escape, not as they can do that.

Andrew ignored my question and ran towards me in a blur with speed impossible to humans and punched towards my face, I sidestepped and dodged it. The punch fell on the floor, cracking and imprinting his fist on the concrete floor. Andrew got angry and again tried to punch me in the face.

I didn't dodge this time and grabbed his incoming fist, a small shockwave passed through my arm due to the punch force.

( Note: MC is in his human form, so he can feel the punch )

" That's some good strength, you got here. I felt that tickle in my palm " I said mockingly.

He got even angrier and started throwing punches at me, which I dodged easily. Seeing, I was dodging effortlessly, he became even wilder. His punches became stronger and his body started becoming bulkier with his skin turning green. His clothes ripped due to his growing muscles and after a few seconds, the former good looking guy in front of me turned into a 7 feet tall green humanoid with two short tusks in his mouth, like an ORC.

I sidestepped the blow to my face and ducked under his arm, and gave a punch to his ribs. I heard the sound of bone cracking following it, I jumped up high and gave a roundhouse kick right to his shoulder. Not giving him time, I swung my right leg like a whip, towards his right knee, breaking it into pieces, and did the same to his left knee.

He collapsed on the floor, grunting and screaming in pain. I stood there admiring my art when I heard muffled screaming. I looked back and saw the idiots who tried to escape stuck in my symbiote walls covering the warehouse.

" Stay here and be a good boy. I'll be back soon and we'll talk" I said while patting his head like a dog.

I turned and started walking towards the screaming idiots, whose names I forgot since they are just mob. As I was approaching them, I can see the fear in their eyes towards me, which for some reason made me smile.

" Can you stop screaming, while you die? I'm trying to have a conversation with that big guy over there. " I asked them.

Hearing me talking about dying, they started thrashing more, but the more they moved, the more the wall tightened up around them.

" Tell me, how does it feel having no power over your life, seeing someone do whatever they want with you like a plaything. It's frightening, isn't it? This may be the same thing the women you used felt like. Now it's your turn, know the pain. " I said angrily while making the symbiote into thin needles and inserting into their bodies.

Using the needles, I drew out every last drop of blood from their bodies. I glanced at the mummified bodies and dropped them on the ground.

I then looked towards the two bullied victims Masanobu and Ayumi, who were cowering in the corner muttering something. I can let them run away from here since they have not done anything.

But, that's the problem, they didn't do anything. They could have done something, like standing up for themselves or telling someone. Even an ant would bite if someone mess with it. But, these cowards, decided to just whore out their mothers for getting out of bullying. But, still, they are kids who just wanted to have a normal life without bullying, so they took the easy way out. I couldn't decide what to do with them.

After debating with myself, I sighed in defeat, turned around and walked towards the bloodied body of the orc who shrunk down to his human size ignoring the dying screams of the boys who were impaled by spikes to their chests.

" Wh..at....are.. yo..u? " wheezed out Andrew, due to the broken rib.

" I'm just a guy on a mission. Now, I want some answers and you'll tell them to me nicely or I'm gonna do things to you that would make even shinigami shake in terror " I said smiling with my teeth showing. He hurriedly nodded albeit weakly due to the pain.

" What are you and Are there more of you? " I asked while looking if he will tell a lie.

" I'm an orc, they are many of us hiding....among the humans. Not only orcs.. but there are also centaurs, goblins, ...fairies, miniature and so many more creatures " said Andrew in a laboured breath.

" Does the government know about you hiding between us? " I asked seriously since the previous memories of this body didn't know about any of this, even from his father who was the most powerful man in Japan.

" They don't know, it has been like that for centuries. We are required to always blend in with them," said Andrew while clutching his chest in pain.

" Why hide, when you can rule the...." I stopped in mid-sentence, as Andrew started thrashing wildly clutching his chest, where a two-winged dragon mark was flashing in bright white colour.

The area near the mark started burning hotter by the second and finally stopped after leaving a gaping hold in Andrew's chest.

' Shit is getting weirder and weirder...' I thought while looking down at the body of the ready orc with his chest area burned to crisp.

I decided to call it a night for today and was about to go when a notification came up in front of me.




I grinned like a kid who got a new toy and called back the symbiote covering the warehouse into me. I jumped onto the warehouse top and changed into my carnage mode, deciding to test the new ability a few times.

That night, many gangsters, rapists and other bad guys experienced one of the most hellish punishments ever known.



Faraway from the place our protagonist resides, is an island with giant marvellous monuments and structures, and creatures that are only seen in myths roaming around.

Even among those marvellous buildings, stood out a palace with large life-like dragons statues on both sides of its entrance.

The interior of the palace was covered with majestic dragon carvings on the walls, pillars. On the throne, sat a man wearing three black piece suits, surrounded by a large group of naked women serving the man on the throne.

The man was handsome with white flawless skin, purple eyes and shoulder-length black hair.

The man was fondling the bodies of the women when he stopped suddenly and looked towards the direction of Japan.

' My mark activated...Interesting, it has been so long since that happened. I planted that only to kill the person who tries to betray me to did. My slaves won't betray me, cause they fear me. What made him so afraid that he decided to betray me? Something is happening in Japan.' thought the man smiling darkly, and his eyes changed into reptilian slits for a brief second.


1677 words

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Hello, sorry for the long break.

I didn't mean to stop the book, but after getting well. I got lazy and postponed writing. Now, I got the time and decided to finish this.

I decided to not include every NTR, I will just write the some since I'm trying to make an OC antagonist to the MC.

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