
Carmella shape shifting love

A beautiful girl named Carmella who is from a shape shifting clan had to run away from home and an arranged marriage. She had to survive living with normal people and hide her true identity. But can she shape shift love when she meets the right one.

Sue_in_love · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Chapter 2: Plan A

Carmella knew it will be hard for her to convince her parents to think about changing her arranged marriage to Ricardo Romero. They need to submit a decision before the clan watchers make their move to remove their family from the Grand Shifter Society, having her father as the chief. The only way to end this drama is if her sister Mariana gets pregnant before the start of the wedding. "Mariana, I can't do this. We are not like you and Emil, you were childhood sweethearts. Ricardo will be the death of me, you know how I despise that bully"!. Carmella crying her heart out to her sister in the treehouse. "Hey, I'm sure both of you will outgrow your childhood hate game for each other, Ricardo has changed a lot, he is more mature and understanding". Mariana assured her sister. "Remember when he almost saw me naked after shifting and took all my clothes, I had to hide under water for 2 hours if not for Nana Isabel who brought me new clothes". She said. "And I have something important to tell you, I have Granny Felicia's special powers." Mariana was confused and asked " What do you mean special powers?" and then suddenly realized what Carmella was talking about " You mean, you can change into another human form?. Oh my goodness you can't tell that to Mom and Dad. They will bring you to the high council to question if you are using it". Carmella knew about the consequences of this practice and she doesn't have any intention making this special ability public. "You know how I'm always awkward into shifting to animal form coz of my blue and pink hair. Shifting into another human being is so comfortable to me and never awkward". She confessed. "So what are you going to do now Carmella?" Mariana asked. "I need money to move away from home, can you help me?" with puppy eyes Carmella asked her sister. "Oh you know I love you more than anything in this world Carmella and I want you to be happy". Mariana said. "I'll make a bank transfer to your account, Do you think A million would be enough?" Carmella jumped in happiness. "Where did you get all that money? Oh yeah you married one of the richest shifters in the whole planet." "I'll be leaving in 7 days, the morning of our Sunday shedding, I can shape shift into Nana Isabel (not a shifter). Now I need to buy some old woman's wig". Mariana somewhat worried for her sister said "Goodluck on your plan A."