
Carlton High Mystery

When Lucy Thompson transfers to Carlton Highschool, she never expects to uncover the haunting secrets hidden within its walls. Rumors swirl of a ghost boy who roams the empty corridors, but Lucy dismisses them as mere tales. However, one eerie night, she catches a glimpse of a translucent figure, sending shivers down her spine. Determined to unravel the truth, Lucy delves into the school's dark history, discovering a long-forgotten tragedy that ties the ghost boy to the present. With the help of her newfound friends, she embarks on a perilous journey to unlock the secrets buried deep within Carlton Highschool. As they venture deeper into the mystery, the ghost boy's appearances become more frequent and unsettling. Lucy becomes consumed by her quest to communicate with him, driven by a growing connection she can't explain. But as they inch closer to the truth, malevolent forces emerge, threatening to unleash a darkness that could consume them all. With time running out, Lucy must face her fears and confront the supernatural entity that holds the key to unraveling the Carlton Highschool Mystery. Can she uncover the truth and put the restless spirit to rest, or will she and her friends become trapped in a nightmarish realm forever?

Daoist7EVIPe · Fantasy
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3 Chs


In the dimly lit corridors of Carlton Highschool, a ghostly figure with a tragic past, silently wandered, forever bound to the echoes of his existence. Time had lost its grip on him, and he had become a mere shadow, drifting through the halls, unseen and unnoticed by the living. He had grown accustomed to his ethereal existence, resigned to his fate within the realms of the forgotten.

Yet, on the day that Lucy Thompson transferred to Carlton High, a flicker of curiosity ignited within him. Whispers of a new student had reached his ghostly ears, stirring an inexplicable anticipation in his translucent being. The halls buzzed with speculation and tales of unexplained occurrences, stories of a phantom boy who haunted the empty spaces.

As dusk settled upon the school, he positioned himself near the lockers, his wispy form blending effortlessly with the darkness that consumed the forgotten corners. He watched as students rushed past him, their laughter and conversations intertwining with his eternal silence. But his attention was fixed on one figure alone-Lucy Thompson.

Lucy, with her cascading chestnut hair and eyes that mirrored the skies, seemed oblivious to the rumors that swirled around her. She exuded a certain confidence that made him yearn to unravel the secrets hidden within her spirit. She moved with a purpose, her footsteps echoing with determination as she navigated the unfamiliar halls.

For days, he observed Lucy from a distance, his ethereal presence just beyond her conscious awareness. He marveled at her unwavering resolve, her unwavering belief in the tangible world. She dismissed the tales of ghostly apparitions as mere figments of imagination, a product of overactive minds. For him, who had become one with the ethereal realm, could only watch and wonder at her ignorance.

Then, on that fateful night, when the veil between the living and the dead grew thin, Lucy unknowingly stumbled upon the truth that lurked within the shadows. As he stood amidst the darkness, he caught a glimpse of her unsuspecting figure, a flicker of fear dancing in her wide eyes. In that moment, he could feel the shivers race down her spine, the hairs on her arms standing on end.

As the night deepened, and the moon cast an ethereal glow upon the desolate corridors.

"For countless years, I have wandered these halls, unseen by the living. But you, Lucy Thompson, you have glimpsed the truth."

_The person has to be revealed soon

Now it's an unrevealed secret.