
Caring for Rich Boss in Apocalypse

7 icebergs suddenly appeared on 7 different spots in the 7 seas. Many research has been conducted, but without anyone knowing, a new parasite was born into the world due to this phenomenon. Lin Shi Xiao is a young graduate who managed to enter the famous company in his city by chance. And on the first day of major outbreak all over the world, he managed to survive and latch on the company director's thigh. Will the humanity stay strong and thrive against worldwide disaster?

R1v3r_Spirit · Action
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15 Chs

Ch. 4 : Exploring the Hallway 2

<A/N : Gore Warning starts from here>

He looked at both corpses, which are very gory and didn't see any familiarity. Shouldn't one be, at least the newest victim, his co-worker? Or did some people who managed to outrun the monsters on the streets also slipped into the company?

The first monster is a guy with a tan skin, casual blue shirt and brown short, his left leg are severely bitten through, but it still managed to crawl up, so wounds might affected their movements at least.

The second has it's stomach wounded, and side waist bitten through, but it's still managed to stood up, so pain might not affecting their movements, but lack of muscles could. With a casual trendy wool vest, and dark blue jeans, this unfortunate one should been a student who went for a hang out with his friends, but unfortunately meet with accident.

<A/N : Gore Warning ended~>

Although it's already proven scientifically impossible for the dead to move around unless from external force, a wise man indeed say nothing is impossible.

But to think it's really happening right now, mankind might be in really serious danger.

But, how the monsters managed to come up to fifth floor? Did all of the staffs....no, no. Shi Xiao shook that negative thought out of his consideration. No way, maybe some managed to hide in utility room, or maybe they already on the way to their home. Although he didn't hear any police cars coming, maybe some that managed to escape already meet the police and already in safe zone.

He just want to see if Qian Jie is safe. If he found her here, he would offer to sent her home. It was rare for him to have someone that didn't ignore him, even if it just a facade.

' God.... I just hope Qian Jie and my family are safe.... ' He mentally prayed as he ascended the seventh floor, the highest floor that hold Secretary Department and other executive people.

He listened in for a few second, and disappointedly find some monsters already made their way inside. He closed the fifth and sixth door, so if someone entered the staircases, he would definitely heard them. But fourth floor and the below might infested with that monsters, so might as well find other way out from going upstairs.

Many brave people might already fought their way to a closed shelter, as the monsters couldn't control their arms perfectly enough to open a door. If they using this chance, they could be able to storm their way to cafeteria, and having supply in their hands while waiting for rescues, whether it's police or other survivors. If they have more confidence and skills, they could try to go to safer place. Logically thinking, the government should go to save rich and powerful people first, then start to think about temporary bases, and then begin to worry about supplies.

If he found Qian Jie, would it be better if he bring her to her family, or form a group and look for a safe house? He want to go to the capital if possible, his sister should be able to secure a spot for their family--

" Ring!!!! " Suddenly, his left pocket let out a loud sound. He snapped from his daze, and sure enough, there's a call!! The id displayed a certain name, 'Shi Mo Yu', his older sister.

" Hello?! Yu Jie! " Without realizing, his heart let out a relieved sigh.

" Xi-bzzz Xiao Shi...? Thank-bzzz bzz- Capital's base- bzz, we-bzz fine, you take care--! "

Shi Mo Yu is his sister, capable and independent. Now that he gotten a news, they should be fine. After helping Qian Jie, he should find a way to the capital base.

" Ahhh!!!! " Just as he about to open the door, a tragic scream of a woman caught him off guard, followed by a growl and he immediately rushed in to rescue.

Unfortunately, when he managed to stab the heart of the man eating monster, it already bitten through the carotid artery, warm blood gushed out from the poor staff, her pupil dilated. Of course, almost 3 minutes later, the corpse would twitch and rise up, but Shi Xiao already prepared and sunk his weapon down to her heart, pining her body on the toilet floor to twitch twice before going silent.

He checked the staff's id that still on her neck, a secretary department's intern. He apologize and take the id card away.

Only secretary and executive can get up with the id card they hold, because many documents in their room are very important and secretive. Even the department's assistant can only stop right outside the door.

He turned around and bowed twice to the corpse, silently apologized to the fact he is too late, then left the woman's bathroom to the entrance of the secretary's department.

The glorious secretary department wall is always been a glass window, for aesthetic and for the boss ensure they working hard. Now the glass wall is all stained by blood spray and bloody hand print. Just which bloody bast*rd trying to scare people?

But they could see the terrifying scene inside.

A massacre.

There's only man eating monsters inside.

He observed their clothes, but due to their unified clothing choices, it's hard to tell which one is who.

But he remembered that Qiao Jie wear a beige skirt when she deliver the invitation. But now the window are all red, he didn't dare to think negatively.

But as he contemplating about the possibilities to clean up inside, a noise suddenly appeared, from the hallway.

Shi Xiao immediately turn back to the woman's restroom, head peeking out to observe the situation.

A black letter shoe appeared, followed by the owner, the man-eating monsters... No, there's more....

He reflexively slowed down his breathing, as he mentally counted on the approaching enemy.....3....4...5....6....7.....

A total of 7 monsters come up, all with bloodied mouth and more flexible body parts. But they just stay in front of the door, some growl and grunt, but they didn't move further.

Then he noticed.

They...seems to avoiding sunlight. The last of the monster slowly moved away from sunlight from windows.

Now come to think of it, in the office, when he peered outside, it's shadowed by a large cloud. If they avoiding sunlight very strictly, they might weak against sunlight, and open place with plenty sunlight might be a good resting spot. And he wonder too how would they recognize and not attacking their kin? Their pupils dilated and didn't move at all, even when attacking him. So they might rely on other source, maybe body temperature? Smell? Or hearing? Or blood?

No, hearing won't be a good source, they also grunt and growl.

Blood is also not reliable, there's a lot of blood leaking around from their former hosts' body, didn't see they gone crazy over that.

He shrunk back to his hiding place and lightly breathe in, then bowed to redo his shoes laces. In any case, he would have to pass them head on, he is confident enough to take 2 at a time, so it's better to find a range to attract 1 or 2 by a time.

Wake up overnight and gain myself a lot of new readers~

Muach~ Please give donations if you like my story~

Over a thousand word yo~

R1v3r_Spiritcreators' thoughts