
Carefree Path of Dreams

This is the story of a boy who lived a secluded life in the mountains, tending his farm, rearing his fish, and dreaming his dreams. Eh? Did I suddenly conquer all worlds and become the big boss? Or am I still in a dream?

The Plagiarist · Eastern
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1183 Chs


Translator: Sparrow Translations Editor: Sparrow Translations

"You're great!"

The huge corpse of the snake fell to the ground and a group of people quickly rushed forward to provide their assistance to the wounded.

One female party member made her way towards Leader Cai. "Leader, where did you get this western girl from? She's not just powerful, but also speaks fluent Chinese language!"

"I'm not too sure myself. She seems to be the adoptive daughter of a Chinese and grew up in Chinese Country…"

Leader Cai wiped his sweat from his forehead. "Regardless, since she was recommended by Brother Zhao, I can depend on her!"

Zhao Daniu was in charge of the mutants in Banyan Tree City and had a high social status. After hearing Leader Cai, the female member could only nod her head in agreement.


Lorita walked a few steps forward and covered her mouth with her tiny hand. "I'm so sleepy… Leader, have we not located the cave yet?"

"Relax, we're about there!"