
Carefree Path of Dreams

This is the story of a boy who lived a secluded life in the mountains, tending his farm, rearing his fish, and dreaming his dreams. Eh? Did I suddenly conquer all worlds and become the big boss? Or am I still in a dream?

The Plagiarist · Eastern
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1183 Chs

Ghost Deity

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

In the main hall of the Kun Wu mountains.

Fang Yuan sat high up on a bed of clouds and flicked his fingers.

Two plumes of green smoke billowed upwards like two dragon pearls, consuming the air voraciously like a tiger and with no visible pattern in its convergence and divergence. It formed a scenery of mountains, hills, and flat plains, which was actually a map of the Five Elements Continent.

At this moment, in the midst of mist, many clouds gathered and manifested various weather phenomena.

"Fate and destiny, in reality they're the manifestations of an exterior and innate ability, and they wouldn't materialize out of nothing… Even though it's a favor from the Divine Gods, it also consists of the contributions from the Divine Gods!"

Fang Yuan silently sighed.