
Cards of god

A world where god gave each person a gift one of the cards so we can survive.

Zendoby · Fantasy
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1 Chs

A new sibling

~??? POV~

Jumping back as a sword slashed at my neck. Landing on a boulder I began to look around as a crowd of people surrounded me. Tightening my grip on my sword I leaped down to the crowd. And slashed at their heads, cutting off their heads. Then as a blade came from behind and cut me I heard a laugh. Looking back I saw a person in black armor falling on my back and I began to cough up blood. The person in black armor walked toward me and put the end of their blade at my chest.

The person in black armor began to speak in a cocky tone. "After all the trouble you caused I can finally kill you," lifting their sword to stab me they said, "die for me!"

Right before the blade reached my chest a white light flashed blinding me. Opening my eyes all I could see was a white void. Standing there is a black cloud in the shape of a person. As the cloud approached me a card appeared in front of me. A voice began to say "a gift from me all you have to do is say my name."

As the card floated toward me, I replied, "I don't know your name." The cloud began to come toward me and the same voice said, "My name is Aldon." the cloud of smoke vanished.

Looking at the card I thought that I might as well say it. Looking around I yelled out "Aldon!" The same flash of light happened that had brought me to that white void. The sound of metal clanged as I opened my eyes. Looking at my chest I saw a set of white and gold armor with a blue emblem. Jumping up from the ground I grabbed my sword and slashed. As I swung my sword a blade of light went flying and cut down the crowd. The crowd began to scatter screaming for the person in black armor to kill me. As the crowd ran the person in black armor disappeared.

Falling back to the ground to catch my breath as the sun rose I knew I had won the war. Holding up my sword, as my team gathered around me.

~Cyne pov~

Watching as the book closed my mother said "that's the end of the story," she smiled at me with her purple hair tied back revealing purple eyes she asked, "did you enjoy the story?"

Jumping around with a smile I said "yes it was great," looking at my mother's smile I yelled out "I'll be like him and protect you" holding out my hand with a smile.

My mother held her hand out with a smile. She began to say "you won't just protect me right?" she put her hand on her stomach saying "you'll have to protect your little sibling."

Putting my hand on her stomach I said "don't worry as long as I am here no one will hurt you two!" hearing my mother laugh made me happy knowing that she was happy.

A knock came on the front door mom walked over and opened the door. Standing at the door was a man with long black hair and yellow eyes, my dad. Running over to him and hugging him he patted my head and said "hello there little cyn" looking up at him, I replied, "my name is Cyne, not cyn!"

Watching dad search his chin he said "really?" punching his stomach and running to the other room hearing my parents walk into the living room. I hid behind furniture to see if they would find me.

Feeling them both sit down on the couch, I heard them whispering. Leaning closer to the couch I heard my father say "we need to talk about the money problem," listening more I heard my father whisper "we will be out of money by next month."

My mother began to whisper back "what should we do?" in a panicked voice. Thought to myself that we would have to save more money. Listening again my mother said, "that could work but we will have to tell Cyne eventually."

Crawling away to my room I blew out the candle and hid under my blanket. Thinking that there was at least one way I can make money. After a bit of thinking I heard a knock on my bedroom door. Hearing the door open I heard my mother ask "are you, okay honey?" rolling over I pretended to snore. My mother patted my head and said, "good night my little white."

As my mother left the room I got up and walked to a table. Opening up a box I pulled out a book opening and began to write. 'On my tenth birthday, I will go and try a draw.' crawling back into bed and saying to myself as I fell asleep that 'my first goal is to see my little sibling.'

~ three months later ~

Waking up to a loud knock I woke up heading to the door and yelled out "one second!" opening the door was my dad with a smile on his face. Opening the door more so he could walk, "what happened, dad?"

My dad replied while sitting on my bed "son listen to your mother is going to see the doctor today," he began to smile while saying "your little sibling is going to be born today." as a smile came on my face I couldn't wait to see my new little sibling.

My dad leaned back and said "we have to wait for them to come back," frowning I began to lie down on my bed. Feeling the bed shift I saw him get up and turn to me. He stretched and said, "Come on, let's go make something for when your mom gets home." crawling out of bed we both went to the kitchen pulling out a big pot. Dad said, "you want to make soup?"

Putting the pot on the counter I replied "yes soups are the best food." opening a cooler I grabbed a carrot onion and a piece of meat.

While preparing the soup I heard the door open. Looking over to the door, my mother walked in carrying a blanket. She turned to look at me and dad who was standing in the kitchen looking at her. Walking over she whispered, "stay quiet we don't want to wake her."

My dad took the blanket and crouched down and whispered "say hi to your little sister".looking at her face purple hair with yellow eyes. My mother followed up by saying "you'll have to protect her alright". Turning to her with a smile I said "I can do that, leave it to me".