
Treaty of fire and wind.

Temari was preparing to sleep in her room with happiness as she remembered the days she spent talking with Genji. Her training in the icy water seemed strange to him, but she didn't mind seeing his almost naked body from him, much less would she complain about the delicious food they ate together after their day was over.

The talks were funny in some situations and I even forget a bit the mission that she was entrusted to him.

As she fell almost asleep she couldn't remember the deal her father made and her advice to show Konoha how serious they were with the peace treaty and allow her to let her guard down a bit against them.

Memories of Temari no Jutsu.

The exam for the first part of the exam was not a challenge, if I have to put it in words; It would be a waste of time and then there was that screaming examiner from Part Two who was flinging around Genji at the end of the exam.

I continue to approach Genji in my way, but for some reason, I find it difficult to have a romantic or seductive conversation with him.

My brothers and I returned to our hotel to rest before the next part of the exam began the next day, but…

"Temari by order of the Kazekage-sama was asked to report to the Konoha Hokage Tower and sign an agreement!" Baki told him as he passed her a scroll with more information about the meeting.

I stared at Baki and analyzed what this meant. "I don't think I understand what you're saying? I don't remember being briefed on a deal."

"The Kazekage doubts his abilities to seduce his target and plans to strike an agreement that would greatly benefit the village by putting it into a false engagement with Genji Shimada. This is for the village of the blade to lower its guard with us as have a compromise agreement between two villages and allow for more opportunities to interact with Genji. "

She understood that the engagement was false, but her father is again putting her in a bad position.

"How long do I have before the meeting starts?"

"In about 30 minutes ... It is recommended that you wear his best clothes and show how serious you are by signing the treaty."

"I understand". I told him when I retired and bathed.

Temari left her room dressed in a usual purple kimono that ends at the middle of her thigh at the end that she could do if she was informed late and more at the end of the first exam that did not allow her to buy a new kimono.

Her hair was the same with four ponytails, but she showed that she was clean and shiny to sign the agreement that her silly father arranged.

Upon entering the building they were shown the room that awaited them, the room showed a table and some chairs that they prepared for their arrival, the Hokage received them with a warm smile that did not fool anyone present.

On one side are Temari, kankuro, and Baki sitting at the table. On the other side of the table is the Konoha Hokage with his advice.

Temari gave the room a few glances and as she expected she senses that the guards remain close to the Hokage, hidden behind the wall panels.

- It is obvious that the old man does not trust us. Let's get this over with quickly! -. Temari thinks as she sits down with her brother and her sensei on her side of the table and waits for the meeting to start.

"Let's start the important matter." The Hokage said looking at Temari. "Temari-san has requested attendance at a possible diplomatic meeting. She has invited her brother and Jounin-sensei as witnesses. That is also why Mitokado Homura and Utatane Koharu are present at this meeting."

- You mean my stupid father -.

Temari takes a quick breath and gets up from her seat. "First I would like to say that I appreciate her time." She tells them while bowing to the three elders.

"I know that her time is important and it is a bit hasty that they accepted my selfish request."

"It is a pleasure to have you present as well." The Hokage tells them with you calm. "I always consider fire and wind to be true allies. I also consider Kazekage a good friend, what would you like to discuss? Temari-san." I finish with a smile.

Temari had read the scroll and spontaneously planned a few things, but her ultimate goal was to create her father's silly plan.

"I would like to apologize, as it is a personal and deeply embarrassing request."

The Hokage gladly accepted the apology, "Please continue."

"I am curious if you are familiar with the custom of 'Miai Kekkon' that he uses in Sunagakure, if I remember correctly his village abandoned this custom long ago and very few clans continue this custom or it is the rule of their clan."

"It has been a long time since I heard that word. When I was young that practice was withdrawn from all of Konoha and I think the only ones who have that rule in use, is the Hyuga clan that uses it as punishment or something like that. It may not be illegal today, but the treaty that was signed to achieve peace between nations, clans, and villages caused it to be necessary for a few decades. " The Hokage said and his two friends of his nodded to Hiruzen's words.

"If I remember correctly Suna also dropped her 'arranged marriage' practices a long time ago," Koharu added.

"Not entirely true ... The Miai Kekkon is better known as an opportunity to create some chances of getting married and I don't mean a captive marriage. Arranged marriage is a way for a man and a woman to meet and consider each other as a process of flirting between the two. But it is known that some people think that Miai Kenkkon has more to do with family, clans, or companies to take advantage of both parties. "

"In the nation of our country, only the Daimyo-sama and few people use it, other nations that use it are said that the percentage of arranged marriages is only 10% or less," Homura said.

Everyone present understood the point Temari wanted to get to. "Rasa-san is interested in creating an international marriage between both villages. So… The arranged marriage will be with Temari-san?"


"I did not know that your father believed in those ancient customs, although I will not judge his thoughts, that does not show how serious he is ... Therefore I cannot agree with this arranged marriage, our village does not practice that custom, therefore, I do not believe may this marriage be good. "

"I can fully understand it, Hokage-sama," Temari told him since she knew that they would reject her, but if she brings something to Konoha she can change the situation a bit in her favor.

"Our father deeply believes in this custom and the ties of friendship that can be developed between both nations, so that our village can provide or guarantee mutual support," Temari said as she hoped her words were understood.

"Please continue". She tells the Hokage with a bit of interest.

"As you must know, our village is one of the main powers among the five villages. Due to the capital that we have, the advancement of work with new puppets, highly qualified workforce and education, supportive policies from my father, and the most important… A trade route with a great export of rare resources from our village. "

"I would like you to tell us what rare resources your village could transport to Konoha?" Homura asked with interest, he is one of the few friends who knows how rare Suna's items are and her friend also knows how valuable they can be.

Temari almost smiled at the interest I aroused in those present.

"It is well known that our village lacks water. However, it is categorized as an area of ​​greater richness and biodiversity of living beings due to the difficult environment it has to endure. The humidity, the type of soil and the temperature allow the growth of only a quarter of our entire nation. " Temari tells them seeing a bit of interest in the advice.

"An example is the 'Candelilla' plant. The collection of this single flower allows the production of natural wax that has been one of the most important economic activities of our nation. It is used in the production of cosmetics, inks, adhesives, coatings, brightener that is used in many detergents, electrical insulators, fruit coating for export purposes, candles and among other uses. This information is only from a single plant, then we fear the different animals and mines. "

Temari only told them a minimal amount of information about her nation, though all the available resources from her village pale in comparison to the gold deposits deep within the sand, she knows that Konoha doesn't need to know her secret. condition.

"It is no secret that our lands are not suitable for farming. Because my village lacks many basic resources, our father must make some alliances that can benefit our people. The relationships are positive between; Business enterprises, villages, or clans. and if certain requirements are met, a marriage with other nations can be arranged. "

"I understand very well the challenges that can arise in the villages." The Hokage accepts that it is sometimes difficult to find or supply certain areas. "As allies, I understand that we will do everything possible for the village."

- You mean when your economy is stable through suffocating the economy of my village or even taking advantage of the fact that you sell us water at a high quantity -. Temari curses the Hokage a little in her mind.

"For my village to be strengthened our father uses 'Miai Kekkon' for the good of the people and makes sure to choose a suitable partner for his only daughter from the Kazekage of the wind land. Therefore I am showing those present how willing he is. I am about to do my duty for my village. "

Koharu looks at Temari for a moment and nodded in approval at the girl's determination. "As it should be."

Homura looked at her for a moment and all the terms Temari explained were in her part very beneficial for the village, but before approving this marriage she wants to know to the shinobi that she asks as her husband.

"Your father must be very proud of your determination." The Hokage told him. "Before we make a decision, we would like to know who was chosen as a candidate? Depending on the shinobi he chose can be a big variable in his response!"

"Despite our situation in the village, the candidates that were chosen by my father are few, but my father allowed me the honor of electing the candidate of my own choice. I fully understand that your village cannot perhaps approve a marriage with a powerful clan unless the clan chief is spoken to personally, so candidates are sometimes reduced to shinobi who do not have a clan. "

"I'm starting to get more interested in the person you chose, Miss Temari-san." Homura.

"My father has done some research on the person I chose as a candidate, as he cares about me and was kind enough to accept my future husband, future permitting."

"And which boy is ...?" The Hokage can't wait to find out who he chose, if it's someone from a famous clan he will have to postpone this meeting, but it doesn't seem to be the case from what Temari said. If he is not a shinobi of any clan he just has to agree before talking to the chosen person.

"I would like to marry Genji Shimada." She told them while showing a nervous face.

Temari had to show how nervous she felt to say the name of the person she chose as her husband and show a scene that showed how serious she was about this commitment.

"We may not have many interactions, much less get to know each other, but in time I'm sure I will fall in love with him."

The three of them thought about all the advantages that this agreement brought to the village and did not feel that it was a bad thing to accept, but the Hokage was a bit against it.

Genji showed good progress as a shinobi and recently created his clan, but felt that perhaps, in the future, he would be a powerful person, not only because of his jutsus or Kekkei Genkai that none of the other clans had.

In the end, he did not say anything, it is obvious that his friends approved this agreement that would benefit the village a lot and even if he had the last word, his friends would flatly deny his answer and summon all the city council and clan chiefs to accept for most botos.

"Can you give us a few minutes while we discuss it?" The Hokage tells them by making a signal with his hand and an anbu that accompanies them to a different room.

"Sure". Temari tells him to bow and follow the anbu with her brother and her sensei a few steps behind her.

The Hokage and his council talk for half an hour and discuss the most important point of the agreement and it seems that they will accept.

Temari's group returns to hear the answer.

"Before accepting the agreement, I have to say that Genji Shimada is a very important shinobi for our village and we accept the agreement if he agrees to enter the 'Iputasai'. You must know that you cannot be Genji's first wife, of course! the relationship works! This is because his newly created clan does not have the same number of members as other clans and does not have the resources, power, and prestige like other clans ".

"Iputasai ?!" Temari asked.

"Indeed he will have to enter the Iputasai or better known as polygamy. Why can't he be the first wife, he will ask ?! It is because many people will be offended that a Konoha shinobi does not take as a wife to a girl from Konoha and as Genji started his path as the new clan chief in the village it is his obligation to have more women and provide his genes to a new developing clan. "

Although they did not think much in-depth with Genji, it was obvious that they would try to get Genji together with some girls and for him to manage to pass his rare Kekkei Genkai just like it was done with Minato and Kushina.

- They want her to be the second wife so that she does not have much importance compared to the first wife they possibly choose for Genji. Well, I do not care much about this false commitment -.

"I agree". Temari.

"Very well, the announcement will be made public if things progress for both of them." Hokage.

With the agreements made between both parties, they created several sheets with the signatures of all those present.

"This concludes the meeting… I hope she has good luck and finds the love of her possible husband and you don't have to worry, I will personally talk to Genji to start the courtship test for him!" He happily tells the Hokage unaware that a future did not say a word to Genji about this agreement and instead only earned Genji's hatred by placing a seal on his hand.


