
Card System In Naruto.

Novel in English, if you read in Spanish, look at my profile where you can read the novel in Spanish!!!. I'm new to writing and this will be the first fan-fic I've ever written and I hope you like it. Synopsis. After the death of our protagonist, he found himself inside a white room, where he was allowed to reincarnate, but he did not want to reincarnate, but due to some inexplicable event he is reincarnated in the Naruto anime, not understanding how it happened. Luckily he got a card system, They offer abilities from different worlds ¿How you face your enemies and what decisions you make in this new life? He will decide whether to change the course of history or stop interfering in the events that marked the anime's history or discover the mysteries of his reincarnation and the problems that may appear for his future. Disclaimer: The photos were found on the internet and I took the liberty of editing them a bit. The original images do not belong to me, as does the content of the original manga, anime, and novels. All belong to their respective creators and owners, I just took ideas from different works to create the skills of the main character and develop a bit of the plot for his fan-fic. ... .. .

Tuyomi · Anime & Comics
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69 Chs

Rasengan training.

Sorry for taking a while to publish a chapter, but I got a bit addicted to some manga and anime that I had pending, I even got inspired by the next novel.

With nothing more to say, thanks for reading this novel: D !!

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Suddenly the door opened and a ninja ran into his house as he yelled angrily.

"Why is all this happening ?!"

The shinobi complained as he released his frustration with his furniture and smashed it to vent his fury.

Sasuke Uchiha thought that everything would improve by becoming a Chunin and having at his disposal some high-level ninjutsus that would help him fulfill his goal of revenge and thus be able to kill his older brother.

But he was completely different from what he thought, as he had been disabled by Gaara who caused a severe injury to his left arm when using the Chidori against Gaara.

Due to his injury, the medical ninjas predicted that his injury was serious and that possibly when Sasuke recovers from his injury it will prevent him from reaching the full potential he had before.

However, his pride did not allow him to stop his training and he tried to train without following hospital instructions at the time he was discharged by Dr. Iris Yamanaka.

When trying to retrain his routine, his ego was so great that when he practiced his Chidori on his hand, he realized that he had lost one of his most powerful jutsu by worsening his condition and injuring his hand in the process.

Sasuke was upset with his situation and more so when he tried to use the Chidori on his hand and it caused intense pain in his hand, then he tried to use his hand to make hand signals and see how it was taken more time to do a jutsu.

Dr. Iris explained that his broken bones and muscle tear have almost healed, but the bone and sand fragments on his arm lodged deep into his bone, which was the cause of his intense pain. by using the chakra in your hand.

* Sound of things breaking * Sasuke kept throwing things around the place. After venting his frustrations with the furniture, he sat down in the only chair left in the room.


Sasuke sighed when he saw that his room was a mess, got up from his chair, and walked over to his family portrait.

The photo was the only thing that reassured Sasuke a bit for a moment, but then his eyes grew cold when he saw Itachi's face that he had crossed out with a red marker.

"If the village of Konoha cannot do anything about my situation, then I will find someone who can repair this wound."

Sasuke began to think of a plan using his rank as Chunin to gather more power in a short time before leaving this village.

His experience with various shinobi opened his eyes and he began to understand things differently.

He had gathered various B and C rank jutsu by becoming a Chunin and thought it would be useful to go to the library to copy everything he had available, before leaving the village and looking for a way to heal his wounds.

As Sasuke thought deeply about his plans, a voice was heard a few meters from Sasuke.

"You seem to have problems, Sasuke."

"How many times do I have to tell you not to come like this, Orochimaru?"

Sasuke turns around to look at a small snake that Orochimaru uses to transmit his voice.

"That hurts a little Sasuke."

Orochimaru tells him as he pretends to be hurt by Sasuke's words, but his voice says otherwise.

"We both know that you won't find a better deal than mine… How long will you continue like this? We both know that I am your only solution to repair your arm and give you the strength you seek…".

Orochimaru's voice was a temptation in itself. Sasuke knew he was right even though deep down in his heart he denied it.

Sasuke had had some interactions with Orochimaru after the attack on Konoha, but as the days passed it became more difficult for him to resist Orochimaru's temptation by giving him what Sasuke wanted the most, Force!

Having interrupted the thoughts for Orochimaru earlier, Sasuke finally makes the decision.

"Looks like I'll have to pack some things and meet up with your group."

"I knew you would take the correct answer, Sasuke-Kun ... In about two weeks a ninja team will help you get out of the village."


The little meeting ended and Sasuke went to his room to put away some things to plan his departure, but he did not forget to search all the jutsu available to him in the library, thanks to his new ninja rank, and wait for the day which Orochimaru pointed out.



On the borders of Konoha. The country of grass was Orochimaru's lair where he relaxed, knowing that his goal had been achieved by convincing Sasuke.

"It only remains to avoid some unforeseen events that may appear."

Orochimaru said having in his hands a letter from one of his associates.

<< You will owe me a favor Orochimaru, but I will agree to work with you again… Some Jounin will be busy for a long time and Monday the 22nd of this month will be the opportunity you are looking for >>.

"Do I owe you a favor? Hahaha, Danzo thinks I'm an idiot, it's obvious that he's planning something ... But it's good that he doesn't know that I'm organizing a team that will get the last Uchiha out of his hands."

Orochimaru put the paper away and motioned for Guren and Kimimaro to come closer.

Guren and Kimimaru remained silent as they awaited their master's new mission.

"In a few days, we will have the opportunity to re-enter the lands of Konoha and bring Sasuke back. I want you to move in with a group of our ninjas and give them the support they need to move Sasuke to our lair."

Orochimaru commanded Guren and then looked at Kimimaru.

"You are the leader of the sound squad and your mission will be to take Sasuke to the borders of Konoha and there Guren will be in charge of moving Sasuke to reach the lair safely."

" "Yes" ".

They both accepted their mission without any problem and left the place to prepare some things for the mission.



Going back to Tsunade's search party.

It had been a week after Genji received the missions and he thought of a practical way to get out of Konoha. It didn't take them long to move to other small towns to find a clue about Tsunade.

Genji, Jiraiya, and Naruto had come to the fourth town to look for clues, but Genji was 90% sure that the next town was where Tsunade would be.

Because he had been looking to the future with his paintings and even found a clue to the casino Tsunade would go to in the future, due to a brochure he found at the lottery booth.

The brochure provided information on some of the most popular cities and tourist spots, but thanks to that brochure Genji found the place to play Tsunade would go to shortly.

He also came up with the idea of ​​getting a lot of money from the machines and lottery tickets of the villages they visited, as he wanted to take advantage of the vision of the future and make some profit for his clan.

Since he was well known to everyone that a clan needs to have a good amount of money to survive and develop.

- If I spent 50 million Ryo on building my house and restaurant, maybe in the following gambling venues I can get my money back or even have some extra Ryo -.

Genji had a small smile on his face as he had his hand on his chin and speculated on ways to get some money with his skill.

He continued walking down the street with Naruto and Jiraiya. The perverted sage stops to see Naruto and Genji.

"Disciples, follow me and contemplate how to obtain information."

Jiraiya tells them after losing his sight for a moment and seeing a woman enter a bar, he continues speaking with a fake cough to get the attention of Naruto and Genji.

"Getting information from the people around you is a valuable ninja skill that every shinobi must learn at least."

Naruto didn't seem to understand Jiraiya much, but he nodded and Genji didn't seem interested in Jiraiya's conversation, so he kept thinking about other things.

Naruto listened carefully to Jiraiya's words. But suddenly a dazzling girl with long black hair appeared, passing a few meters from Jiraiya and winking at him.

The girl who greeted Jiraiya casually, it was obvious that at first glance she was dedicated to providing special services to the male gender.

Jiraiya had some stars in her eyes and started to wiggle her fingers wildly, even the innocent Naruto had to admit that she was very pretty.

"Hehehe, oh yeah, she loves me!"

Jiraiya lost his temper by jumping like crazy and walking quickly towards the bar, but he quickly remembered Naruto and Genji. And he came back to his side while pretending nothing was wrong.

* Cough, cough *, "This is one of the hotel keys, I want you to go train your Rasengan and fall asleep early without waiting for it to arrive."

Jiraiya threw the key at Genji and quickly Jiraiya disappeared from the place to go after the girl who had just entered the bar.

- I have to admit that that girl has a good ass -.

Genji admitted as he walked with Naruto to train the Rasengan.

Naruto and Genji walked the streets to find a quiet and uncrowded place to go back to training.

Naruto held an air balloon in his hands to begin training the last part of the Rasengan.

* Pop *. "Do you think it will work?"

Naruto asks Genji as he throws the balloon that broke to the ground and takes another balloon to continue his training.

"I hope so".

Genji responded with fifteen flower petals attached to various parts of his body and trying to add more petals to his body without losing concentration.

The two of them had learned the Rasengan quite easily, as Genji told him to cheat with his clones, but Genji didn't forget to tell him that he had to learn to use the Rasengan in one hand without the help of the clones of he.

And so Naruto develops better control of his chakra and avoids expending more chakra than he should.

While Naruto was practicing using the Rasengan on one of his hands, Genji was using his body chakra to make the petals adhere to his body and he was using the chakra to make some of the petals move across the body. body of him.

The reason Genji was doing this was mainly that he had already learned Rasengan quite easily, as he had excellent control of his chakra compared to Naruto.

However, the use of Naruto's clones was enough to reach Genji quickly.

"Genji! Genji! I've done it!"

Naruto got up from his place and approached Genji to show the Rasengan in his hand.

Genji stopped using his chakra on the petals and looked at Naruto with a smile.

"That was too fast, although I think it took you a long time to create a one-hand Rasengan ... But, I think you have to work to reduce the time it takes to build a one-hand Rasengan and then use the other hand to create another. Rasengan ".

"I know ... But do you think I can do two Rasengan on both of my hands?"

Naruto had some doubts about how to achieve two Rasengan at the same time in his hands, as it was difficult to have a Rasengan in his hand, and adding another to his hand would be very difficult to control at the same time.

"You should believe in yourself more Naruto, we have been training the Rasengan for a week, I'm sure you will be able to master two Rasengan in your hands in no time if you use the shadow clones ... Maybe, you just need ... ".

Genji was about to say something, but his brain had a new idea.

"I just had a different idea."


"Yes! We will use the same development as the Rasengan, but this time it will be a little different. First, you will create the Rasengan in your hand and use the other hand to repeat the whole process of the Rasengan and you can get used to using your chakra in both hands with the help from your clones ".

Genji expresses it with emotion and kept talking about some things, but Naruto had an expressionless face when hearing terms and things that he did not understand much.

"And if you explain it to me in an easier way, dattebayo."

"Sorry, I'm excited about the idea, but I think you will understand my idea if I explain what you and the clones will do."

Genji told him and asked Naruto to create a shadow clone and try to make a Rasengan on his hand.

Naruto took a minute to create the Rasengan in his right hand and with the Rasengan ready.

Genji told her to hold the water balloon in his hand, then told the shadow clone to try to supply his chakra to the water balloon to make the balloon explode.

Naruto understood all of this and tried to control the Rasengan in his right hand while trying to control the chakra in his left hand with the help of the clone.

The shadow clone's hands moved around the water balloon, helping the balloon to move around a bit and when things seemed to be going well for Naruto and the clone.

* BUUUUUM * The place where Naruto and Genji were was destroyed a bit by Naruto, who concentrated too much on his left hand and lost control of his right hand that was holding the Rasengan.

"I think I focused too much on my left hand, dattebayo."

Naruto said to Genji as he lay on the ground and his appearance was dirty with some parts of his clothes destroyed.

"Do not tell me!".

Genji sarcastically responded to being caught by some tree branches, as he was thrown against a tree and ended up crashing into some branches.

The two friends laughed a bit and continued the training.

- I hope you work this new jutsu -. Genji thought as he placed another petal on his body and tried to make it move through his body.



Meanwhile, in another city not far from Naruto, Jiraiya, and Genji.

"Ok, this is the place."

Said a blonde girl as she stopped in front of a well-known casino in the whole town.

<< Pachinko Casino >>.

"But Tsunade-sama ... This gaming casino is the best known in the city, people will recognize us immediately."

"Don't be a killjoy Shizune."

Tsunade said as he ignored poor Shizune and entered the casino, ready to spend all the money she had.


