
Preliminaries by elimination.

Genji's team prepares for what may come after completing the trial of the scrolls of heaven and earth.

Karin, being one of the participants who lost her team, was placed in one of the available rooms inside the tower, so that she could rest after the difficult test, but Genji advised her to try not to attract attention since he would try to find a way to get a false report that claimed to have a death just like the whole team.

Releasing him from his old village, so that he would not have any problem with the village and the way he would achieve this was through Anko, who requested that if he could gather false information that he will report to the sensei of Karin's team.

Anko considered the important moments that Genji wanted to make and with a bit of trouble reasoning with her, she willingly agreed to cooperate with Genji's plan.

She pulled a few strings behind the scenes, to put together a compelling account of Karin's team's death. The tests were collected and distributed to various reports to achieve a false report that would be delivered to Karin's sensei.

Things went very well with the report given to Karin's sensei, who complained a bit, but was taken care of by Anko without making a scene in the tower. Anko, Genji, and Karin got together to have a discussion that would be important to Karin.

Anko explained to him that everything Genji was doing would harm him if she came to light and proposed to help her have a new home in the village of the leaf and the home that she will lend him her own house that she had in the village.

Anko told her that one of the ways to prevent this from being exposed to the different villages was to allow her to speak to the Hokage about this matter, however when things got a bit complicated for them.

Genji told them to relax for now and for Karin to have a life in Anko's house without going out for a while, while things settled down a bit and that he will take care of making Karin's life easier, while giving her some time when you finish accommodating information, to add it to your clan safely.

In the end, Anko decided to support Karin to rebuild her life and told Genji that the two of them will live together, simply so that Karin would not feel alone, which she thought would be a very good idea, too bad they took advantage of the plan so that their hearts will be reassured by the events that occurred against Genji's body.

The whole plan was in place and Genji's team took a short break so that the last participants had enough time to finish the test.

Genji spent his time in his room while researching everything related to the new abilities that he acquired through the bloodlines of the Uzumaki clan and the Cryomancers race.

"430… 431 * breathe out! *… 431… 432 * breathe in! *… 433… 434… 435". Genji counted the number of push-ups he performed feeling the ability and strength in his body with the enhancement of his Uzumaki bloodline moving through his veins.

The amount of physical energy he obtained was fantastic, for Genji's body, it not only provided him with strength, endurance, stamina, speed, vitality, and chakra.

The improvement was about some cards that would benefit him allowing him to use them for a longer time or even finally develop his Jutsu training, but that would be for the future.

Cryomancers another bloodline that he obtained was pleasing to his senses because he felt better control with the air and water element. Questions appeared in his mind and he had to resort to reading the roll of techniques.

The sweat showed on his gray shirt that he used, for the warm-up, the situation looked very good for him, so at the end of the warm-up he sat on the floor to read the whole roll with the Sub-Zero techniques and be able to train to control your new powers.

He opened the huge scroll and began to read. Genji spent all his time reading the scrolls with the days that he had off. He just went out to eat and chat with his classmates and went back to his room to read the scroll and even created a shadow clone to study the other Uzumaki clan scroll that he had.

The reading was worth the time invested because the scroll described the history of the Cryomancers race and its cycles of learning that he had to go through to master the low temperature.

At the end of the first part of the Sub-Zero cycles, he wanted to start training the skills, but unfortunately, he needed an area that had a low temperature that would strengthen the bond with the ice.

Without being able to do anything about it, he kept the scroll in his deposit and settled next to the shadow clone, to acquire the information regarding the first scroll of the clan.

The Uzumaki clan did know how to shine by learning about sealing techniques. The clone spent some time understanding what the three scrolls he acquired from the system were saying and with the information obtained from the clone, it was an enormous amount of surprise that he discovered.

First, each roll had a red, blue, and purple mark that differentiated them by level. The first mark on the red scroll is considered third-level basic information, where the Genji clone could only read some part of the history of Fuinjutsu or the beginning of the sealed seals so far and that he was not finished yet and he felt dizzy. because of the enormous amount of history that the scroll had.

The clone decided to investigate the other remaining scrolls and began with the Blue one, where when you started reading it was surprising because that scroll put you to the test with everything related to the red scroll, and the first questions were about the history of sealing, signs of hand, types of ink that were used, calligraphy, types of brushes, rituals that were performed about stamping and an enormous amount of questions.

When he finished seeing the first thousand questions, it was surprising how he had a mark written in the last question that told him that when he finished the first test of the blue scroll with a score of 100% the red scroll would unlock the last part of the story, to achieve answer the purple scroll.

It was surprising to find out the wide series of classes he had for the future and finally, he wanted to see the questions on the last purple scroll, only to be surprised that the scroll had only one question and that it talked about the different types of stamps that related to the talismans and that the way forward was by answering one question at a time.

"This was really another wave and I thought that Fuinjutsu was a simple technique to perform, but I am completely overwhelmed to know that this will take me a long time to learn, however it will have its merit to learn it."

Genji scratched his head a bit over the pitiful future that he will have upon learning these seals of Fuinjutsu. Thinking for a bit, he was interrupted the moment there was a light knock on his door.

"Genji, it's time for the last part of the exam, they summoned us on the esplanade, so they could decide what would happen to everyone," Naruto said with a passionate voice.

"What, so fast! Well, how much time did I spend inside the room studying?" He had a stupid face to know that time flew by when reading the scrolls.

Keeping his scrolls away, he left his room and headed along with Naruto and Sakura to the meeting point.

Genji's team lined up with the other participants, as all the sensei from each team were accommodated to watch the next phase of the test and other inspectors of the exam.

"So he has a backup plan in case his apprentice Kabuto dies." Genji thought as he gave a casual glance to the only sensei who looked a bit like Orochimaru and he didn't know how some people couldn't tell him apart, but Orochimaru was one of his concerns for now.

"Congratulations on passing the second part of the Chunin exam and pay close attention because the Hokage will explain the third part of the test, you better listen very carefully," Anko told the group of participants as she looked away from Genji a bit.

The Hokage took a few steps forward so that they could see it better "Before talking about the third exam I would like you to understand something, about the exam itself."

"The tests that passed are the representation of the battle between the allied nations, in other words. The villages that were allies fought for the power of the neighboring nations and were continually fighting each other for power. To avoid the destruction of the Mindless military forces reached an agreement, where they chose their champions from each village, to fight for their countries in a neutral location selected through an agreement. " The Hokage said as he released the smoke from his tobacco pipe.

"The fights grew and it was decided that the tests would be like that, for the Chunin exams. An important part of the Chunin exams was to select shinobi worthy of becoming Chunin, but that is not the whole history of the exams, they also allow having a place of pride within each nation and fight other ninjas by endangering their lives. Many leaders from various nations or countries are invited to attend the exam as guests with the option to work with them. This exam can determine the course of their career as ninja from here. " The Hokage said as he breathed a little air to continue speaking.

"The most important thing about this is that each ruler will observe their battles and take note of the strength that each ninja and village they are developing. This will classify the number of missions that the village will receive, if we have a strong village the requests will be more and On the other hand, if we have a weak village, they will be rejected for the most part. Therefore, the exams are the ones that will determine our position when it comes to dealing with other nations, so it is important to show how much military strength each nation has. " Hokage.

- This answers many questions that I had in my mind, this is practically the reason why many shinobi left their village and were hired by the Daimyo. It was that they had planned to hire them at the time of participating in the Chunin exam and they chose the best. If the Hokage's information is right, this is rubbish because the Daimyo got a lot out of this by having Shinobis with good qualities at their command and at the same time reducing the forces of the village, for the possible war he would cause against them. They simply know how to think of measures that cannot put them in danger and at the same time have power -. Genji pondered in his mind as he thought of the advantages and disadvantages of joining the Daimyo forces.

"To conclude that is all from me and the advisor for the third part of the exam will tell you how the best shinobi will be chosen for the final of the Chunin exam."

The Hokage finished his words and returned to the sensei of the village, allowing one person to take the place of the Hokage, to talk about what would happen next.

"I am Hayate Gekko * Cough! * And I am the advisor for the third part of the Chunin exams * Cough! * * Cough! *. As you can see, * Cough! * It was not expected that there would be more pass participants in the second part, * Cough * * Cough * therefore, individual matches will be held to choose the best shinobi to participate in the final of the Chunin * Cough * * Cough * exam. " He told them when he finished covering his mouth with his hand from the continuous coughing attack that he brings.

"* Cough! * If someone doesn't feel in the best of condition * Cough! * * Cough! * You'd better give up this part of the exam- * Cough! * * Cough! *". He couldn't finish his words by coughing harder.

- Look who says it! -. Most of the participants thought.

He gave the participants a few glances before continuing "Yes, there is no one who wants to withdraw, we can start the preliminaries. As for the rules, there are no rules and they do not exist. You will have to fight until one of you cannot fight, Give up or die. Lastly, I have the ability as a free will sensor when judging encounters * Cough! * * Cough! * * Cough! * * Cough!* * Cough! * ". Hayate ended up with a huge amount of coughing and looked at Anko why he will continue.

"Open the panel," Anko told the staff, to show a black screen that will decide the duels of each participant.

The black screen lit up and shows the names of each participant, but the first fight of the day was finally decided.

Hayate looked at the screen and when choosing the participants, she turned to the group of shinobi, to start the first fight "Very well, those who were chosen advance to the center, to start the first meeting * Cough! *. Sasuke Uchiha from Konoha Village and Botan Misheko from Iwagakure Village have some objection to their combat. "

(The net only, put a name at random, since I am lousy at names).

The two faced each other and denied. Botan is more than ready to fight the Uchiha boy.

"Everyone except these two participants can retreat to the area above, to watch the next battle, please * Cough! *".

The participants retired to the upper level, to see the fight from a better angle. The sensei from each team followed him, but Kakashi said a few words to Sasuke, then went upstairs and stood next to his team.

At this point, Genji looked at Sasuke, but he didn't care how he got the chance to pass the second test and he thought it was something of fate playing.

"Yes, they are ready to start the meeting!".

The two remained without moving and Botan made the first move by throwing some shuriken in Sasuke's direction, but Sasuke faced them by pulling out a kunai and deflecting it aside.

Bottle, seeing that he stopped his shuriken, made a hand signal, to hit the ground "Doton: Dust curtain release". When he finished hitting the ground he caused a curtain of dust to rise over the place, denying Sasuke and the other participants their sight.

This seemed interesting to Genji as he closed his eyes and concentrated on one of the 'feel the touch' cards from him. Sasuke's movements were clumsy from the curse mark, but he seemed to know where Botan would attack and hit him any chance he got.

When he felt the vibrations of the two on the ground, he liked to see how someone could see things through the vibrations that the two caused when running in circles between them, it felt as if blue waves showed the place of the two fightings inside the dust curtain.

Unfortunately, the shinobi Botan lacked experience in mastering his jutsu that he ended up using it quickly.

"Perhaps with practice, he would be able to recreate something akin to Zabuza's technique or he could think of a way for me to learn it." Genji pondered looking at a new technique that has the Earth element.

The dust cleared showing an unconscious Botan on the ground and Sasuke barely managing to place his hands on the ground to keep from falling. Hayate approached Botan's body and deciding that he lost the match.

"I declare this match over, the winner of this round is Sasuke Uchiha."



