
Card System: Danmachi

A listless and cynical man had grown annoyed with life and its lack of excitement. After a series of bad events he decided to become a true shut in for the rest of his life, giving up all his previous hobbies and friends to find respite in the fantasy surrounding him. After a quick trip to the grocery store he suddenly dies and reincarnates into Danmachi. Only to find a life even harder than before... At least he isn't bored this time.

Mahn_IDK · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
15 Chs

15: Quick Draw Pt. 1


--------------LOADING 92% ----------------

 [████████████ ]


'So close.'

It seemed the system was initially slated to finish loading on my 7th birthday but the few points I had earned helped move things along quite a bit. Just 5 points were all it took to cut the timer by a few months. And, at this point, I would take what little I had. It was now nearing my 6th birthday and things had gotten far from better.

From what I could gather, eavesdropping on the adults after dinner, the city's supply chain had been attacked. While many things could be gained from the dungeon food was seldom amongst them. Meaning most food had to be imported. Now, not only was it hard to find a merchant that wasn't robbed or killed, but the prices were much higher as there was little to be sold. Overall, that meant we were relegated to true struggle meals as we tried to wait for the fighting to die out.

On top of that, however, was a strange sense of foreboding. Like something was about to happen and so I was scrounging for a way forward. A kid's body sucked and this was my only hope to defend myself. I couldn't rely on mom or Verda for everything, especially since mom wasn't always here. Plus, Finn and Mari were strong but still falnaless. So, I'd been trying to figure out different ways to earn points separate from killing humans and I'm assuming monsters but, nothing. I hunted rats in the cellar, killed a chicken, and even won a few mock duels against Eren and Dan. Nothing. Not even a pity pop-up.

'Well, I guess not for nothing...'

Looking down I clutched a short sword that looked rather large in my hands. It was rusted and a bit dingy but it fit in my hands better than I thought it would. Mom had apparently "picked it up" during one of her food runs and I now had a real weapon. All that training meant that I was able to fight above my weight class if even slightly. Eren and Dan were now ten or so years old and yet, I was still able to beat them. 

"You know Orio, nothing is going to happen if you just stare at the blade."

Finn's voice cut through my musings as he continued to practice our forms. He was physically much larger now, but not yet a man. Not in my eyes at least. Even at 14 or 15, I wouldn't consider it but, this world did. He and Mari wouldn't have been expected to leave but at least earn money.

"Yeah, I know. Jus' thinking."

"You do that all the time already, this is the time for practice."

"Yeah yeah. You sound a lot like mom now..."

'Actually, shouldn't she be back by now?'


POV, Leana Marcellus:

I took careful steps as I winded through the maze of alleys. Even though the church was known in Daedalus Street, it was truly only our little corner that actually knew us. As such, with my disguise, untrackable route, and secret entrance no one should be able to tell we had as much food as we had.

'Or should I say as little as we have? It isn't nearly enough to feed the children properly.'

But, even the minuscule amount in my pack was worth fighting over at this point. Many of those living in this hellish labyrinth had little to zero vallis in the first place. Now, as the people of Daedalus Street began to starve, they began to turn on their neighbors. Before, we had long warded away many robbers or kidnappers out of respect or what little fear we could instill.

But those barriers were crumbling now. No one cared if we had food, they just needed the money, and desperation had many people eyeing the church. In just the past week we had been attacked at least 5 times. Thankfully, all had occurred with me nearby and none had made it past the front gate.

'One of the many reasons I exit and enter under stealth. No one can tell if I'm inside at any given time.'

However, a new worry had sprung up. More specifically, the few people I was following now. They seemed to be part of a local gang primarily comprised of pallums and demi-humans and I was rightfully cautious. They had attempted to mug a couple of the nuns before and had even tried kidnapping one of the kids years before. But now, I had spotted these two pallums hanging around the church as if they were staking it out. To say I was wary about them was an understatement. Especially now.

I kept to the rooftops as I trailed them from a respectable distance. Following them for over an hour as they tried to shake any tail following them. However, as they turned one final corner, I could see them beginning to slow down before entering a bar. Though, "bar" was a rather kind term for what could only be seen as a house filled with homemade liquor and broken bottles. Taking a few careful leaps to the ground I rolled under a dirty and broken window and attempted to look through the cracks in the glass.

POV, Third Person:

"Anything? Anything at all?"

There, in the middle of the room, sat a rough-looking demi-human clutching a half-empty pint of ale. His head was adorned with a pair of curved horns, reminiscent of a goat or sheep, both perilously close to piercing his eyes. The dirty clothes of a Daedalus gangster were nowhere to be seen.

The pallum on the right spoke up, the braver of the two it seemed, she didn't so much as flinch as she began her report. She even leaned back, arms crossing over her chest.

"Nothing really. We still can't tell when that monster is out of the church. The only real indication is if she is attacked on her way back."

"Damn it! IF we could get the church alone we wouldn't have to worry as we raided it..."

"Yeah, that's probably why she does it."


The demi-human raged slightly as he threw the mug in his hands across the room. The wood of the handle now imprinted with the shape of his fingers. A mug made of glass would've shattered long ago. The smaller pallum woman instinctively huddled to the floor as he raged. The speaker, however, couldn't help but let out an exasperated sigh.

After a few awkward seconds as the man tired himself out she finally spoke, annoyance heavy in her tone. "I still don't understand why that shitty church matters. Sure we lost some of our territory a while ago but, like, whatever. We have a familia now, shouldn't we be focusing on that?"

"It- its a matter of principle Shele-"

Everyone in the room froze as they heard a sudden gasp. Even Leana sat frozen as she stared at the dagger that had stuck itself in her abdomen.

Uh, trying to build a schedule. How do you guys feel about Monday, Wednesday, and hopefully Friday?

Mahn_IDKcreators' thoughts