
Let's make a deal

The card shop fell into an awkward silence, and Alucard shifted his attention to the blonde girl, who appeared puzzled. Stepping closer, he examined Nina's hand, confirming the source of her discontent. True enough, she was facing the unfortunate circumstance of a brick hand.

Nina held two Steel Ogre Grotto #1s, a level 5 normal monster that had 1400 ATK and 1800 DEF, and another level 5 normal monster named Misairuzame, with 1400 ATK and 1600 DEF. However, the catch was she couldn't summon any of them without a tribute monster already on her field. The remaining three cards were two copies of Sword of Deep-Seated which was recently used by her opponent, and Horn of Lights. While both equip spell cards were usable, their effects would only serve to strengthen Annie's Nemuriko currently on the field. The situation was far from ideal.

Alucard chuckled, "Well, at least we now have an example of what a brick hand is. While it's not a true brick hand where you can't play any cards, the ones that you can't only benefit Annie's Nemuriko. In this scenario, all you could really do is pass your turn."

"Nghnnnn, Haaah… I guess so. It's your turn again, Annie," Nina said reluctantly.

"Hehe, you always beat me in rock, paper, scissors, so this time luck is on my side! Since it's my turn, I draw a card!" Annie snickered, her expression resembling that of a certain billionaire card addict.

"I will be doing a tribute summon by tributing my Nemuriko on the field to summon Succubus Knight!" Nemuriko and the Sword of the Deep-Seated it held turned into a swirl of light, heading straight to the grave zone. The Sword of the Deep-Seated then floated from the grave zone, turning into a card before returning to the top of Annie's deck. A stunning woman with six arms, adorned in sleek blue leather gloves, wearing a snug red bodysuit with bat-like undergarments, materialized on the field. Succubus Knight stood proudly, crossing her arms.

Succubus Knight lvl 5 DARK Warrior/Normal ATK 1650 DEF 1300

"Ah, I thought the sword would be kept, and Succubus Knight would wield it…" Annie mumbled. "Well, it went to the top of my deck, so I'll draw it next turn anyway. Then I'll use this Red Medicine I just got to increase my health!" A holographic 3D image of a crystal-clear flask half-filled with vivid red liquid bubbled inside materialized on Annie's spell zone, +500 appeared on top of Annie's head, and her life points increased to 4500.

"Now I go into the battle phase. Succubus Knight, Attack!" Succubus Knight lunged at Nina's field, delivering a punch with her three right arms. Nina flinched, and -1650 appeared on top of her head, reducing her life points to 2350 with the classic ding sound. "I have no more monsters to attack with, so I end my turn."

"Nghh… My turn now. I draw a card!" Nina closed her eyes, afraid she wouldn't pull a usable monster. Her eyes lit up as she saw the card she drew, "F-finally, it's glowing! I can summon this, right?" Nina was ecstatic, showing the card she pulled to everyone without keeping her cards close at hand.

"Wow, that's such a beautiful monster!" Both Jiji and Failer commented.

"You're quite lucky to have drawn an iconic card," Alucard stated.

"She is a pretty lady, but she won't be stronger than Succubus Knight!" said Annie.

"We'll see about that! I summon Harpie Lady in ATK position!" A red-haired female humanoid with blue-ish wings extending from her arms appeared in Nina's field. She had talons for hands and feet, was pale-skinned, slender and curvaceous yet graceful. She wore a light blue, tight-fitting bodysuit that accentuated her figure. Her gaze was sharp and focused yet she had a playful, smug grin on her face.

Harpie Lady lvl 4 WIND Winged Beast ATK 1300 DEF 1400

"Now I shall equip her with a sword! The same one your Nemu-something had!" Nina placed a Sword of Deep-Seated on the field, which Harpie Lady brandished with one hand. "Huh? The other sword is glowing too… Then don't mind if I do! Harpie Lady, equip this one as well!" She placed the other Sword of Deep-Seated in the field, Harpie Lady's power increased exponentially, surpassing that of Succubus Knight.

Harpie Lady lvl 4 WIND Winged Beast ATK 1300 DEF 1400 -> ATK 2300 DEF 2400

"N-no way! With two swords, my Succubus Knight has no chance!" Annie raised her hands in panic.

"Now I go into battle! Harpie Lady, go destroy Succubus Knight!" Nina shouted with excitement. Harpie Lady launched into the air and then dove towards Succubus Knight. She twirled the pair of swords and slashed them towards Succubus Knight, who got cut into pieces before disintegrating into dust. Annie crossed her arms and flinched; -750 appeared on top of her head. Nina ended the battle phase and her turn with a smirk.

Annie gritted her teeth, "Nghh… It's not over yet. My turn, draw! Ahhh… it's the sword from before, I forgot…"

As the two girls were engrossed in their duel, Alucard turned towards Jiji and Failer, who were watching the duel yet fidgeting with their borrowed decks. "While they're busy with their duel, do you kids want to play on the other table as well?" He asked, and both boys nodded, clearly excited to have a match of their own. He then set up the table beside them and reminded them of the rules. The two boys understood quickly as they just watched their two friends' demonstration and battle on how to duel.

While all four kids were soon engrossed in their games, Alucard managed his stockpile of cards. He arranged some cards, ranging from common cards to a few rares, short prints, and super rares to showcase and sell inside the glass countertop. No secret rares, ultra rares, or special alternate art/illustrations yet, as he hasn't pulled any that he would want to sell. All he got was the Secret Illustration art for the Left Leg of the Forbidden One.

Time quickly flew by, turning into the afternoon, just an hour or two before sunset.

"Well, I'm guessing you kids had fun since you've been dueling since morning, but the sun is almost setting. You kids might want to go back home now; after all, this still is the city outskirts and can be quite dangerous after dark," he reminded them.

"Man... that was so much fun! We were able to battle with a lot of cool monsters!" Nina said as she stretched her arms.

"Mhm! It's really fun playing with these cards, sir!" Annie nodded excitedly.

"Hehe, If we could only buy a pack and get some rare cards like those fusion or ritual monsters..." Jiji said in a daze while daydreaming of Hungry Burger.

"Sir, I feel bad that we can't really buy your packs, but thank you for letting us play this game." Failer said in guilt.

"Hmmm, maybe we can make a deal? How about this, as long as you bring me a first-time customer that will buy at least 4 packs, then I'll give the one who brought the customer a pack, just treat it as me doing charity," Alucard offered. He could advertise his store by using the means of the merchant's guild, but he'd have to join them, which he doesn't really want to do, as he just wants to keep it on the down low.

"R-really, sir!? That's great! I'll tell my mama, and we'll open packs together!" Annie happily cheered.

"Yeah! I'll tell my sister too, Annie. Together they will have enough magicoins for many packs!" Nina clapped her hands as well.

"Ugh... What about you, Jiji? I'm not sure with my uncle; he does a lot of quests but hasn't come back home yet..." Failer said worriedly.

"I-I don't know... I can show this store to my dad, but you know him…" Jiji replied.

"Well, you guys think about it, but be careful on the way home." said Alucard as he waved them goodbye. In truth, he couldn't wait to open more packs, so he rushed them outside the store.

As the kids stepped out of the card shop, the fading sunlight cast long shadows on the deserted streets. They found themselves immersed in an animated discussion about whom to bring to the store as potential customers.

Failer, with a worried expression, added, "I hope my uncle comes back soon. He's always out on quests, but he's got a soft spot for cool and rare things. He might be interested."

"At least you have someone you can recommend, I don't think my dad will be interested in those cards, and he's very stingy too." Jiji replied.

"I have an idea for you, Jiji, but it's a bit dangerous, why don't you invite 'her' and her cronies, You know they're pretty rich nobles." Nina said in a hushed tone.

Annie suddenly shrieked, "Hiieeehh! B-but Nina, they're bullies, And they might even pick on Jiji..." she said with worry.

"Although uncle James is stingy, he's still the City's defender. So maybe you can try Nina's idea if your dad won't want to check out the shop with you." added Failer.

"Heh, you need to come with me either way, Failer, we're not sure your uncle will come and check it out with us either way." Jiji replied.

"Fine… maybe we can trick them better, let's think of ways to convincing either. If we're lucky, perhaps my unc- Hey! That's my uncle! Uncle Trell!" Failer pointed and ran towards a man who was standing by a barbecue stall and eating some skewers. The other children ran with him as they approached the man.


After a quest that took 2 weeks to finish, Trell found himself back at the street stalls of Kalamar city. Trell is the captain of a mid-sized adventurer group in Kalamar's adventurer guild. He is a rugged man with auburn hair and fierce brown eyes. He sports a fitted leather armor with a dark-brown cloak draped over him, and an intricately designed sheathed short sword strapped to his waist. Normally, one would assume that this hard-faced man is a warrior specializing in close-combat, but he's actually a seasoned mage who chose the adventurer life due to some personal inclinations. The short sword was just a treasure his group found during the quest, he decided to grab dibs on it since he was interested in its magical carvings.

While in a daze thinking about the origins of the sword, he subconsciously walked towards a barbecue stall he often frequents with friends and his party members. He chuckled lightly at the thought of his legs automatically bringing him to this familiar place. The owner asked if he wanted the usual, Trell shook his head and pointed to the skewers instead, he had wanted to try them before but was always compelled to order rotisserie instead.

As he stood eating in front of the stall, he heard a familiar voice calling out to him, He turned to his back and saw his nephew Failer and his friends running towards him. "Hahaha, Little Fai! Are you and your buddies done playing around? Why don't I treat ya little fellas with some skewers? Owner, four more of these, please!" Trell ruffled Failer's hair as he called out to the owner of the barbeque stall, The kids didn't refuse, as they were quite hungry from playing cards all day.

"Uncle! We found a new shop that sells things called cards! The shop is called Milky's Card shop, cards are really magical and you can play a game summoning monsters with them!" Failer excitedly told Trell about the cards, the monsters they summoned, and the games they played inside the shop, Trell initially was only listening perfunctorily and thought that his nephew and his buddies' imagination was really colorful but when they mentioned that the shop was in the outskirts and that they were summoning monsters for the game, he became quite worried.

Recently, the guild has warned adventurers and clients about traces of a group of smugglers who trade with caged beasts used in underground brawls. The outskirts were one of the more suspicious places due to the fact that a lot of shady individuals who deal with this kind of stuff have been spotted there from time to time, while the city guard barely has manpower to send out to such places due to the recent beast tides.