

Although surprised, Esteban was not stupid, therefore, seeing that a maniac was wreaking havoc nearby, he simply hid in his apartment looking into the distance, he wanted to see who would stop the madman.

Unfortunately, even though he was well hidden and the rock-throwing maniac hadn't really seen him, he suffered a heavy attack. It turns out that among the many projectiles that the maniac launched, one of them hit a gas pipe and caused a massive explosion.

The explosion was in the building next door, which damaged the building where Esteban lived. In fact, the explosion blew up part of the building where Esteban lived and his apartment was one of the unlucky ones.

Despite living on the 4th floor and with falling debris, Esteban was lucky, as the explosion ejected him to the other side of the apartment and thus he was not dragged by the part of the building that collapsed.

He opened his eyes with difficulty, his body was sore, but he only had a few scratches and bruises. Seeing his apartment destroyed and feeling the pain of being hurt, rage invaded him, because he had lost everything.

He now knew what those protesters were demanding every day with their demonstrations, no one was responsible for the damage caused by these maniacs and now he knew that he had been left on the street.

His blood boiled just seeing that rock-throwing maniac was still laughing his head off as he continued his attack. Despite his annoyance, there was nothing he could do and it annoyed him more. He hit what was left of the floor of his apartment with his fist with annoyance and anger, helplessness, and out of nowhere a surprise appeared in front of him.

Out of nowhere, a strange light shone, but for some reason, it didn't blind him in the slightest and after a few seconds a strange letter floated right before his eyes. The strange phenomenon confused him, as he had no idea what the letter was, but at the same time, he felt a strong connection to it.

With some reluctance, Esteban reached out his hand and took the letter. Already in his hand, he began to inspect it. If he had to describe it, it was similar to those cards from role-playing games, and inspecting it closely, he caught 3 critical points on it.

The letter had the image of a pair of revolvers like he had never seen, its barrel was long and rectangular, quite robust, one was white and the other black and they gave a strange sensation. At the top it said "Magnum Ying-Yang" and at the bottom, it said, "Mythical".

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