

It was the year 2030 when some strange ships entered the Earth's atmosphere. Immediately the alarms sounded in all the countries because an alien invasion seemed to start.

As if it were a movie, the aliens attacked and thus the battle began. The humans were at a disadvantage, their weapons didn't seem to work and the technology was much more backward than that of the visitors from space, however, in numbers there is also strength and after many efforts, they managed to defeat the invaders.

The battle produced two big changes for the humans, the first being that by destroying the alien ships, the humans had access to this technology, which caused great technological development in all sectors, taking Earth to new heights.

The second change was strange, but it had to do with the destruction of the alien ships. To date, 20 years after the event, no explanation has been found no matter how much extraterrestrial technology is understood.

Apparently, some of the reactors of the ships when exploding and mixing with the Earth's environment, gave certain people abilities. Change cannot really be guaranteed, as each of these people with abilities was a special case.

In other words, even though the cause was the same, those affected were different. Some had a genetic mutation, others simply acquired the ability as if they had always had it with no apparent change, and many other rare cases. The point is that humanity now has great technology and superhumans.

Unfortunately, as it is in human nature, not everything is rosy, just as organizations and people who defend and protect were born, the dregs of society do not disappear and that is why there are also those who want to fulfill their ambitions regardless of the cost.

Because of this, the Earth is never safe, either by the ambitious who live on it or due to a visit from some from space. The war opened the door to the intergalactic era and although compared to the most advanced civilizations in the universe the Earth is still young and backward, it also has its ways of surviving.

Now, in the year 2050, in an old and dilapidated apartment, a 20-year-old boy finds himself playing on his computer as usual for this time of day, not knowing that from that day on his life would take a turn that not even in his wildest dreams would have imagined.

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