
Card Apprentice Daily Log

Dalton Wyatt, a world-renowned Scientist, and Inventor is transmigrated to the body of a high school student Dalton Wyatt who committed suicide due to unfortunate circumstances and complicated life.  The enchanting world of cards was completely different yet similar to Dr Wyatt's homeworld earth.  Unlike peace full earth where humans fought other humans, This new world was plagued with Dungeons and Monsters people here fought with monsters for the survival of humanity.  Mortal humans were not strong enough to fight these mythical and legendary creatures, thankfully some blessed humans could actively control their souls to manifest soul power and become Card apprentices to fight for the humanities chance at survival.  Card apprentices are people who contract grimoire and use various powerful yet resourceful cards to fight off the monsters and conquer dungeons.  Grimoire provides the card apprentice with abilities like Card creation and Card fusion, most importantly it allows the Card apprentice to display their full potential in a card fight.  Even though this world has the concept of science but it is not focused on electronics and industrialization like back on the earth, here the world has cards for every little thing's eliminating the need for electronics.  This new world is highly focused on grimoire abilities such as Card creation and Card fusion.  Coming to a world where money could buy him strength Dr. Wyatt had to earn money for his survival.  But thanks to his otherworldly information and knowledge, card creation comes easily to Dr. Wyatt compared to other card apprentices.  Dr. Wyatt creates and sells various perfect, powerful, and resourceful cards to earn money and get stronger step by step in this monster-ridden world for his survival.  ... "What did you say? Making good cards is hard? Bah! Card creation is a breeze." "My friend, allow me to enlighten you - there are no 'trash card ingredients,' only incompetent card creationists." [Bloody Veins - G rank, Mortal grade] [Nyon Rope  G rank, Mortal grade] [Common Core - G rank, Mortal grade] Card creation… complete!  [ Card Name - Bloody Rope    Card Type - Item card   Card Rank - E rank, Common grade    Card Rating - 3 stars    Card Durability - (100/100)    Card Effect - The Bloody Rope can bind and incapacitate its target. When in contact with a target's wound, the item effects paralysis and blood drain are triggered.   Additional Effect: Paralysis, Blood Drain] "This can't be real! You've used G-rank mortal grade ingredients, and yet you've managed to craft an E-rank common grade card with full durability and a rating of three stars? This isn't real, I must be dreaming! I couldn't possibly have woken up today - I am still asleep in my bed dreaming."

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Date 21 Mar 2321

Time 16:20

Location Sky Blossom City, Fine Gold Resort, Hot Springs Bathhouse no.02

Seeing Jaya roll on the floor wailing with her hands covering her ears I was flustered, I knew the source of her torment the howling mini Jaya inside the stone but I did not know how to make it stop yet. 

I could see that some of the soul pathways from the stone were connected to Jaya and the mini Jaya was trying to communicate with Jaya using this soul pathway but these soul pathways were not for communication therefore Jaya could not understand what mini Jaya was trying to express instead it led to her agony. 

Mini Jaya did not understand this, being a part of Jaya's will she just wanted to come back to Jaya but the grimoire was blocking her path. 

I could put an end to Jaya's misery but it would require me to cut the connection of the stone with Jaya. It would be the opposite of what she hired me for.

Even though I knew what was happening, why it was happening and how to stop it, I could only sit back and watch it all happen to let nature take its course. 

After 15 minutes mini Jaya was finally done howling and closed her eyes returning to her sleep ending Jaya's misery. 

Jaya who was rolling on the floor unable to withstand the pain seconds ago suddenly got up and glared at me with bloodshot red eyes. 

I understood why she is glaring at me, the first thing taught to her as the Fine Gold heiress is not to show weakness in front of anyone be it loved ones, family, friends etc. What just happened a few seconds ago went totally against that teaching. 

So I know right now Jaya is thinking of hundreds of ways to assert her dominance over me and feel like the one in control here. So, I did not dare to test her patience or provoke her.

 Her eyes were shouting 'come at me if you dare.'

'Fu<k the artificial soul core I will be content if leave from here in one piece.' cursed inwardly and said "I did not see anything" daring to look into Jaya's eyes. < p>

Jaya snorted and asked, "So, can you create the origin card or not?" 

Earlier I was planning to delay the card creation as much as possible to get more info on the artificial soul core but now it was no longer required as I could tell that Jaya herself had no idea what this stone was. 

If she had known about the stone/ artificial soul core, then she would have known the reason for her suffering earlier and stopped it from happening. 

It seems she doesn't even know what this stone is in the first place. Wasting no more time I said, "I can create the origin card and I require, 

E-rank High Wood Wisp x10

Unique grade origin core x1" 

"That's it and nothing else, you barely ordered any ingredients. For the undead summon card earlier you spent 100 million on the ingredients. 

 I want a strong origin card stronger than the undead summons card from earlier, not some sorry excuse of a card as my origin card." Jaya expressed her expectation for the origin card.

"Yes that's it please have your staff bring those ingredients as soon as possible, believe me, your origin card is going to be the best card I have created to date" I assured Jaya. 

Jaya's fate ingredient is her very own artificial soul core, all I have to do is to give it the ability to turn itself into a card and become a part of the grimoire so that the grimoire would not block it from fusing with Jaya. For which I only required those two ingredients. This card creation might be the easiest card I have created to date.

Soon the staff brought in the ingredients. 

[ E-rank High Wood Wisp x10 - 1,000,000$

Unique grade origin core x1- 125,000$

Total - 1,125,000$

Amount paid - on the house]

Jaya repeatedly reminded me more like warned me that I better fail than creating a weak-ass card.

Since the bathhouse was a private bathhouse we decided to carry on with the card creation in the bathhouse instead of going to a card lab. 

Forming a party with Jaya, I borrow her grimoire and place all the ingredients on the card creation page. closing my eyes I concentrate on the creation of the origin card. 

This case of card creation was a special case because here I was not going to move the soul pathways of the ingredients into the origin core instead I would move the soul pathways of the origin core into the stone/soul core giving the soul core the ability to morph into a card. 

But before that, I will strengthen the soul core with 10 High Wood Wisps to enhance mini Jaya. 

After enhancing mini Jaya I give it the ability to morph into an origin card. 

That's it origin card creation complete…

Now that the stone/soul core is the part of the grimoire the stone can share the soul pathways occupied by the grimoire and completely fuse with Jaya.

[Card Name: Viltronian 

 Card Type: Origin Card (active) 

 Card Rank: Unique grade

 Card Ratings: nil

 Card Durability: nil

 Card Effect: user can summon the powers of a Viltronian at will. 

Additional effect - the user gains the physique of a Viltronian(passive)

Cooldown time - none. ]

As I passed the origin card to Jaya, the bathhouse door was kicked in and people dressed in black started to pour into the bathhouse. 

Equipping her new origin card Jaya looked at the entrance of the bathhouse and said, "sister you are here, good... I was just about to test my new origin card."

Time to get serious!

(4/10) this week.

Backlog chapters (0/18).

Taskboard :

1- 200+ weekly power stones!

reward - 1 extra chapter this week

2- 300+ weekly power stones!

reward - 2 extra chapters this week

3- 400+ weekly power stones!

rewards - 4 chapters this week

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