
Card Apprentice Daily Log

Dalton Wyatt, a world-renowned Scientist, and Inventor is transmigrated to the body of a high school student Dalton Wyatt who committed suicide due to unfortunate circumstances and complicated life.  The enchanting world of cards was completely different yet similar to Dr Wyatt's homeworld earth.  Unlike peace full earth where humans fought other humans, This new world was plagued with Dungeons and Monsters people here fought with monsters for the survival of humanity.  Mortal humans were not strong enough to fight these mythical and legendary creatures, thankfully some blessed humans could actively control their souls to manifest soul power and become Card apprentices to fight for the humanities chance at survival.  Card apprentices are people who contract grimoire and use various powerful yet resourceful cards to fight off the monsters and conquer dungeons.  Grimoire provides the card apprentice with abilities like Card creation and Card fusion, most importantly it allows the Card apprentice to display their full potential in a card fight.  Even though this world has the concept of science but it is not focused on electronics and industrialization like back on the earth, here the world has cards for every little thing's eliminating the need for electronics.  This new world is highly focused on grimoire abilities such as Card creation and Card fusion.  Coming to a world where money could buy him strength Dr. Wyatt had to earn money for his survival.  But thanks to his otherworldly information and knowledge, card creation comes easily to Dr. Wyatt compared to other card apprentices.  Dr. Wyatt creates and sells various perfect, powerful, and resourceful cards to earn money and get stronger step by step in this monster-ridden world for his survival.  ... "What did you say? Making good cards is hard? Bah! Card creation is a breeze." "My friend, allow me to enlighten you - there are no 'trash card ingredients,' only incompetent card creationists." [Bloody Veins - G rank, Mortal grade] [Nyon Rope  G rank, Mortal grade] [Common Core - G rank, Mortal grade] Card creation… complete!  [ Card Name - Bloody Rope    Card Type - Item card   Card Rank - E rank, Common grade    Card Rating - 3 stars    Card Durability - (100/100)    Card Effect - The Bloody Rope can bind and incapacitate its target. When in contact with a target's wound, the item effects paralysis and blood drain are triggered.   Additional Effect: Paralysis, Blood Drain] "This can't be real! You've used G-rank mortal grade ingredients, and yet you've managed to craft an E-rank common grade card with full durability and a rating of three stars? This isn't real, I must be dreaming! I couldn't possibly have woken up today - I am still asleep in my bed dreaming."

IGotStones · Games
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2234 Chs

Vehicle Item Card

Date 20 Mar 2321

Time 14:45

Location Sky Blossom city, Guild Association Mall, Barbeque

Eating the last monster leg, I looked at Susan who was sulking for not eating fast enough.

"Remind me not to go out for barbeque with you again, you eat like a hunger ghost incarnation."

"I am doing you a favour, a lady should watch what she eats."

"What did you say to me?!"

"Ahem! Nothing, You know which card has high returns? I am thinking about mass producing these cards to make up for the rest of the money for the E rank ingredients."

Even though I made more than 6 million in this auction it wasn't enough to pay for all the ingredients and copyrights for 50 E rank cards.

"It is obvious, storage trunk and vehicle cards of mortal grade. These cards have a huge market as they are needed by both card apprentices and mortals."

Storage trunk or vehicle, of the two Storage trunk ingredients, were cheaper, all it needed was a working trunk and a mortal core.

But it was harder to create than an E rank card as it is a type of card that can house items within it when it morphs into a card or a trunk.

For the trunk to morph into a card with items in it, it should have all its soul pathway perfectly outlined with no cracks or leaks otherwise it won't morph into a card housing different items.

Due to its difficulties in card creation, this card cost more than the average E rank card. For me, this card was a gold mine, thanks to my Soul Pupils.

As for vehicle cards, they are mortal cards that morph cars into cards, it removes all the disadvantages of owning a car, parking! No need for parking as your car morphed into a card.

This card cost depends on the car used as an ingredient for creating the card. And also because transferring soul pathways of something as huge as a car is very hectic and time-consuming the labour cost on this is very high equal to creating an E rank card even though it's a G rank mortal grade card.

It was obvious which card was perfect for me to mass produce, Storage Trunk.

Storage trunk has various variety like suitcase, briefcase, handbags, school bags, vault etc

But of course the most popular was the Storage trunk because if one has thick skin they can use the storage trunk as all the five mentioned above.

So, I decided on the Storage trunk card for mass production. Creating hundreds of G rank mortal grade cards was nothing for my current mental strength.

"Okay, it settled storage trunk cards! As for ingredients, let's use heavy-duty military-grade trunks, not those cheap trunks."

"Okay, but how many sets of ingredients?"

"Let's start with 100 sets."

"Cough! cough! 100 sets, tell me you are kidding!"

"No, but where are we going to place these 100 trunks?"

"You don't have to worry about that as an associate auction manager I have been allotted a warehouse for my use. I will have them deliver the trunks there."

"I'm... I am thinking about making a car card. Do you want one?"

"No, I don't have enough money to own one right now."

"Okay, when you do, tell me I will create one for you for free. Which car is popular right now?"

"What kind of car are you looking for? SUV, sedan, hunchback, sports, luxury, muscle, truck, convertible, coupe, off-road, which is it?"

"A muscle car! Send me the catalogue, I will choose one."

" I will do you one better, let's go to Guild association garage. I have a friend there, she can hook us up. She is a little passionate about her work so don't mind her when you meet her okay."

"No worries."

Date 20 Mar 2321

Time 14:45

Location Sky Blossom city, Adventure Guild Association, Guild Association Garage, waiting room

"Hi Martha, Wyatt meet Martha. Martha this is Wyatt, my benefactor."

Looking at the tall muscular handsome and hairy woman with the grease-stained uniform and hands in front of me I was speechless. She is passionate about her work I thought.

"Hi Susan, what brings you here? And who is this shorty?" She looked at me as if looking at a love rival.

"Okay listen up you blasphemy of womankind! I am of normal height. It's not my fault that life is unfair to you." Glaring at the gorilla in front of me, I snapped. No man can tolerate being called 'Shorty' by a woman.

"blasphemy of womankind! That's a new one haha, It's decided I will make your skinny @ss my b!tch.!" Martha was enraged but also amused being called blasphemy of womankind! Now that's just creative.

Martha moved to grab me, without cards I was no match for her but I could not bring myself to use cards on a mortal so I backed up.

Thankfully Susan came in front of me, shielding me from the big grease gorilla hands.

"Martha stop it, Wyatt is a friend."

Martha didn't respond to Susan but stopped and taunted me, "shorty! Aren't you a man? hiding behind a woman's back and letting a woman fight your battle, have you no shame?"

"Haha at least I am man enough to get a woman to stand up for me, what about you? No man or woman will willingly stand up for you!"

"Okay, that's it, you... "

"Stop It Both Of You!!" Susan thundered using the voice control card.

My ears buzzed for almost 5seconds.

Looking at me and Martha covering our ears and still muddled, with a devilish smile Susan said " I love using this card, give me a reason to"

Martha snorted at me and turned to Susan and said "Congratulations on becoming an Associate Auction manager."

"Thank you! Tonight dinner at my place."

"Just you and me right"

"Sorry, I invited the whole gang for a celebration."

"What about him?" Asked Martha.

Not waiting for Susan to answer I said "I am not invited…. " Seeing the smile forming on Martha's face I added," She already treated me to a luxury spa package and expensive breakfast."

Martha's eyes widened and she looked at Susan for denial, only to be disappointed as Susan maintained a straight face and said "We came here to buy a car."

Hearing the word car Martha forgot her disappointment and excitedly asked "Is it for you?"

"Aaa... Not for me but him."

"Sorry, we have a minimum height requirement for buying a car here." Said Martha sarcastically.

But I didn't care about her remarks as my eyes were glued to the hoverbike that just passed by the other side of the glass wall of the waiting room.

"I want that!" I said pointing at the hoverbike.

"In your dreams, they are our latest model and not yet out in the market. You could manage to get your hands on one of them if only you knew someone inside."

"Cut the crap, tell me what is it gonna cost me?"

Martha looked at me with a vulgar look which all most made me vomit in disgust. So, I looked at Susan for her help but she shrugged her shoulders in helplessness.

"I will die but not be insulted," I shouted.

Susan and Martha broke into laughter which lasted for few minutes before they finally stopped.

"Martha already has a boyfriend"

"What?! Who is desperate enough to be with her."

"Hey watch it! I am tolerating you because you are with Susan, don't test me!"

"Sorry!" I apologized sincerely as even gorillas have the right to love and be loved.

"That one really, I thought you wanted a muscle car. What happened?"asked Susan

"Muscle car uh! You men and your overcompensation" Said Martha scanning me from head to toe.

I choose to ignore that remark and said "That was before I saw that beauty, it's like love at first sight."

Being an inventor in past life some of my unrequited love was the hovercar and a hover motorcycle. Theoretically, it was possible but experimentally our technology was lacking.

Now that I have finally got a chance to own a hoverbike I could not resist the temptation.

"Hold your horse's lover boy! Remember I told you it's still not in the market!"

"Martha we are not on the best of terms but I want that Motorcycle. Just help me this once I will owe you one"

"You are right we are not on the best of terms but seeing how you are Susan's friend let me give it to you straight, what you just saw was a card ingredient for an E class card recipe of our latest hoverbike.

That ingredient alone will cost you near 350,000$ and if you add other ingredients and card creation labour charges etc it will cost you near 12 million dollars.

Even if you can afford it, it will take a minimum of a week to get you the final card. that is if the card apprentice succeeds in his first try."

"Wait! does that mean, you can get me all the card ingredients and card recipe."

"Yes, are you planning to get outside help for card creation then you have to pay for the copyright but if you create the card yourself for your use then the copyright is free."

We have to pay for copyright when using outside help because the guild wants the customer to choose the guild card apprentices over the freelance Card apprentices but it's okay if the customer himself is going to create the card.

"I will be creating the card myself. how much?"

"If you go with the stock body then it will cost you near 2,150,000$ in total but for the custom body it will cost you from 2,900,000$ to 4,000,000$."

"I will go with the stock body, does it come in black?"

"Stock Black uh! You choose wisely. But you sure you want to take chance with card creation. After all, you are spending a butt load of money."

"Don't worry Martha our Wyatt is a genius when it comes to card creation." Bragged Susan.

"If you say so!" Martha didn't seem to believe Susan's words.