After calming myself down from Elizabeth’s last email, I reasoned that I could handle talking to the pretty little human that caused so much of a ruckus. I couldn’t help wondering, however, what layer that would add to this whole Elizabeth ordeal. That b*tch was now after me, that much was clear, and probably wanted to drag me off as her little plaything. I rubbed my arm, needing to take a deep breath to recover from yet another wave of nausea at the idea of her touch again.
Right after I had just managed to put a lid on my panic, wonderful. Speaking of freakouts, I really needed to go see Mika despite really wanting to avoid that problem. It appeared some things you could shut away for centuries and not think about until it becomes an issue, like a cursed urn. Yet things like this, well, needed to be handled quickly. A cursed urn would be easier to handle than this, though.