
Captured By My Alpha's Family

"I can't be your mate, Alpha Adam. . ." Rita is captured and taken away by the Half Moon Pack and subjected to a life of extreme suffering where she can't make a decision on her own. She is tortured and beaten badly until her mate who is in love with her decides to risk the trust of his family and save her.

Bernice_Longmouth · Urban
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144 Chs

Chapter 57

The first couple to sit down and start judging the werewolves of that village were Alpha Damian and Ruth.

Alpha Damian gave Ruth instructions and said, "look, I am the Alpha and I will be the one to give the orders here. The only thing you would do is to tell me what you feel about the decision and that would be after I have taken it, do not dare interrupt me."

Ruth looked at him all she could see was a bully, for some reason she liked it and nodded her head in agreement. The first case was brought before them.

"What is your name?" Alpha Damian asked with a voice like that of a lion. The person that brought the case was a bit terrified but went on to introduce himself by saying, "my name is john my lord and I present my case to you, my lord."