
Chapter 60 Looking for scolding

Athach also just took a look, then ignored the servant and continued to play with her mobile phone: "This mobile phone has a good configuration and performance. It was a product of Roch Science and Technology Park, and the designer was L."

Aside from the bad taste of pink, this mobile phone configuration was the best, and it was similar to that of her previous life. It was tailored to the needs of the owner.

Athach thought to herself: She doesn't know if Freda was taken away from her previous life's mobile phone. There were many secrets in it. Many important documents of the Simmons group were in it.

If Earl wants to take full control of the Simmons group, he must see these secrets.

She didn't know if Earl could unlock her mobile phone.

Conlin looked at Athach sideways, and saw that she didn't look up, but gave a nasal hum.

Although there was only a nasal voice, Athach somehow felt that Conlin was unhappy, so she looked up at him in disbelief: "What?"