
Chapter 841: Shrek Academy's sensation

Such things have long been commonplace.

With so many beauties, Xu Ran didn't know how many groups of people who had nothing to come up with were violently beaten up.

A group of people who don't have eyesight don't want to think, can someone who can have so many stunning beauties at the same time be a soft persimmon? It's all on the brain of a group of sperms.

But Tiandou City was okay, perhaps it was more knowledgeable. Although they were all surprised by the beauty of Bo Saixi and others, no one dared to come forward to strike up a conversation.

"Master, why is your face so ugly?" Lan Nu'er got up somehow, and looked at Xu Ran with a smile. These days, Lan Nu'er was close to Xu Ran all the time, like a fox.

Toilets, shopping malls, bathrooms... Xu Ran did not secretly clean up her.

Zhou Yu hit Huang Gai, one willing to fight, the other willing to suffer.

Xu Ran naturally knew Lan Nu'er's thoughts, but Xu Ran was also happy to see it.

Anyway, I will give it to them in the future.

As a woman, his mind is attached to a man. He doesn't resist such a woman, but likes it very much.

"What do you mean? It's not because of you, the beauty is causing trouble." Xu Ran said angrily. These days, because of their beauty, she has almost become a peerless scumbag in the mouths of those people.

This makes Xu Ran, who pretends to be a warm man, very upset. He is a big warm man, who doesn't fit in with the word scum.


Listening to Xu Ran's complaint, the women covered their mouths and smiled.

Seeing that a strong man like Xu Ran has such a stubborn side, Xu Ran's image is even more vivid.

Xu Ran before was too perfect, perfect to scare them.

It's too tiring to get along with people who are too perfect.

Although they like Xu Ran, Xu Ran is so good. No matter what they do, they are afraid that Xu Ran will be unhappy.

Now these days, they are relieved one by one.

No matter how powerful Xu Ran is, he is also their man.

Is it possible that Xu Ran can still apply the methods used on the enemy to their hands?

Seeing Xu Ran deflated now, they all couldn't laugh.

With Xu Ran's strength, he could slap those gossips to death. But Xu Ran didn't hurt the innocent, which is enough to see Xu Ran's character.

Although Xu Ran is cold, he never hurts the innocent.

Everyone in this world is restrained, even the gods of the gods are also restrained.

The reason why God does not harm the innocent is because of the constraints of the rules of the God Realm.

Xu Ran is not bound by anyone, and can do anything as he pleases.

In this environment, the evil of human nature can be amplified to the extreme.

But Xu Ran can keep his heart, which makes their love for Xu Ran deeper.

This is a perfect man. Unparalleled in talent, but not arrogant or impetuous.

"What are you laughing at? Isn't it all you provoke? I'm almost being scolded as a peerless scumbag." Xu Ran touched his nose, he was wronged.

When can color and scum be confused?

He's just a little bit lustful, he's never scumbag?

He couldn't wait to call those nonsense people over.

"Puff. It was originally, they were right." Xiao Wu listened to Xu Ran's complaint, smiling from ear to ear. This was the same Xu Ran she had known before. Although his strength became stronger, his heart never changed.

"Where am I? It's just a little bit of color." Xu Ran patted Xiao Wu's hips vigorously. This Nizi is really, and she doesn't know how to help her husband.

Xiao Wu clutched her **** and blushed and stared at Xu Ran.

"Lose is scum. Huh. There are twenty or thirty sisters. When I go back to see Zhuqing and the others, let's see how they clean up you." Xiao Wu looked at Xu Ran with enthusiasm, her eyes rolled, and then she smiled. Said.


"Why don't you go back to ventilate them, Xiao Wu?" Xu Ran whispered beside Xiao Wu.

"I'm not going. This is a punishment for you. See how Zhuqing and the others punish you!" Xiao Wu said with a grin, but Yu Guang looked at Bo Saixi and the others.

Hearing this, Po Saixi's face changed a little in an instant.

These days, Xiao Wu told them that Xu Ran had many women in Tiandou City.

Those people came earlier than them.

At that time, you must have a good relationship with them.

"I'm afraid of a fart, I'm the head of the family, who would dare to punish me?" Xu Ran couldn't help himself. He Xu Ran is definitely not strict with his wife.

But Bo Saixi and others were all sneaking at Xu Ran, as if questioning Xu Ran.

Xu Ran walked into Shrek Academy with a few women.

Xu Ran is now a big celebrity in Shrek Academy.

It is no exaggeration to say that in Shrek Academy, you may not know the Dean of Flanders, but you must know Xu Ran.

Because in the square of Shrek Academy, there is a statue of Xu Ran. People who came and went worshipped Xu Ran. This is not only the students of Shrek Academy, but also many people who rushed over from other places.

Xu Ran has become a peerless powerhouse in the mainland, but Xu Ran is not very young.

Xu Ran is a legendary existence in the entire continent.

Although Xu Ran didn't have much time in Shrek Academy, Xu Ran seemed to have become the core and backbone of Shrek Academy.

"Is this person..."

There were people muttering around constantly, looking at Xu Ran's face, they couldn't believe it.

They are freshmen in Shrek Academy, and they can see Xu Ran's statue every day, but they have never seen Xu Ran himself.

So when Xu Ran stepped into the gate of Shrek Academy, they were all in a daze.

Xu Ran has been away from the college for a long time and rarely comes back, so they dare not think about that.

But there are always people in the crowd who have seen Xu Ran, and seeing a group of stunning beauties behind him, how can they not recognize Xu Ran? Can other people follow so many beautiful women?

"Oh my God! Senior Xu Ran!"

"Senior Xu Ran is back!"

"Hurry up and ask for an autograph!"

A group of bolder people gathered around and looked at Xu Ran excitedly.

The less courageous is looking at Xu Ran from a distance, his eyes full of worship.

"Senior Xu Ran is too awesome, as awesome as the legend. So many stunning beauties are standing next to Senior Xu Ran obediently. They are the new women that Senior Xu Ran hooks up to?"

"What is hooking up? How ugly! Do you still need to hook up other people as Xu Ran's senior?"

"But the goddess of Zhuqing in the college, the goddess of UU reading www.uukanshu.com, the goddess of Rongrong, they are all the confidantes of Xu Ran. Senior Xu Ran is so happy. If I had one tenth of Xu Ran's senior, it would be great. Up."

"One-tenth is very difficult, and one-tenth length can still be achieved."

In less than ten minutes, the news of Xu Ran's return spread throughout the school.

Suddenly, a group of students didn't even go to class and wanted to meet Xu Ran. Even the new teachers who had never seen Xu Ran were excited and crowded around.

Legends of Xu Ran's level, as long as they can see each other, they will be able to blow a blow to others when they turn around.

Bo Saixi and the others did not expect Xu Ran to have such a great magical power, and they couldn't help but slap their tongues when they looked at the people around them.

Xu Ran wanted to sneak in, but when he saw this, he had to take the girls and fly away.