
Chapter 839: Huitiandoucheng

"Master, I didn't confuse others. It was Xiaobai who bullied me, and she scolded me." Lan Nuer said coquettishly, her body softened and she was lying directly on Xu Ran's body.

The small mouth was slightly pursed, and a pair of watery eyes stared at Xu Ran, and water mist appeared in his eyes, which seemed to be very wronged.

Even knowing that Lan Nu'er was pretending, she still couldn't help her heart tightening.

He looked carefully at Lan Nu'er, a short skirt, this silk stocking has made him insightful, he didn't know that there was such stockings before.

Although he had seen all kinds of fishnets in his previous life, this kind of knee-length socks with two or more threads hung from the stockings...It is indeed a superfluous function in terms of function, but it is more **** and charming.

It's no wonder that Xiaobai yelled at Lan Nuer.

This Nima is really unstoppable!

"Huh." Seeing Lan Nu'er lying on Xu Ran so shamelessly, as if he had no bones, Xiao Bai suddenly felt Lan Nu'er pretend.

When in the ocean, she was not inferior to her.

Even if the Devil Whale King of the Deep Sea is aside, Lan Nu'er's strength is also very strong, even if it is a little bit worse than her, it is not much worse.

And Lan Nuer is a deep-sea devil whale, and her future potential is definitely greater than her. After ten or twenty thousand years, she might not be Lan Nuer's opponent.

Such a person, in front of Xu Ran, seemed to have no power to bind a chicken, which immediately made her unhappy.

She also wants to be favored by Xu Ran.

But like Lan Nuer, she can't do it.

"Okay. Don't think I don't know what you think. I'm not the kind of man who has a brain." Xu Ran looked at Lan Nu'er anger. But he blushed when he heard this.

But if Lan Nu'er wants to destroy the harmony of the family, he doesn't mind smashing Lan Nu'er's **** to let her know what the rules are.


Lan Nu'er was startled by Xu Ran's eyes and shrank her neck.

"In the future, you should not instigate the discord, and instigate the relationship between me and Xiaobai."

"Also, don't think that I will help you deal with Xiaobai's race one day. The overall situation of the ocean has been set, and I will not change it." Xu Ran frowned and reminded.

He hadn't noticed it before.

These two were put in the harem, and everything will be found in the future.

"I see, Master." Lan Nuer looked at Xu Ran pitifully.

Originally wanted to punish Lan Nu'er, looking at her like this, she didn't know what to do. Especially when the master shouted, his bones were soft. This Nima voice control welfare.

Or what kind of punishment? ?

Bah, is that punishment? That's a reward!

When they were in Shrek Academy before, Xiao Wu and Zhu Qing were very shy one by one and would not let him in. Now all begged him.

When she went to Tiandou City before, Xiao Wu still complained constantly, thinking that she was a little hen who couldn't lay eggs. Of course Xu Ran would never tell them, he was the one who made trouble so that they could not be pregnant.

Otherwise, he will definitely be beaten up.

"Xu Ran, take care of her. She's almost riding to my face." Xiaobai's beautiful eyes lit up and Lan Nu'er pulled out, lying weakly in Xu Ran's arms. .

Lay down?

Lan Nu'er frowned and looked at Xiao Bai uncomfortably.

It is indeed a servant, and now she has not formally been with Xu Ran. But sooner or later she will capture Xu Ran's heart.

Once a man's heart is caught, she will become the overlord of the harem.

"Xiao Bai, don't be proud. By then, you won't know who the next person will be!" Lan Nu'er is not afraid of Xiao Bai. When he was in the deep sea, Xiao Bai didn't dare to be disrespectful to her, and now he dared to push his nose to his face.

Especially thinking that the demon soul great white shark clan was almost extinct, but after hooking up with Xu Ran, it rose up, even more uncomfortable.

She has the confidence to take back what she has lost.

"I'm proud of what can you do? You are just a slave girl Xu Ran took in." Xiaobai mocked. She had had a real relationship with Xu Ran, and Lan Nuer definitely hadn't.

"You!" Lan Nu'er's eyes were full of anger, and the spirit power surged in her body, as if she was about to do something.

"All right."

"no kidding."

"Don't fight. You are all wrong about the matter just now, so I won't hold anyone accountable. Nothing like this will happen in the future. Otherwise, don't come to me if you are being bullied." Xu Ran said with a cold face.

He was really afraid that his harem was the same as the one raised in Zhen Huan's biography, and that Nima had no idea of ​​running to their room every day. When he went, he just listened to them.

"I see." Seeing Xu Ran really unhappy, Xiao Bai and Lan Nu'er nodded quickly, meaning very well-behaved.

I don't know if they listened to it.

But in the future, this kind of jealousy on the surface will definitely not appear.

"You go and call Lorelai, Buddha, and Xiuxiu. You must be inconvenient to go to the land in a few days. I will help you solve this defect. Now you can't stay out of the water for too long."


Both Xiaobai and Lan Nuer's eyes lit up.

They have been thinking about this problem for a long time.

After a while, the women all sat cross-legged, their bodies glittering with golden light, constantly absorbing the majestic energy that Xu Ran bestowed on them.

"What's the matter? Are you tired?" Po Saixi smiled. Naturally, the quarrel between Xiaobai and Lan Nu'er had long been seen in her eyes. These contradictions of the deep sea spirit beasts have existed for tens of thousands of years, and they cannot be eliminated in a short period of time.

Especially in a short period of time, when the ocean situation is changing, they naturally dislike each other.

"It's better for my family."

Xu Ran hugged Bo Saixi and breathed a sigh of relief.

He was scared, and the two women quarreled, but he was the one who had the most headache. It's not appropriate to help anyone.

After several days of sailing, everyone finally reached the land.

Seeing everything on the land, Posey and the others were shocked.

Development on land is much better than development on the ocean.

Especially all kinds of commerce, UU reading www. Uukanshu.com merchants who come and go sell all kinds of products.

At that moment, they instantly fell in love with life on land.

Compared to land, the ocean is very boring. In Poseidon Island, besides watching the endless sea, there seemed to be nothing else to play.

Soon, the women swept the mall wildly.

After Xu Ran got a top gold soul coin card in his hand, he began to buy all kinds of clothes and decorations.

After staying in Hanhai City for several days, Xu Ran and the others continued on the road to Tiandou City after the fresh energy of the girls passed.

A lot of things happened during this period, and the appearance of the girls was superb, and they caused a sensation in Hanhai City as soon as they appeared. A group of short-eyed people came, and finally they were **** suppressed by Xu Ran. But similar things happen every day.

It is indeed not an exaggeration to say that it is a confidante, but it is a pity that Xu Ran's strength is strong enough to easily suppress everything.