
Chapter 837: Wedding arrangement, headache

A huge ship launched from Pearl Island and headed towards the landing place.

After Pearl Island was slaughtered by Tang San, there were no more people now. Zi Zhenzhu had already made preparations with Xu Ran and Xiao Wu to go to the land.

So she had already explained everything.

On the boat, Xiao Wu rode on Xu Ran's waist, looking at Xu Ran charmingly.

A pair of big long legs wearing white silk stretched out, and the slender legs drew people's imagination.

The short skirt just covered the important part of Xiao Wu, otherwise Xu Ran couldn't help it.

At this time, Xiao Wu hadn't completely emerged from her joy.

"Of course. When we return to Tiandou City, we will hold the wedding and announce it to the world." Xu Ran stroked Xiao Wu's beautiful legs, feeling the warm and soft feeling.

Seeing Xiao Wu's charming look of eagerness to refuse, an evil fire ignited in his heart.

This Nizi knew what he liked, and it was this way to arouse his evil thoughts.

Even though he and Xiao Wu are both old and old, he still has no resistance to Xiao Wu. Especially when Xiao Wu takes the initiative.

Xiao Wu's beauty can be resisted, and Xiao Wu's showy can't be resisted either.


Only Xu Ran could understand Xiao Wu's side.

Even Tang San in the original book is not so lucky.

Tang San is a dead wood, so rigid, in this respect it must be very primitive, without any interest at all.

Even a wife needs to be taught slowly.

Now Xiao Wu was taught by him, even more so than he knew, it was really fascinating to put it into practice, and it made him want to stop.

Isn't there a saying that says so?

Once a woman becomes a gangster, she is much more powerful than a man.

I still remember that when he was on the earth in the previous life, his female tablemate...

"Then how are you going to marry me? Who else? You can't just marry me." Xiao Wu rolled her eyes. She did not intend Xu Ran to marry her alone. This is impossible.

If you marry one by one.

Then Xu Ran might not be enough to marry for a month.

Can't hold a wedding every day, right?

And if you want to finish it all at once, it is impossible for Xu Ran to marry all at once. There are still many women around Xu Ran who have not yet fully determined their relationship. Some people's identities are even more special, and they cannot marry in the door openly.

Although she was very open to Xu Ran stealing food outside, if Xu Ran wanted to marry those women honestly and risk the world, she would definitely stop it.

She would not allow Xu Ran's body to be stained.

Xu Ran is invincible, and his image in the hearts of the world must be perfect.

"I didn't think about it. What do you think?" Xu Ran squeezed Xiao Wu's face.

He is also a little worried, who will he marry in the first round of the wedding? Then the person who married him shouldn't make trouble?

But marrying at once is unrealistic. How can it be possible to have a wedding with more than 20 people at the same time when it is only ten hours a night?

Xu Ran is very powerful and can be very lasting, but lasting does not mean that Xu Ran is fast.

Change a place with a shot?

Normal people in Nima can't do this.

Can't put it in anymore, just pull it out. This Nima will be scrapped sooner or later.

Xu Ran's shot would take at least a few hours.

He was not ordinary men, and he surrendered in three seconds.

"Why didn't you provoke so many people? If this matter is not handled properly, then you will be dissatisfied." Xiao Wu smiled and gave Xu Ran a blank look.

Now Xu Ran has peace in the palace because Xu Ran is able to balance a bowl of water on the whole.

But later.

With marriage and even having children, all kinds of open and secret fights will come out.

And now who can hold a wedding with Xu Ran first, this is undoubtedly very important.

"Then what should I do? I'll leave it to you before the time? You can marry it all at once." Xu Ran pondered, also a little embarrassed. Can Bibi Dong and Qian Renxue get married at once? And Arou...

This really seems to be a tricky question.

Green sister and Gu Yuena are not in a hurry, they can hold another wedding after they go to God Realm.

"Are you asking me to be angry for you? Don't look at them being amiable. They don't fight for anything, but as long as I speak out, they won't let go. Then I'm afraid it will be. I don't know how many people will be offended." Xiao Wu shrank her neck.

She wouldn't do such a thankless thing.

"What should I do? Then I won't get married first."

"No. We have been with you for so long, so you have to give us an explanation. Humph. We came first. We must let them know that we are great later." Xiao Wu pouted.

The women Xu brought back were stronger than the other, and more beautiful than the other, and they couldn't help but feel inferior.

She didn't care, she wanted Xu Ran to marry them first, and then marry others.

Only in this way can she establish her status in the family.

Although Xu Ran said that there is no distinction between wives and concubines, it is impossible to be completely balanced. Otherwise, it would be unfair to their first comers. Things like fairness are relatively speaking.

Fairness on the surface is unfair to those who pay more.

Xiao Wu pulled Xu Ran's ears in dissatisfaction.

The thought of holding a wedding with Xu Ran made her heart very excited.

"Hiss." Xu Ran grabbed Xiao Wu's hand.

At this moment, after listening to Xiao Wu talking so much, he knew how tricky this matter was.

If one can't handle it well, UU reading www.uukanshu.com will definitely be in chaos in the harem.

Especially those who are jealous, he doesn't know what to do when that happens.

Upright officials can hardly break housework, and when they lie down beside him, rubbing his shoulders, he feels softened.

"Hehe. You can follow the order of first come first. Then they should have no objection. Anyway, I must choose it. Otherwise, I will ignore you." Xiao Wu looked at Xu Ran seriously.

Come first, come second, how can you marry Lan'er? How can you show off Tang San?

And he wanted to marry Xiao Wu, Lan'er, Tang Yuehua, Bo Saixi, and Bai Chenxiang at the same time. This would deal a heavy blow to Tang San and let Tang San know why the flowers were so red.

"You can also marry a few of your precious fiancés first, and then pick a few more. And those women of great power, after they marry, they can stabilize the forces of all parties, which is also good for the peace of the mainland. It's not that the family status is high when you get married first. Then I will give you a look? There are several sisters who will definitely be willing to marry you later." Xiao Wu said.

"Let's talk about it then. I just want to have **** with my baby Xiao Wu now." Xu Ran had a headache thinking about these annoying things, so he simply didn't want to think about it. These housework feels more troublesome than going to a fight.

When the wedding is held, who will stand in the front and who will stand in the back? All sorts of rankings are a manifestation of their family status in their hearts, and they will definitely be a fight.

Xu Ran felt tricky and looked at Xiao Wu's coquettish look, and put his arms directly around her waist, pressing her under him.