
Chapter 807: Poseidon, what counts?

Surrounded by golden light around Tang San, his breath was terrifying.

The people on the entire Seagod Island felt the horror of Tang San's aura.

They didn't understand what happened, but thought it was a miracle.

As for Seahorse Douluo, standing aside, he had long been staring blankly.

"Is this Seagod's Nine Tests?" Bo Saixi looked at Tang San in shock, and she faintly felt uneasy.

She knew that Poseidon's nine trials meant that Tang San had the possibility of becoming Poseidon.

"Xu Ran, should I believe you?"

"But, now Tang San has obtained the nine trials of the Sea God."

Posey was panicked.

If Tang San is a bad guy, and he has won the Seagod Nine Trials, what should he do?

Moreover, it is not important to discuss right and wrong now.

Although she didn't understand the deep hatred between Tang San and Xu Ran, she knew that the hatred between Xu Ran and Tang San was irreconcilable.

Tang San was originally a Rakshasa god, with terrifying strength. If he inherited the Seagod and had the dual gods, what should he do? Is Xu Ran dangerous?

Suddenly, Posey's heart suddenly hurt.

If Xu Ran is in danger...

She couldn't imagine that Xu Ran was a genius of Tianzong, and it would be a pity for such a person to die.

At this moment Xu Ran and Lorelai also felt this breath.

"Nine tests of Poseidon?" Lorelai's face changed.

The relationship between her and Bo Saixi is not bad, both of them are outstanding women on Poseidon Island.

She had heard Bossie say before that gold represents God...

Red is the color of the high priest Bossie.

The high priest is already the apex of the power of Seagod Island.

And golden... it can only be...

"How can it be?"

"How could it be so sudden? How could Seagod's Nine Tests be born suddenly? For so many years, no one has ever gotten this test, not even Bo Saixi."

Lorelai said in horror.

"Tang San." Xu Ran murmured, his brows frowned slightly.

He didn't expect Tang San to accidentally hit and bump him and gain the Seagod Inheritance.

"It seems that your main line has not changed too much, it should be yours or yours." Xu Ran said lightly. In the original work, Tang San obtained the gods of Shura and the sea god, but now Tang San has the gods of Rakshasa and sea god.

Moreover, without his hatred with the Seagod, Tang San, who had become a god, would not be able to get the Seagod test again.

Poseidon obviously bears grudges in his heart, knowing the grudge between him and the **** Raksha, and deliberately cultivated enemies for him in this way.

"Poseidon, you **** it!"

Xu Ran's tone was cold.

"Xu Ran, I have obtained the Seagod test." Tang San stood in the air and came to Xu Ran's face. Now he is confident again. If he becomes a sea god, then he will be a double god. Who can be his opponent in the world?

As long as he became the Seagod, he could cruelly abuse Xu Ran, trample Xu Ran under his feet and humiliate him severely.

This time, he was ready.

As the sea god, he will no longer be afraid of Xu Ran.

"So?" Xu Ran said with disdain.

The position of Poseidon was not worth mentioning in his eyes.

Even Zhuqing and the others are first-level gods, so what are the first-level gods?

"If it weren't for you and Seagod's hatred, it would be a bit difficult for me to get the Seagod's inheritance. But, thank you," Tang San said. Seeing Xu Ran's disapproval, he felt angry.

What is Xu Ran's outfit?

From now on, Tang San will start to pretend to be coercive!

"I have to admit, Xu Ran, your Yanfu is good. No matter where you go, you can have a beautiful woman. But this time, you can't take the beautiful woman of Seagod Island." Tang San said, moving towards Luo Relai walked.

Lorelai's face changed slightly as she listened to Tang San's words.

She had known the despicable character of Seagod before, but now she naturally didn't have a good impression of Tang San, the Seagod inheritor.

What's more, Tang San was full of evil spirits, his eyes were evil, completely incomparable to Xu Ran's awe-inspiring spirit.

Lorelai was a little scared, reaching out to pinch the corner of Xu Ran's clothes.

Even though she was the guardian of the sacred pillar, she still felt terrified in the face of strong people like Tang San.

"In the future, I will be the sea god, and everything here is under my control. I don't allow you to be with Xu Ran. If you dare to do this, when I become a god, I will slaughter the mermaid clan completely. Little beauty, You can only be with me, understand?"

Tang San said.

He can't be jealous.

But if he can't get their hearts, he wants their bodies.

As long as he becomes the sea god, these beauties of the ocean will be his.

"Despicable." Lorelai's chest undulated. The inheritor of Poseidon, like Poseidon, is not a good thing!

"Despicable? Hehe...I think Xu Ran is even more despicable than me." Tang San stopped saying anything, but looked at Xu Ran jokingly.

"Xu Ran, don't you need to participate in the Poseidon assessment now? I don't know what level of assessment you can get, I'm a little bit looking forward to it." Tang San said with a smile, that's how he humiliated Xu Ran.

He is a gold-level assessment, what would Xu Ran be?

He is already at the top, Xu Ran can't be higher than him!

From now on, Tang San will step Xu Ran under his feet.

"Tang San, what you want is only at my fingertips." Xu Ran said. He was recognized by the Seagod's Heart, which contained the original power of the ocean.

Poseidon is nothing but the **** of the ocean.

"Humph. Hard mouth." Tang San snorted coldly.

He didn't believe Xu Ran was better than him.

From this moment on, he will be invincible.

Two gods, can't they be invincible?

No matter how hard Xu Ran spoke, he couldn't be his opponent.

The blue light condensed, and a beam of light descended from the sky in the light of the sacred pillar of the sea girl. Shrouded in Xu Ran's body.

The blue became white, staying there, no longer changing.

Xu Ran and the Seagod had a bad relationship, naturally it was impossible to get any powerful test.

This is also the humiliation of Seagod to Xu Ran, even if Xu Ran is a genius of Tianzong, in his turf, he can only curl up on one foot.

"Puff. Xu Ran, you are so amazing."

"White, this seems to be the lowest level test."

"Haha. You still have a hard duck mouth. But it's okay. White can always be tested by the Seagod, and won't be expelled from the Seagod Island."

"Xu Ran, compared to me, you are nothing. The era that belonged to you has passed."

Tang San laughed presumptuously.

Lorelai was extremely worried, her beautiful eyes fell on Xu Ran's body. She knew that Xu Ran was very strong, and the reason she was so was because Xu Ran had an antagonism with the Seagod.

"I said that what you want is within reach in my eyes."

Xu Ran said lightly.

The Universe Sea Cover appeared in his hand, which was also the heart of the Seagod, which was the core of the Seagod's Trident.

Poseidon can continuously rotate, but the heart of Poseidon is eternal.

The energy in the Seagod's heart is probably even purer than the so-called Seagod.

Xu Ran's soul power was injected into the heart of the sea god, and the sacred pillar of the sea girl was drawn, and the light bloomed, yellow, purple, black, red, and gold.

Almost for an instant, the golden light flickered.

The breath of the distant and heavy sea enveloped the entire Poseidon Island.

The golden light illuminates the earth.

That kind of aura was even more terrifying than Tang San's momentum.

A golden trident identical to Tang San suddenly appeared on Xu Ran's forehead, but soon, the golden trident mark that represented the top Seagod God Test broke.

"I just disdain it."

"A trivial sea god, like an ant, what's the point?"