
Chapter 795: The deal, Posey was furious

Is Tang San lying to her?

But Tang San is Tang Chen's great-grandson. Tang San hated Xu Ran so much because Xu Ran killed Tang Chen. The hatred was so strong that it couldn't be fake, and Tang San couldn't lie to her.

Bo Saixi looked deeply into Xu Ran's eyes, wanting to see a clue in Xu Ran's eyes.

Xu Ran also looked at Bo Saixi sincerely, with sincere eyes without a trace of impurities.

For a moment, Posey was at a loss. She didn't know who she should believe. Tang San is Tang Chen's great-grandson, and Tang San also possesses the Clear Sky Hammer spirit. Tang San's identity cannot be faked.

It stands to reason that she should believe Tang San.

But hug Xu Ran one night at the latest, Xu Ran gave her the kind of warm feeling that made her fascinated.

So from the bottom of her heart, she also hoped that what Xu Ran said was true, and she didn't believe that Xu Ran was that kind of person.

"I believe you."


Bo Saixi mustered his courage.

"Some people seem to be good people, but they may not be good people. Some people seem to be bad people, but they are not necessarily bad people. The world is reversed. Sometimes, what we see is often an illusion." Xu Ran faintly Said, the corners of his mouth were upturned, and there was a touch of warmth in his heart.

He didn't expect that Posey would really choose to believe him.

Although Posey's tone was still confused and uncertain, in this case, it was already very good.

"You mean, Tang San is lying to me?"

"But Tang San is Tang Chen's great-grandson and his descendant. How could Tang San lie to me?" Bo Saixi listened to Xu Ran's words, some seem to understand, but she could hear Xu Ran's words. It's Tang San.

These days, she has always believed in Tang San.

Tang San and Tang Chen are blood relatives in the same line.

"You know the **** of Raksha."

"Raksha is a first-level god. I know it naturally."

"Hell Raksha, ruthless and unrighteous, are you sure what a Rakshasa said, do you dare to believe it?" Xu Ran's mouth was upturned. He first planted a seed in Bo Saixi's heart, which convinced Bo Saixi. When he took out the video, he would be able to make Tang San completely desperate and put a black pot on his back.

At that time, no matter where it was in this world, Tang San's notoriety would spread.

At that time, there would be no place for Tang San in the world.


Bo Saixi's heart trembled, and the Raksha aura on Tang San sometimes made her feel terrified and frightened. Tang San had a gloomy personality and a gloomy face. Although he would converge a little when facing her, it still made her feel depressed.


She seemed to realize why she felt different when facing Tang San and Xu Ran.

With the cultivation base reaching the level of Tang San and Xu Ran, the aura on the body would be affected by one's own attributes.

Tang San's Raksha, the resentment, anger, and evil spirits on him. Even if Tang San restrained his aura as much as possible, that kind of temperament could not be concealed.

Although Xu Ran also had various terrifying auras on his body, the aura of the Rui Beast on Xu Ran neutralized those auras, and the auspicious beast enveloped Xu Ran's body, making Xu Ran's breath gentle and gentle.

The cultivation base has reached the highest level, and these breaths on their bodies can already seriously affect all the surrounding creatures.

No matter how Tang San struggled.

The aura on his body was evil and dark, Xu Ran was bright and sacred, and at this point, Tang San lost to Xu Ran.

When Tang San chose to become a Rakshasa god, he didn't want to come back.

Perhaps Tang San could have a chance to comeback in strength.

But it is no longer possible in reputation.

Becoming a Rakshasa, the heart is extremely cold, who would believe it?

Xu Ran's breath is noble and peaceful, which is decent at first glance.

"But Tang San doesn't have to lie to me." Bo Saixi no longer knew who to trust at this time. Do you believe in Xu Ran, or Tang San?

Tang San said that he was forced by Xu Ran to become that way!

"Sometimes the truth is just between your thoughts. It depends on who you believe." Xu Ran smiled slightly.

"Are you really the heir of the Seagod?" Bo Saixi asked again.

"I can't answer this question. You will know from now on. This matter is very complicated and has a lot to do with you." Xu Ran said lightly. When Bo Saixi knew what Poseidon was doing, he would spurn everything about Poseidon.

He will expose the despicable behavior of the Sea God in the entire Sea God Island, and make the Sea God's reputation discredited.

"Okay. I can't talk about the rest. Unless you are willing to be my woman, I can tell you." Xu Ran looked at Posey's plump body.

It's so coquettish and full of familiar rhyme, it's really unstoppable.

Rao is that he is already so strong, and he still can't avoid the vulgarity.

"Whether you are the murderer who killed Tang Chen or not, you are still so shameless."

Bo Saixi said in a very embarrassing manner.

She doesn't hate Xu Ran so much now. She is not sure who is the good person and the bad person now. Tang San said that he was forced to become a Rakshasa by Xu Ran, and he became miserable. But Xu Ran said that Tang San was a Rakshasa, which was unbelievable.

It seems that both of them make sense.

However, Xu Ran's squinted eyes and frivolous movements cannot be changed.

Xu Ran is a slumber, no matter how smooth Xu Ran's mouth is, this is for sure!

"A fair lady, a gentleman is so funny."

"And you are all an older leftover girl. If you don't find a good husband sooner, I'm afraid no one will want you in the future." Xu Ran couldn't help joking.

"Humph. Even the older leftover women don't care about you. I have nothing to do with you." Bo Saixi snorted, as Xu Ran said a little embarrassed.

Is she an older leftover girl?

Xu Ran's words were really hurtful.

What a woman cares most is her appearance and age. A woman can't wait for her to be beautiful at the age of eighteen, but Xu Ran actually said that she is an older leftover woman?

Xu Ran is interesting to her, but is this what a girl should say?

It's another piece of wood, and I want to chase girls again!

For a moment, Posesi silently outlined Xu Ran's image in her heart.

"I want you to be my girlfriend. If you are with me, wouldn't it matter?"

"And don't you really want to know about Tang Chen? If you follow me, I can tell a lot about Tang Chen in the future, as well as the cause of Tang Chen's death." Xu Ran smiled.

"You! Shameless!" Bo Saixi trembled angrily, unexpectedly Xu Ran threatened her with these things.

"Of course, you can choose to kiss me, and I will selectively tell you some other things about Tang Chen. For example, where did Tang Chen go and what he is doing in these years..." Xu Ran continued to tempt.

"This..." Posey was silent, somewhat ready to move.

If you just kiss Xu Ran, it doesn't mean that you will be with Xu Ran, and that you can get the news you want.

When Tang San saw Tang Chen, Tang Chen was about to die. Naturally, Tang San knew less about Tang Chen than Xu Ran knew.

"I hope you keep your promise. If you make up something for me, I won't let you go." After Bo Saixi finished speaking, he raised his toes and kissed Xu Ran.